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Hindu Extremist Arrested For Planting Bomb In Mosque

Thats a good thing that you have accpeted there are Hindu Militants in India.

The part is that when "educated" Indians justify just killings of Muslims by terming payback.

same no evidence applies to all those bombing in India falsely blamed on Muslims.

1. Do you not have crazies everywhere?

2. Evidence has been given and people have been put in jail, your argument without any proof is just daydreaming. .
No, same thing can't be applied on Muslims. Are u naiive how can same logic can be applied on Muslims??? The Police belong to political majority (Muslism) , the rule is Islamic (Islamic parties like Kongress, Mulla-yam, Lalloo etc). Infact only 10% of Muslims are caught, of which only 10% are convicted.

There is clear order from Islamic rulers to leave Muslim criminals. In my City no police can tough Muslim criminals, if he does so, he will be transferred to Naxal affected area. In democracy no one mess with political Majorities..

Your statement is based on politicaly motivated hate for your own Indian Congress party which is run by majority of Indian Hindus and headed by Known Indian Hindu family.

BJP was in govt a number of times and in number of states so blaming congress is nothing but just political opposition by you.

and look at your statement that only 10% Muslims are caught and of which only 10% are convicted :lol: thats 100% conviction.

wish if you arrest 10% Hindu terrorists and convict the 10%

Samjhauta train blast bomber not mastermind has been arrested also now he will face court soon this person was the one who planted the bomb.

Samjhauta train blasts: Key suspect held - thenews.com.pk

Look within you may find the mastermind or just kick the dead body of Bal Thackray to get the answer
Jana please dont abuse dead people and our leaders that was uncalled for really
Your statement is based on politicaly motivated hate for your own Indian Congress party which is run by majority of Indian Hindus and headed by Known Indian Hindu family.

BJP was in govt a number of times and in number of states so blaming congress is nothing but just political opposition by you.

and look at your statement that only 10% Muslims are caught and of which only 10% are convicted :lol: thats 100% conviction.

wish if you arrest 10% Hindu terrorists and convict the 10%

Look within you may find the mastermind or just kick the dead body of Bal Thackray to get the answer

I'm not good at maths but you are worse. How 10 % convicted from 10% accused becomes 100% conviction rate?

In India 100% conviction is impossible even if the accused is guilty..
Rather you should be ashamed to call him your leader...

Lets not get into what people think of the late Bal Thackray let the man rest in peace he is nothing to do with this
HIndu extremist is oxymoron. like Militant Pluralism or Militant Pacifism.
@Andromache Nobody said 2 wrongs make a right and yes there is extremism everywhere but we must take things into context and see why there is terrorism? what causes it? to get to the root of the problem if we start playing the blame game we just go round and round in circles.

Agreed. Thats what i am saying. You must apply the same rule to all. Why in case of only Hindu terrorism
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Your statement is based on politicaly motivated hate for your own Indian Congress party which is run by majority of Indian Hindus and headed by Known Indian Hindu family.

BJP was in govt a number of times and in number of states so blaming congress is nothing but just political opposition by you.

and look at your statement that only 10% Muslims are caught and of which only 10% are convicted :lol: thats 100% conviction.

wish if you arrest 10% Hindu terrorists and convict the 10%

Look within you may find the mastermind or just kick the dead body of Bal Thackray to get the answer

My statements are based on truth, lol! Kongress is not run by Hindu, Its run by a team (Ahmed patel, Salman Khurshid, Sonia Maino, and so on) which has nothing to do with Hinduism.

Are u a Math Major?? If you are you have invented a whole new theory.. Kudos...

Hindus are wrongly frame so there is no point of conviction at all. Once This evil govt goes, peace will prevail in India...
My statements are based on truth, lol! Kongress is not run by Hindu, Its run by a team (Ahmed patel, Salman Khurshid, Sonia Maino, and so on) which has nothing to do with Hinduism.

Are u a Math Major?? If you are you have invented a whole new theory.. Kudos...

Hindus are wrongly frame so there is no point of conviction at all. Once This evil govt goes, peace will prevail in India...

Dude,Let the court decide what is truth and what is not.
My statements are based on truth, lol! Kongress is not run by Hindu, Its run by a team (Ahmed patel, Salman Khurshid, Sonia Maino, and so on) which has nothing to do with Hinduism.

:lol: yeh ahmed patel and salman khurshid just like kalam. filling posts for looking pro is not power.

Are u a Math Major?? If you are you have invented a whole new theory.. Kudos...

am not a math guru but still arresting 10% Muslims and convicting all of them is indeed 100% conviction in this case.

Hindus are wrongly frame [/B]so there is no point of conviction at all. Once This evil govt goes, peace will prevail in India...

Muslims are wrongly framed by India for terrorism by Hindus. This congress govt will go and evil saffornies will prevail in India

Agreed. Thats what i am saying. You must apply the same rule to all. Why in case of only Hindu terrorism

But in what way are we not being fair? is the NIA not doing its job in trying to catch all terror suspects? sure there have been mistakes made but what intelligence agency has not made mistakes nobody is perfect all we can do is learn from it and aim to be better.

Now we should give credit to the authorities that they caught this person and the victims families can see justice being done what more can we do on this case?
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