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Hindu Holy Men Behind Terrorist Attacks!!!!


BTW how can he be holy if he goes against the conduct on how to wage war?

1. The things you mentioned

The fact is that hindu extremists are involved in this terrorist attack on a train on Indian land killing all Pakistanis.

Facepalms are not going to change the facts ajay.

saffron terror has always been there in hindu society of India but you guys had been ignoring to acknowledge.

even now when they themselves are confessing the majority supporters of saffron brigade are coming up with excuses.

anyway i know only one thing that hindu indian extremists had killed innocent Pakistanis and i want these hindu terrorists to be sliced
1. The things you mentioned

The fact is that hindu extremists are involved in this terrorist attack on a train on Indian land killing all Pakistanis.

Facepalms are not going to change the facts ajay.

saffron terror has always been there in hindu society of India but you guys had been ignoring to acknowledge.

even now when they themselves are confessing the majority supporters of saffron brigade are coming up with excuses.

anyway i know only one thing that hindu indian extremists had killed innocent Pakistanis and i want these hindu terrorists to be sliced

Tell me something I dont know who you think killed Gandhi? and btw RSS was banned twice in India but there has many much more acts of terror in India by Islamic jihadis compared to saffron terror groups but both are the same evil of the one coin.
If there is an agreement between the members of this forum that the term "Muslim Terrorists" wouldn't be used then the term "Hindu Terrorists" shouldn't be used either. Also terrorists are terrorists.. just like outlaws are outlaws and when they refuse to comply, it doesn't matter which country's rules they turn down.

So let a terrorist be identified as terrorist and that is it. BUT if we find Indian Media is producing maligning news content, I expect Indian Members to absorb when something like that is written about them.
...some points needs focusing....."in November of that year several arrests were made, including that of a serving military officer".

ref:Hindu holy man reveals truth of terror attacks blamed on Muslims - Asia, World - The Independent

Hindu holy man reveals truth of terror attacks blamed on Muslims
By Andrew Buncombe in Delhi

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The attack on the Samjhauta Express in 2007 may not have been the work of Muslim militants

India is being forced to confront disturbing evidence that increasingly suggests a secret Hindu terror network may have been responsible for a wave of deadly attacks previously blamed on radical Muslims.

Information contained in a confession given in court by a Hindu holy man, suggests that he and several others linked to a right-wing Hindu organisation, planned and carried out attacks on a train travelling to Pakistan, a Sufi shrine and a mosque as well as two assaults on Malegaon, a town in southern India with a large Muslim population.

He claimed the attacks were launched in response to the actions of Muslim militants. "I told everybody that we should answer bombs with bombs," 59-year-old Swami Aseemanand, whose real name is Naba Kumar Sarkar, told a magistrate during a closed hearing in Delhi. "I suggested that 80 per cent of the people of Malegaon were Muslims and we should explode the first bomb in Malegaon itself. I also said that during partition, the Nizam of Hyderabad had wanted to go with Pakistan so Hyderabad was also a fair target. Then I said that since Hindus also throng [a Sufi shrine in] Ajmer we should also explode a bomb in Ajmer which would deter the Hindus from going there. I also suggested the Aligarh Muslim University as a target."

Police in India have suspected for some time that Hindus may have been responsible for the attacks carried out between 2006 and 2008, and in November of that year several arrests were made, including that of a serving military officer. But the confession of Swami Aseemanand, obtained by an Indian news magazine, is perhaps the most damning evidence yet that Hindu extremists were responsible. It also suggests those involved were senior members of a religious group that is the parent organisation of India's main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"The evidence is not conclusive but people have to take notice of this," said Bahukutumbi Raman, a former national security adviser and now a leading regional security analyst. "This could aggravate tensions between India's [Hindu and Muslim] communities. It will create problems."
The revelations in Tehelka magazine, bear added significance following the comments of Rahul Gandhi, widely expected to be a future prime minister, in which he said he believed the growth of Hindu extremists presented a greater threat to India than Muslim militants. According to a cable obtained by WikiLeaks, last year Mr Gandhi told the US ambassador to Delhi, Timothy Roemer: "Although there was evidence of some support for Laskar-e-Taiba among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalised Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community."

At the time, Mr Gandhi's comments were strongly condemned by the BJP. But the main opposition party has been pushed on to the back foot by the testimony of Swami Aseemanand, which suggests many of those involved in the bombing plots were members of religious organisations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

The RSS is considered the BJP's ideological parent. This week, the RSS's leader, Mohan Bhagwat, claimed extremists had been forced out. "Elements nurturing extremist views have been asked to leave the organisation," he said. "A majority of the people whom the government has accused... had left voluntarily and a few were told that this extremism will not work here."

