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Hindu family ‘tortured’ for getting water from mosque in Rahim Yar Khan

The order is particular but logic behind the order ie "non-believers are impure" is general ..
even without ablution in Islamic way even muslim is considered impure and forbidden to offer pray .... but like alway the idiot is at it again quoting the their ignorance as Islam
No idiot can teach you religion, if they did we won't be seeing so many firkhas of Islam today ..
Those who don't consider all human as equal and created caste system in their dogmas of beliefs wishing to teach us muslim Islam are living in fool's paradise.

For common but have logical Minds: Theological sects in Islam are same as different Political, Law and Justice system of Modern world ....
even without ablution in Islamic way even muslim is considered impure and forbidden to offer pray .... but like alway the idiot is at it again quoting the their ignorance as Islam

Those who don't consider all human as equal and created caste system in their dogmas of beliefs wishing to teach us muslim Islam are living in fool's paradise.

For common but have logical Minds: Theological sects in Islam are same as different Political, Law and Justice system of Modern world ....
Shall I quote what's there and what is not there ? It is childish to give negative ratings when you yourself is a party in the argument ..It's not a rocket science in today's world to study religious scriptures ..The difference between your and my study is you are reading with a tainted glass by imaan and I am a neutral observer ..Don't lecture without knowing..
planted & Raw sponsored events at its full swing now a days...:hitwall:
oh bhai har cheez RAW na nahi karai hoti Bhale community is among lowest caste Hindu communities they face prejudice and biased on religious and and racial ground even by the people of their own religion with high cast background

Additionally this community is scattered in Sindh and Punjab so no political weightage and engage in many odd jobs such as work as peasant, even in begging specially ladies because of their low social status they become easy target.

Take this incident as an example their own political representatives refuse to help them but Muslims get them free from that cruel landlord and a Christian Social worker highlighted the issue to media and Politics circles
The question is where have we learnt this bad habit from? Separate water source for people who don't share your views on religion

Need educating people as places of worship should be all inclusive, welcoming and helpful to all and not to be looked upon as places of hate and to be demolished.
Religious differences doesn't gives us the licence to hate other religions and of different faith people.
Indeed and the best land reform would be to abolish private ownership of land. Make land a Commons that is allocated to people for use as per need but is owned by the people though managed by a responsible people's committee.
That will cause a famine comrade, we need to limit the amount of land a person or company can hold, so that they do not have too much power.
For common but have logical Minds: Theological sects in Islam are same as different Political, Law and Justice system of Modern world
exactly. we have just seen an example of what causes different schools of thought: different interpretation for same ruling. some are strict, some less so. every interpretation results in a school of thought. sects are two major ones, and even they are united in all things except a few ideologies and ways of practice.
Praise be to Allah.

It is forbidden for Muslims to allow any kaafir to enter al-Masjid al-Haraam [in Makkah] and the sacred areas [al-Haram] around it, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Verily, the Mushrikûn (polytheists) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid Al-Harâm (at Makkah) after this year” [al-Tawbah 9:28].

You are comparing Apples vs oranges and should be sent to a rehab asap .

how many of us are familiar with the status of Abraham pbuh among the righteous servants of The All-Wise? A "blue eyed" of Allah swt so much so that mankind has been commanded to follow his way and even he's being reprimanded by Allah swt over withholding a food offer to a pagan when he refused to invoke Allah swt -------.

It goes like this.

Abraham why did you refuse bread to him when I never stopped providing for him all these years even though he didn't believe in Me ?
Rather, it is a British culture that has set up these feudal lords and made it a custom in their area. These nonsensical developments are against Islam and are contrary to the teaching that mercy should be extended to anyone who needs it.
You are comparing Apples vs oranges and should be sent to a rehab asap .

how many of us are familiar with the status of Abraham pbuh among the righteous servants of The All-Wise? A "blue eyed" of Allah swt so much so that mankind has been commanded to follow his way and even he's being reprimanded by Allah swt over withholding a food offer to a pagan when he refused to invoke Allah swt -------.

It goes like this.

Abraham why did you refuse bread to him when I never stopped providing for him all these years even though he didn't believe in Me ?
Ya I have read what you have and far beyond ..I can say one thing for sure that you are innocent and should keep your opinion reserved untill you are good enough for the subject in hand..
There are no landlords in China, and the land is free of tax. And subsidies. The state subsidizes cultivated land of more than 120 billion yuan every year.

The reason Chinese state is so powerful and so is the Indian state v/s their citizens is precisely because of Land Reforms due to which there are no large/big land owners in China/India. Pakistan, on the other hand, has landlords who own thousands of acres of land and command massive vote banks due to which they are able to make and break laws, are able to put people in the parliament/senate/assemblies etc., and are able to ensure that laws against their interests are never passed.
Because there is no incentive to increase productivity, every single collective effort has led to a decline in the yield in the longer term and even famines.

So your concern is about the farmers in such a system not putting in their expected contribution because they will be careless about land not owned by themselves but commonly owned by the larger public and further in some Socialist societies the farmland being worked in a collectivized way - say five farmers working the same land.

I will speak of a solution but let us look at another problem ( other than the one in the OP ) that comes through privately-owned land. In India there are about 60 million court cases pending at various levels of the court system. Many of these pending cases are land disputes and have dragged on for years and many of them involve violence of various kinds between the disputees. Is all this years-long troubles and violence necessary ? If land, whether a farmland or whether under a house or factory, had been removed of private ownership these millions of court cases and their troubles would not have existed in the first place.

Now to the question of missing incentive. Please read this thread of mine which is a proposal for a new socio-economic system where basic human needs are made free ( like in various Socialist / Communist country experiments ) but there is an evolved money system which requires a person to keep contributing to society as designated or as per the person's capability but eliminates economic classification ( rich, middle, poor ) and prevents hoarding of money.

Further, please read this post of mine about how the banking system will work in such a socio-economic system and this post on how agriculture should work in light of recent developments in this field.

Hatred for idol worshipper mushreek kuffar hindu baniya

I agree it should not have happened and the offender should be punished. But a similar thing happened in India where a young Muslim boy went to a Hindu temple to drink water and the follower of a Hindutvadi leader beat up that boy ( vid link ) and then a few days later the beater produced a vid where he said that the Muslim boy had come to the temple with a devious plan and urinated on the idols there. Wah ! And soon posters came up in the temples in that town ( Dasna ) that said that Muslims will no longer be allowed inside the temples. Your thoughts ?
Islam prohabits such acts islam is for humanity muslims are not allwed to become its masters but followers

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