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Hindu Extremists attacks partygoers in India

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harpoon said:
I think every women should bring an AK 47 as dowry to her in laws. First shoot mother in law, then sister in laws and last but not the least shoot the husband and she can happily live thereafter.
What family problems have to do with the men's crime done to women on the roads?and if husband /saas/sis-in-laws etc are cruel to the bride and they are torturing her for not bringing dowry then i'll sure suggest that she kill them before they kill her.its the survival of the fittest world.
very well i was looking at the arms licence law and any one can simply own a gun if authorities are satisfied with the explanation for need fro gun it just need one amendment as recognizing women as endangered ones in the society and thus arms licence can be easily given to females .Rahi baat your mother and ur wife that they keep on fighting and your mother asked for dowry then it tell that you have failed in your duty to insist upon on your parents to oppose the soial ill of dowry and dont demand it.Thats why i say my hubby is an exception.

And my logic is not a dangerous one its sure shot to protecting women from all crimes that they face from males on daily basis.
You taking cheap shots, bringing my family in between. My father, my uncles and many more didn't take any dowry, They are also exception.

My duty, I was talking about self controlled and patient women all over the world with no exception.

Secondly, first get other basic rights. Why do you need gun, if your exceptional husband has the duty to protect you ? Didn't he take vows that he will protect from any danger you may face. ?

You are worse then many posters I don't like as even if they don't accept my POV, then don't get too personal just like you did.

P.S. Next time, don't bring my family.
kyon tumhare ghar par lake milaoon kyastupid:rolleyes:

Auntijee ..when you make claims just back it up with any source. I am particularly is interested in the case of Kerala.

But hai to example perfectly fits you category as you asked for.

An exception rather the norm...but I checked wikipedia it seems he was working for IA when he married Sonia Gandhi.

Isnt taking up job etc and getting financially free not equal to stepping upto the men shoulder by shoulder?

What you said were being done by women in my place from time immemorial..nothing path breaking in it.

movement of self confidence,movement of social freedom.Till 1990 it was unhearde of females living alone and working as far places as south or in west living alone.Dont you see the change?

Earlier there was not enough jobs to go around also. MNCs with their brilliant HR policies wrt to their women employees were also absent.

What family problems have to do with the men's crime done to women on the roads?and if husband /saas/sis-in-laws etc are cruel to the bride and they are torturing her for not bringing dowry then i'll sure suggest that she kill them before they kill her.its the survival of the fittest world.

Why wait..just shoot them....Preemptive strike..Shock & Awe.
this is the mainstream behavior in india.

This is nothing more common behaviour in india you dont even know when women lynched rowdy sheeter on the road in pune.i wonder what will happen to those whipping taliban if they come to india they will be lynched by indian women alive and bodies will be hung from the poles on Wagha atari gates.
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please do not promote propaganda here. only truth..
I have no problem with the video, just the generalization you just made. Remove that line and I will openly support you. No propaganda has been tried.
You taking cheap shots, bringing my family in between. My father, my uncles and many more didn't take any dowry, They are also exception.

My duty, I was talking about self controlled and patient women all over the world with no exception.

Secondly, first get other basic rights. Why do you need gun, if your exceptional husband has the duty to protect you ? Didn't he take vows that he will protect from any danger you may face. ?

You are worse then many posters I don't like as even if they don't accept my POV, then don't get too personal just like you did.

P.S. Next time, don't bring my family.
oh then you should have clarified the exception word in bold like i did.
oh then you should have clarified the exception word in bold like i did.
Its not my fault that you opted to take it as an opportunity to bring my family. My statement was clear, I was talking about general mother in law and daughter in law.

But let it be. I know now.:coffee:
You think these idots who attack helpless women in large groups are defenders of Hinduism and Hindu culture?
No one is Saying they have Done Right... I am Totally against Goons Like Sree RAM Sena who in the name of Hindu Morality Kick Girls & Boys...

Hinduism is a Free Religion which Gives Full Authority for a Women to wear what she Wishes & Even Run Nude if she likes... Hinduism , Buddhism & Jainism is the only religion which doesnt mention any Strict Dress code for men or Women... Women is Given equal permission as Much as Men to Drink , Smoke & all other activities which r said to be immoral for women in other religion ...

But I was Speaking about the Double Standards of India Media which every now & then Blame the whole Hindu Community for the wrong doings of some Idiots ... They dont do similar things with other religion ... Hindus r always selectively Targeted ...

Few weeks back a Muslim Dominated Khap panchayat in UP passed a law which said no women should go in Market , women should not wear Jeans & T-shirts , Village womens should not talk with Village Boys ... Still they didnt mention name of the Community which passed such Outrageous Talibani Law but if they where Hindus the media would have Said it Hindu Talibani Panchayat ...

Thats the Difference i am Angry about ...
this virus is spreading ...we need to do something especially liberal Hindus should do something to prevent it from spreading .. or else we will again fall back into dark ages
First Control the the jehadi extremism which is like a mountain of Problem in front of this Problem almost the Size of Pebble when Compared to it ...

& Offcorse there cant be Liberal Muslims ... as all of them r Liberal with in the Limits of Quran... Stop caring about Hindus ... we are the only people who have saved & help settle the most Persecuted Community Like Jews & Zoroastrians... who wereProsecuted by the West & the central Asians... even by Christians who r the Flag bearers of So called Secularism & Human rights ...