Among the incidents initially blamed on Muslim militants was a bomb attack in February 2007 on the Samjhauta Express, travelling between Delhi and Lahore. Of the 68 deaths, most were Pakistani citizens returning home. The attack took place a day before Pakistan's Foreign Minister was due to arrive in India for peace talks.

Swami Aseemanand was arrested in Haridwar last November, having apparently been in hiding for more than two years. In his 42-page confession to the magistrate, he reportedly claimed he had been spurred into action by a series of Muslim attacks on Hindus, in particular the assault on the Akshardham temple in Gujarat 2002 that left at least 29 people dead. "This caused great concern and anger in me," he said.

The attacks under scrutiny

Samjhauta Express

In February 2007, two firebombs exploded on the train commonly known as the 'Friendship Express' which travels across the Indo-Pakistani border. Most of the 68 victims and 50 injured were of Pakistani origin. Three further unexploded suitcase bombs were later found on the train.

Mecca Masjid

An attack on the Mecca Masjid mosque, which is in Hyderabad's old city, left 14 people dead in May 2007 – with five apparently killed by police firing on a furious mob after the incident. Swami Aseemanand apparently said that the site was chosen because the local administrator wanted to be part of Pakistan during partition.


A famous Muslim shrine in the city of Ajmer in Rajasthan, about 350km south-west of Delhi, was targeted by bomb attacks in October later that year. Two people were killed and 17 injured near the scared shrine, which houses the tomb of a 13th-century Sufi saint. Swami Aseemanand said the blast was intended to deter Hindus from going there.


In September 2008, three bomb blasts killed 37 people in the Muslim-majority city of Malegaon, situated about 160 miles north-east of Maharashtra's state capital, Mumbai. Muslims had been attending prayers when the bombs exploded in a sacred burial ground, also injuring more than 125 people.
frankly i don't care what happens in india it's their business but hindus in pakistan should not suffer becuase of this they need be protected at all costs we have a horrible violent mob mentality mindset in pakistan where if something bad happens in india we take our anger out on minorities we make innocent hindus suffer even though they had nothing to do with it like when babri masjid got destroyed many hindu temples were destroyed it should not happen again.
1. The things you mentioned

The fact is that hindu extremists are involved in this terrorist attack on a train on Indian land killing all Pakistanis.

Facepalms are not going to change the facts ajay.

saffron terror has always been there in hindu society of India but you guys had been ignoring to acknowledge.

even now when they themselves are confessing the majority supporters of saffron brigade are coming up with excuses.

anyway i know only one thing that hindu indian extremists had killed innocent Pakistanis and i want these hindu terrorists to be sliced

Lemme ask you a simple question:

You want Indians to accept that Hindu society has always been extremist....but never have you accepted the same for Islam where your kind always tries to distance the individual from the religion basing his/her actions on personal motivation....
Dont you think its time you make a stance and stick with it?

India was under no pressure to investigate the Samjhota bombing...let alone scratch at leads that could potentially embarass India....yet we did! Speaks volumes for the level of secularism that exists within our institutions that treat terror as terror and not justify it through the prism of holy war and political rivalry (Kashmir and the terrorism Pakistan has been spreading through its proxies)

So when is Pakistan and its leadership going to start treating terrorism as a common problem and not differentiate between the Hafiz Saeeds and the TTP?
It took Pakistan 10000 of its own citizens and foreigner deaths, assasination of leaders, destruction of property and a WOT to accept that extremism is a major problem in Pakistan....and yet you people try to mask it as an element of foreign occupation and conspiracy...

You want us to see the light, but your own kind is blind as bats!

Just as this "Holy" man confeseed to a his crime, the dogs that you sent to attack us in Mumbai have also confessed to their crimes and implicated several folks in your GOP and PA as implicit in planning 26/11.....so why not introspect and bring them to justice?

If you truly want us to introspect then start by prosecuting the anti-India terrorists your country has been breeding for decades.....at least we didnt need the US to prod us to take steps.....we did it ourselves....
The question is....when will Pakistan be truly against terror (Frankly this WOT is a farce when you consider Pakistan's stance on India centric militancy) which India has boldly done risking its own!
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Frankly speaking I am proud of all my fellow Indians for criticizing the 'Hindu Holy Man'. No disrespect, but most Pakistanis that I have come across these forums have lots of double standards (including some mods).

