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Hindu mob parade naked Christian kuki women

now you're in a loop
This news is now international - it’s the main headlines in the UK today. Bad happens everywhere - the problem is little Indians like your good self are quick to point and put down others - ignoring the fact that you come from a land that is truly awful - full of incidents like this - and you live in a world of denial.
Accept its without one of the most horrific acts seen even by Indian standards and accept this culture needs to change.
If you live in a world of denial and hide - your brethren will be detested everywhere they go.
Indians are in London like an infestation and are fast becoming the most detested community in the UK - news like this doesn’t help
Folks, this has happened way too often and always Hindutva rape brigade is the main culprit. No doubt, the Hindutva keep attacking minorities because the West turns a blind eye. The Western powers are complicit and empowering an incredibly nasty rape brigade in Hindustan.

All condemnation from Western powers thus far is incredibly soft and pathetic. They are cajoling Modi.
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The western world is complicit in ignoring the rape army of India and the rape population, its complicit in the human rights abuses of Indian women, especially religious minorities and Dalits.
Problem is hindu religious scripts are very old, they have not been updated to say that rape is wrong.

When hindu kid learns one of hinduism must beloved god Krishna used to harass women, he grow up with this mindset.
Krishna was a Dravidian. He was not a Hindu. Brahman Aryans defame him
you got no dignity, mr poop.
you wouldn't know, but do get treatment for your poop fetish

This news is now international - it’s the main headlines in the UK today. Bad happens everywhere - the problem is little Indians like your good self are quick to point and put down others - ignoring the fact that you come from a land that is truly awful - full of incidents like this - and you live in a world of denial.
Accept its without one of the most horrific acts seen even by Indian standards and accept this culture needs to change.
If you live in a world of denial and hide - your brethren will be detested everywhere they go.
Indians are in London like an infestation and are fast becoming the most detested community in the UK - news like this doesn’t help
frustrated Pakistanis like you are just looking for some topic to latch on to. to forget the misery of what is going on in Pakistan. Not just the political embarassment, economic bankruptcy, military collapse but also atrocious kidnap & convert nonsense. Your ilk doesn't have any credibility to discuss culture or civilization
you wouldn't know, but do get treatment for your poop fetish

frustrated Pakistanis like you are just looking for some topic to latch on to. to forget the misery of what is going on in Pakistan. Not just the political embarassment, economic bankruptcy, military collapse but also atrocious kidnap & convert nonsense. Your ilk doesn't have any credibility to discuss culture or civilization

Listen to the words of your own dehati leader. India has been shamed.

Develop some shame in your skeleton body.
you wouldn't know, but do get treatment for your poop fetish

frustrated Pakistanis like you are just looking for some topic to latch on to. to forget the misery of what is going on in Pakistan. Not just the political embarassment, economic bankruptcy, military collapse but also atrocious kidnap & convert nonsense. Your ilk doesn't have any credibility to discuss culture or civilization

Go do yoga and some meditations

YOU …. Barbaric civilisation
Listen to the words of your own dehati leader. India has been shamed.

Develop some shame in your skeleton body.
why, there is some other reaction possible than being ashamed when such things happen? May be you guys don't get ashamed for similar things your military did to Bangladeshis when they were E.Pakistan.
This nasty country called India needs to be ashamed with a hateful leader like Modi. Today women are getting raped and paraded openly on the streets and minorities being beheaded. The nasty Hindutva brigade is still busy defending rape culture.

The whole world is watching. Hindutva is shamelessly defending the henious actions of their brethren. Humanity has died.
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Go do yoga and some meditations

YOU …. Barbaric civilisation
ISIS,Al Qaeda, LeT, jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād, grooming gang encouraging / supporting / enabling, people don't have any credibility to talk civilization. You should stop at barbarism which you guys know something about

How many Pakistanis jumping up and down here reacted to this:

Or this:

ISIS,Al Qaeda, LeT, jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād, grooming gang encouraging / supporting / enabling, people don't have any credibility to talk civilization. You should stop at barbarism which you guys know something about

How many Pakistanis jumping up and down here reacted to this:

Standard India. Need to sort yourselves out sharpish

Your disgusting… That is beyond shameful

Why are you turning this disgraceful incident back on Arabs ?

Hindu culture are so disgusting.
Standard India. Need to sort yourselves out sharpish

Your disgusting… That is beyond shameful

Why are you turning this disgraceful incident back on Arabs ?

Hindu culture are so disgusting.
not Arabs, squarely on you lot that are aping the Arabs. Read and weep
Why aren’t world leaders talking about this country?

That is actually the biggest question of all, especially from the West.

Anglo-Saxon to be precise.

I think they don't have any political interest in India.

Or something else... maybe some kind of apology for colonialization... but Myanmar is an ex-British colony and they screw it badly.
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