Even the Most of most Hindu Extremist is Far Far Liberal then all of the Above ...
Religious divide cause for recurring attacks in Mangalore

First it was the Sri Ram Sene then the Bajrang Dal and now the Hindu Jagran Vedike. While the Bajrang Dal, which was responsible for the church attacks, took cover under the guise of conversions in Mangalore, the other two outfits have donned the role of moral police and have been responsible for several incidents in and around Mangalore.

Moral policing is not new to Mangalore. While some term it as a publicity stunt, others feel that the influx from the Kerala [ Images ] border and also other states has beaten the image of Mangalore.

Incidents of moral policing have been on the rise since the year 2008. While the moral brigade claims that it needs to be done since the city is losing its culture, there are several who feel that this is nothing but a publicity stunt.

There has always been a religious clash in Mangalore and its surrounding areas since a long time. The same people who have been involved in religious clashes are now playing the role of moral police.

Mangalore has several sensitive areas thanks to an oversensitive border with Kerala. The general complaint has always been that youth from Kasaragod are luring innocent girls and hence the need to moral police has become bigger. The concept called as 'Love Jihad' was also something that was first found in Mangalore and there have been a series of protests due to this.

The Congress complains that all these outfits take umbrage under the Bharatiya Janata Party [ Images ] and the fact that there have been no prosecutions in such cases is an indicator that the government in Karnataka [ Images ] is very soft on them. However, these groups argue that when the Congress was in power they let such incidents go by and this has damaged the social fabric of society.

While the politics and the reasons behind such incidents are beyond the understanding of the common man, the fact is that Mangalore has always been in the news.

The first of the incidents dates back to November 2008, when a boy and girl from different communities were roughed up when they were having their food at a hotel in the Balmatta area.

The following month, a college bus was stopped at the Pumpwell circle and all non Hindus on the bus were allegedly beaten up.

Another month later a hotel was attacked for serving beef, and in the same month the infamous pub incident took place in which members of the Sri Ram Sene beat up women.

A month later the daughter of an MLA was threatened when she was found travelling with a youth by the name Shabib. The activists said that she was travelling with a boy from another community. However, this was later argued to be a case of political rivalry.

In the same month a 16-year-old student committed suicide because a mob had threatened and also humiliated her for going out with a boy from another community.

In addition to this, Mangalore and its surrounding areas have also seen violent incidents on the issue of burqa. A college in Buntwal had banned the use of the head scarf and then recently it was the St Aloysious college which imposed a similar rule. These incidents saw some violent protests by Muslim groups.

Mangalore, according to the locals and the police, has had a big religious divide since long. Not only is the divide found in politics or among students' unions, it has also spilt into the mafia as well.

Take the case of Altaf, an accomplice of gangster Chhota Shakeel. He said during investigations that he was trying to target members of the Chhota Rajan gang. Police in Mangalore say that the fight is now between criminals from the Muslim and Hindu community. Around 16 years back the D-Gang was active in Mangalore but with the advent of Ravi Poojary and Chhota Rajan, the D-Gang soon started losing ground.

Another reason that has created this divide in Mangalore is due to the increasing clout of some terror groups in the neighbouring areas. The argument has been that there is an influx from Bhatkal and also Kasargod in Kerala which has led to a lot of illegal activities.

Religious divide cause for recurring attacks in Mangalore - Rediff.com India News

No suprises here muslims started the fight in mangalore like they do everywhere else.
^^^ The Hindu Moral Policing is in Response of Love Jehad ... God Kerala has become a Headache for the entire South India... one of my Tamil friend few days said to me that the Saudi funded Jehdis of Kerala have started to Move in Tamil Nadu & Started Radicalizing the peaceful Tamil Muslims living there creating Communal Divide ...

Hindu Respons is Defensive ... if the Extremist of the other Community was Flushed out by the government in Early Stages ... Hindus would not have followed the same Course ... Since the Government is Doing Nothing we have to take it up in our Hands...
@nair exactly and not only hindus but jains (i am jain) ,sikhs also and soon christians also will join

every riot has been started by muslims and somehow we are blamed for acting in self defence.
If somehow calls me a nazi for defending my family and motherland they may do so i dont really care.
it is obvious who think and act like nazis.
Auntijee ..when you make claims just back it up with any source. I am particularly is interested in the case of Kerala.
y just kerala y not whole india and kerala is not the whole india..you will find many single mothers like neena gupta etc.

An exception rather the norm...but I checked wikipedia it seems he was working for IA when he married Sonia Gandhi.

What you said were being done by women in my place from time immemorial..nothing path breaking in it.
India is not just kerala its huge.

Earlier there was not enough jobs to go around also. MNCs with their brilliant HR policies wrt to their women employees were also absent.
even then its difficult to persuade a girl her family member ssy from meerut to allow her and go work in hyderabad or bangalore and stay alone.

Why wait..just shoot them....Preemptive strike..Shock & Awe.
women are more responsible hence can be trusted with their arms a compared to trigger happy irresponsible guys.
@nair exactly and not only hindus but jains (i am jain) ,sikhs also and soon christians also will join

every riot has been started by muslims and somehow we are blamed for acting in self defence.
If somehow calls me a nazi for defending my family and motherland they may do so i dont really care.
it is obvious who think and act like nazis.
Ya the Chriatians r Playing along them in Kerala ... Christains think they will never be the Target...

Main Target of Jehadis is now Hindus ... Once they have done with Us ... Christians be on there Target like what is Happening in Nigeria ...

They should also know this Fact that out of all the Love Jehad Victims Saved by the VHP through Hindu Helpline in kerala... 1200 where Hindus & 340 where Christians...
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