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Hindu Extremist Organisations EXPOSED

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I remember there was a similar thread a few hours ago (which is deleted now), stressing on terror on hindus in Pak. Funny thing is that it was started by some indian dude. When someone brought up terror on christians in india, reaction was leave india to indians.


I want to see a leave pakistan to pakistanis. But thats not going to happen.

Bottom line is, every society has problems and its best to solve your problems before bringing up others.

the difference is that the problems in pakistan are affecting the neighbours while our problem is not affecting pak
the difference is that the problems in pakistan are affecting the neighbours while our problem is not affecting pak

Your problems are affecting human beings, in the long run it does not matter if they are from one part of the world or other.

I want to know what authority you have been granted to speak on behalf of the people suffering in your society while at the same time pointing out similar problems in other societies.
Most Hindus know the truth but dont want to tell it. I will explain the truth about Hindu - Muslim problem in India.
Unfortunately the problem is there and it is real. The reason behind this not due to any dislike of Islam or hatred but due to flaws in Hinduism itself..........

I will try to explain.......As many people know there exists a Caste System in Hindu society. There are about 6000 castes in India. This caste system divide is real and i mean real......All the castes hate each other to tooth.......They eat seperate, dont intermingle, festivals are different, worship different Gods, dont make friends or even enemies and most of all do not intermarry.The 6000 castes can be grouped into 4 divisions:
1. Brahmins - priestly class
2. Kshatriya - warriors
3. Bania - Businessman
4. Sudras - Servants
5. Outcastes - or Dalits (broken people) and Tribals

Now Brahmins are the top of Indias caste System and have remained for the past 4000 years. They are never really from here but were the Invaders from Central Asia known as Aryans. Brahmins are supposed to be a priestly caste but it is something quite unique in Hinduism that this Priestly caste can also indulge in other occupations if they want. So over the history the Brahmins have been politicians, businessmen, criminals, immoral thugs, you name it.....

the point I want to make is that Brahmins control Hinduism and in turn Brahmins control India. Most of the Prime ministers and politicians in India have been Brahmins, same with Businessmen. The Indian Bueurocracy which controls India has 90% brahmins in it......Just understand that entire India is run by Brahmins. They make up about 4-5% of Indias population.

Kshatriya and Banias are also strong but not as influential as Brahmins.

Now coming to Sudras and Dalits/Tribals. Together these 2 compose of about 80% of Indias population. Unfortunately(which is a fact) till this day most of them are discriminated and many times denied even basic human rights. Education is many times a big luxury for people in these castes.

Now it does not go without saying that having such a bulk of population being made slaves and hope that they will not fight back or resent cannot happen.

One of the chief ways in which the Upper caste political parties both BJP and Congress have managed to kept the Hindus together is hatred against Pakistan and Indian Muslims. The Sudras and Dalits unfortunately being illiterate and uneducated come under the propoganda as shown in the video and are influenced to attack Muslims.

So this hatred is just a reason to gain control over the rest of the Hindus and maintain prominence over the caste system........As such among Majority of Hindus there is no hatred for Muslims.


Thank you for your explanation. Let me summarize what i can take from your post.
Hinduism has in fact 6000 castes who in fact hate each other - forget other religions - they in fact hate each other - to the max. The way upper caste parties keep in power is by creating a common enemy and thats Pakistan and Indian muslims - this is your words not mine.
I admire your honesty. I religion that has "hatred" for a person simply because of who they are born to is in my opinion a horrible thought and the mindset of these people says it all. Now for the first time in months i am beginning to see the reason why so many Indians have an uncontrollable urge to have hatred for Pakistan and Indian muslims. If they can simply have hatred for each other - then who are we to expect civil behavior towards us. If this mindset and racist attitude is not addressed then India will always move 2 steps forward and 1 back.
I dont wish to disrespect hinduism - i am merely responding to the post by Bhasinusc.
Thank you for your explanation. Let me summarize what i can take from your post.
Hinduism has in fact 6000 castes who in fact hate each other - forget other religions - they in fact hate each other - to the max. The way upper caste parties keep in power is by creating a common enemy and thats Pakistan and Indian muslims - this is your words not mine.
I admire your honesty. I religion that has "hatred" for a person simply because of who they are born to is in my opinion a horrible thought and the mindset of these people says it all. Now for the first time in months i am beginning to see the reason why so many Indians have an uncontrollable urge to have hatred for Pakistan and Indian muslims. If they can simply have hatred for each other - then who are we to expect civil behavior towards us. If this mindset and racist attitude is not addressed then India will always move 2 steps forward and 1 back.
I dont wish to disrespect hinduism - i am merely responding to the post by Bhasinusc.

don't blindly believe him. he is saying all these things due to some kind of hate toward particular communities. yes caste system is the reason for discrimination in indian society but it does not mean ppl hate each other. also the discrimination is slowly fading away. it is not like what it used to be 50 yrs back. situation has improved a lot now esp in urban areas where most ppl don't care abt caste based things.
don't blindly believe him. he is saying all these things due to some kind of hate toward particular communities. yes caste system is the reason for discrimination in indian society but it does not mean ppl hate each other. also the discrimination is slowly fading away. it is not like what it used to be 50 yrs back. situation has improved a lot now esp in urban areas where most ppl don't care abt caste based things.

Agree. Having "hate" is perhaps the wrong word he used but they are his words. I didnt see any guys coming on and pointing out his theory was inaccurate. However the acceptance that there is discrimination in Indian society due to the caste system must be a concern to you. Im glad with time this hatred or discrimination is being reduced.
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