If the Indian investigative agencies blame Hafiz Sayeed for certain attacks, then it is an Indian propaganda against Pakistanis. Yet, when the same investigative agencies charge a Hindu for a terrorist attack, you guys automatically assume he's guilty. Similarly, if an Indian newspaper prints anything against Pakistan, it becomes 'yellow journalism'. Yet, when a tabloid carries sting operations against Hindus, it is automatically authentic.

I won't blame everyone, Developereo, for example, usually has very balanced viewpoints. I feel most of the other members should follow his example.
well you cannot deny the fact that even indians have double standards.this is not to say that pakistanis are "holy".see this hypocrisy exists in every socitey and yes it dewels in our society as well.i dont know about the members of this forum being hypocritical.all i know is that the indian defence forum does not have many pakistani members.if that is chance.i dont know.as compared with this forum so i think it you should be thankful to the mods.they could very well give you the same treatment that i once got when i joined the indian defence forum.my views were unwelcome to say the least.i know the indians are proud to be tolerant.unfortunately i did not find them to be so.so in my case this is also an example of double standards.i rest my case.
well you cannot deny the fact that even indians have double standards.this is not to say that pakistanis are "holy".see this hypocrisy exists in every socitey and yes it dewels in our society as well.i dont know about the members of this forum being hypocritical.all i know is that the indian defence forum does not have many pakistani members.if that is chance.i dont know.as compared with this forum so i think it you should be thankful to the mods.they could very well give you the same treatment that i once got when i joined the indian defence forum.my views were unwelcome to say the least.i know the indians are proud to be tolerant.unfortunately i did not find them to be so.so in my case this is also an example of double standards.i rest my case.

Hn brother, I don't know what Indian defense forums you joined , but if you go to this one Defence Forum Of India ( hope that's cool to say here?) . the mods are exceptionally tolerant, in fact they apply the rule uniformly.

Now you will get attitudes from Indians there similar to Pakistanis here-- but you will have a larger number of 'civil' Indians in there to have a great discussion of topics. ...

I have wondered why Pakistanis don't come more often to the other side. Indians go where ever.- regardless of the attitudes towards them you should do the same too..
well i think i joined the same forum,they have changed their theme.and i dont know of any other indian defence forums maybe they are there.See brother that is the main difference between us and you people.Whereas as you are comfortable to go anywhere regardless of how you are treated we have some standards that we set for your selves.this is a primary difference between our thinking.the thing that sets us apart as a different nation from you.
I have wondered why Pakistanis don't come more often to the other side. Indians go where ever.- regardless of the attitudes towards them you should do the same too..

Probably just numbers and ratios.
1. The things you mentioned

The fact is that hindu extremists are involved in this terrorist attack on a train on Indian land killing all Pakistanis.

Facepalms are not going to change the facts ajay.

saffron terror has always been there in hindu society of India but you guys had been ignoring to acknowledge.

even now when they themselves are confessing the majority supporters of saffron brigade are coming up with excuses.

anyway i know only one thing that hindu indian extremists had killed innocent Pakistanis and i want these hindu terrorists to be sliced

They do kill Pakistanis.

This should make Indians do something about it. But i don't think it will, since killing some Pakistanis is justified in their minds.

However, the point of false flags is more political than killing x Pakistanis. It is to generate tensions between Indians and Pakistanis so that peace processes can be derailed, or just to keep the two squabbling.

One example was the Godhra train massacre that led to the Gujerate massacre. It was not Muslims that did it, but that is the way it was portrayed. Eventually they found it was an accidental fire on the train. I suspect it was a step further, and probably arson committed by someone like Lt Purohit. The blame falling on Muslims was all too quick in that instance. The massacres were to follow.

But some Indians end up being killed also, so it's not in the interest of the average Indian to back these.
One example was the Godhra train massacre that led to the Gujerate massacre. It was not Muslims that did it, but that is the way it was portrayed. Eventually they found it was an accidental fire on the train.

Source? Honestly, this is the first time I'm hearing something like this.

I suspect it was a step further, and probably arson committed by someone like Lt Purohit. The blame falling on Muslims was all too quick in that instance. The massacres were to follow.

But some Indians end up being killed also, so it's not in the interest of the average Indian to back these.

Oh boy, another conspiracy theory. Any reason for you to think like that? Any proof?

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