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Hindu homes and a temple attacked in Bangladesh again over Facebook post

What goes around comes around. Don't go around crying when others deal with you like how you deal with "kuffars".

Also, the Bible does seem to have the solution for your problems. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
Dw Allah is with us so we have no fear. We especially do not fear kaffirs.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
When will that happen? We already destroyed many of your super powers and defeated all of your crusades. We took more then half of your Byzantine empire and made it Muslim lands. We took your most valuable city Constantinople and made it a Muslim city.
We humiliated you for the last 1400 years unchecked so when are you gonna do what we did to you to us? Islam is already the fastest growing religion with many Christians becoming Muslims every year.
You guys can’t do shit to us as we’re the real followers of Mosses, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be Upon all of Them).
They are citizens of BD. We will all progress together or fall together. It is not about entertaining hindus.... all BD citizen are equal with exactly the same responsibilities and rights.

We must never alienate any section of the nation like india.

Don't beleive in your own propaganda. It could be fatal. Even Western countries give preference to Christians while preaching secularism. Equal rights exists only on paper.
No one cries
It was you who started crying first
And many before you tested our patience and got dealt with.
We’ve always only reacted to aggression but when we react we leave no place to hide for kuffar.
You guys always have excuses to say you don’t follow your bible. Your bible contradicts it self the most.

You don’t follow your own Hindu scriptures but say your a Hindu.
That’s like a Muslim saying their Muslim but don’t follow Quran.

We praise god and pray to god 5 times a day. Ofc people with low iq like you and your kind cannot comprehend why. Its above your mental capacity.

So god has inferiority complex? Why would god ask muslims to scream in loudspeaker 5 times exactly same time in a day?
It is crazy that BDeshis still entertain the Hindus.

BDis have no problem with Bengali hindus. Its the Sanghis that create trouble. Having said that its stupid that some muslims attack homes of innocent people. Police should arrest the culprits and compensation should be paid to the innocent victims.

Sadly on some rare occasion hindu bengali guys are attracted by the sanghi mindset and do acts that disturb communal harmony.
BDis have no problem with Bengali hindus. Its the Sanghis that create trouble. Having said that its stupid that some muslims attack homes of innocent people. Police should arrest the culprits and compensation should be paid to the innocent victims.

Sadly on some rare occasion hindu bengali guys are attracted by the sanghi mindset and do acts that disturb communal harmony.

I am more than 95% sure this was orchestrated by RAW and Sanghis in Bangladesh.

This way they get an excuse for mistreating Muslims in India. This is as clear as day.
I am more than 95% sure this was orchestrated by RAW and Sanghis in Bangladesh.

This way they get an excuse for mistreating Muslims in India. This is as clear as day.

I sincerely believe this too.
The ultimate goal is two-fold.
Create sense of unity among hindu indians which make up the majority of indians. Otherwise Indians have little in common, regionally speaking.

The other aspect is to ruin the reputation of BD and scare away potential investors (who india hope will invest in their country instead). India firmly believes BD could become a threat if it is allowed to become a successful economy. Which would enable a massive BD defence buildup, and would show the succes of a single nation unitary state, further creating disbelief in the present federal Union in india.
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Don't beleive in your own propaganda. It could be fatal. Even Western countries give preference to Christians while preaching secularism. Equal rights exists only on paper.
Whilst that is true one must still strive for it.

It is not propaganda, it is the only way BD being a multi confessional state can progress.
Treating everyone equally before the law is not secularism it is mandated in islam and does not diminish BDs history or its struggle to establishing a muslim sovereignty.
If you truely beleive that then you should first change your constitution to say Islamic Republic of Bangladesh.
Umm..... BD constitution specifically states that Islam is the state religion. It also states it will ensure the right of practice of other religions.

You see even if it did not.... it wont matter, a nation that know who it is and in our case a muslim nation, an identity forged over a millenia does not need a piece of paper. Our ancestors bleed to give BD form, it can not be threatened, Islam is the bedrock of this nation. Religious chauvanism is unnecessary and counter productive.
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Don't beleive in your own propaganda. It could be fatal. Even Western countries give preference to Christians while preaching secularism. Equal rights exists only on paper.
All folks generally should get equal protection regardless of faith and ethnicity. You can't leave a section of the people feeling isolated if you want to move the country forward.

I am glad to see not a single Bangladeshi poster posted crap like they do in Times of India with posts such as " Hindus are just reacting to Muslim provocation."
But why do you have this secular nonsense? Why can't you say that You will be ruled by Sharia?

View attachment 862476

Some may wish to be ruled by Sharia, I do not. That is my personal position because whilst islamic laws are just, muslims are not.

I would rather that rulers can be changed by the people. I would rather that rulers do not rule on the basis of religion because it is just too easy to hide behind religion and claim to rule by the will of god and nullify real and proper opposition.

Again i say this from my personal position. Let rulers be earthly without any divine cover for power always corrupts.

Secularism in many aspects is not so different as we see abuse of it by the french against muslims.

I am not a secularist but I am a democrat. I believe equality of BD citizens and that their franchise can not be exercised unless there is equality.

If BD votes for Sharia then so be it.

You are referring to the 1972 constitution. It has been ammended many times. You need to consult its current form.
Either you beleive in Islam / Sharia or Not? BD should make up her mind.
As the third largest muslim nation in the world that had to fight to establish itself as a muslim nation every step of its way, i am confident that we can see the choices that stands before us with all its nuances and have the self belief to choose our own path.

you need to look at the ammendment... its right there underneath the screenshot you posted.
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