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Himalayan glacier melting


Jul 17, 2009
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Himalayan glacier melting observed from space
March 27th, 2007

Calculations indicated that 915 km2 of Himalayan glaciers of the test region, Spiti/Lahaul (Himachal Pradesh, India) thinned by an annual average of 0.85 m between 1999 and 2004. The technique is still experimental, but it has been validated in the Alps and could prove highly effective for watching over all the Himalayan glacier systems. However, the procedure for achieving a reliable estimate must overcome a number of sources of error and approximation inherent in satellite-based observations.

The researchers started by retrieving satellite data for two periods, 2000 and 2004. A digital field model was extracted for each of them, representing the topography of a ground reference point in digital form and therefore usable in computerized processing. The earliest topography of the area studied was provided by NASA which observed 80% of the Earth’s surface during the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission of February 2000. Then, in November 2004, two 2.5 m resolution images of the same area taken at two different angles were acquired especially by the French satellite Spot5 in the framework of an ISIS (CNES) project.

Comparison of these two images has helped build a field model, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), by stereoscopic photogrammetric techniques . The DEM model reveals that NASA radar data underestimate values at high altitudes and overestimate them at lower altitudes. And the Spot satellite produces an uncertainty of +/- 25 m in the horizontal positioning of images. Moreover, as the authorities of the major Himalayan countries (India, Pakistan, China) do not permit public access to detailed topographic maps or aerial photographs of these sensitive cross-border regions, no reference is available for satellite observation error assessment and correction. It is therefore by comparing the SRTM and SPOT5 topographies using stable non-glaciated areas around glaciers that researchers have been able to adjust for the deviations and superimpose the two digital field models. These comparisons gave the bases for a map of glacier elevation (and hence thickness) variations for altitude intervals of 100 m over the period 2000-2004.

The results show clear regression of the large glaciers whose terminal tongues reach the lowest levels (about 4000 m) with a thinning of 8 to 10 m below 4400 m. Such loss is 4 to 7 m between 4400 and 5000 m, passing to 2 m above 5000 m. The satellite image evaluation yields an average mass balance of –0.7 to –0.85 m/a water equivalent for the 915 km2 of glaciers surveyed, a total mass loss of 3.9 km3 of water in 5 years. In order to check these results and validate the procedure, the satellite-derived results were compared with the mass balance for the small glacier Chhota Shigri (15 km2) determined from the field measurements and surveys, performed between 2002 and 2004 by the Great Ice research unit and its Indian partners. The mass balance determined from these field data and that calculated from satellite data agree. For both evaluation methods, Chhota Shigri glacier appears to have lost an average of a little over 1 m of ice per year.

These results are in line with global estimates for glacier made for the period between 2001 and 2004. The approach is therefore being extended to other areas of the Himalaya in order to gain more information on the still poorly known changes taking place in the region’s glaciers, which are a water resource on which tens of millions of people depend.

Source: Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement
Old article but relevant. My question is what is the GOP planning to do to tackle this problem which will raise its head around 2030. Our rivers can potentially run dry and cause massive loss to agricultural and manufacturing industry. Is there any long term strategy being devised? If our policy planners remain unhinged for a long time, it may be too late to do anything.
India and China is already taking step to save Himalayan glacier.
Look like GOP is busy in FODP meeting....

If no Himalayan glacier then no India,China and Pakistan....
its serious we need to fixed this problem a soon as possible if we want to survive in future......
India and China is already taking step to save Himalayan glacier.
Look like GOP is busy in FODP meeting....

If no Himalayan glacier then no India,China and Pakistan....
its serious we need to fixed this problem a soon as possible if we want to survive in future......

GOP is busy with war. But this is a serious matter. We need to insist on the government to take water conservation seriously. There is need to build more water reservoirs and desalination plants along the coastal areas. Water projects generally take a long time to finish. I am afraid that Pakistan is getting behind on these issues.
Global warming due to emission of greenhouse gas is the main reason behind arctic and Himalayan melting. If China and then India keeps on burning fossil fuel and release exhaust gases to the atmosphere at the rate as those of USA, Europe and Japan, in no time, the entire system of world atmospheric order will break down. As a result, not only arctic and antarctic ice, but also Himalayan and Alps glaciers will keep on melting until a time when there will be no ice left at mountain tops.

I think, a new world economic order is needed where population is forcefully decreased, everybody consumes a minimum, wealth is equally distributed and a minimum quantity of pollution is released to the atmosphere. The present consumption-first order is a recipe for the destruction of the world and all its human habitants.

Well, not a bad prospect then. Let the animals roam this earth freely without the fear of being killed by the non-existent (in)humans.
:coffee:thanks for this attention post but hare is a problem
i think when every man individually do his duty than we can able for survive in the world. this is not essential only for India or china it is also important for global world.:pakistan:
The glaciers are going down. During my visit to Northern Areas recently, I was told by the Tour Guide that most of the glaciers are in China and also that near the border China has a lot of Factories emitting Gases that are causing a lot of problem. In past 10 year 1999-2009 a lot of glaciers melted in Pakistani side.
Flash floods may increase in coming years,” Goswami said. “South Indian floods may be an extreme case … but such rain incidents will increase in coming years because of the impact of climate change on monsoons.

The glacier on the Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain, is retreating. The Zugpspitze was 80 metres thick in 1910, but is now only 45 metres thick. So workers are working hard to keep their glacier alive, using tonnes of loose snow and anti-glare More..shields.

climatologist Anders Lorenzen, who claimed that the Arctic ice caps have shrunk at the alarming rate of 41,000 square miles per year. "In August alone they discovered 44 mad scientist laboratories, three highly classified military compounds, and seven reanimated and very confused cavemen. That's more than twice the number they had found in the previous three decades combined."
this doesnt look good anyway, can anybody provide effective solution with high tech approaches to this crisis soon to be happened??
this will affect the livelihood of 40percent world population!!! perhaps the survivability of populous country as well!!
too bad for the region atleast pak - india & china can aside their silly diferences and take some productive steps as these are common grounds assosiated with the common man. No Himalyas means all gone any way.
Sometime back when due to water shortage concerns Musharraf gov was considering to melt the glaciers. This was to be done by sprinkling carbon particles on the ice, which would increase sunlight absoprtion. I had to shake my head in disbelief that time.
Sometime back when due to water shortage concerns Musharraf gov was considering to melt the glaciers. This was to be done by sprinkling carbon particles on the ice, which would increase sunlight absoprtion. I had to shake my head in disbelief that time.

:taz: These interactions determine the drainage characteristics of mountain glaciers watersheds would essentially antecedent with rivers like Sutlej, Indus and Brahmaputra commencing on the northern mountains, flow to the south deep. Do not depend on direct precipitaion inputs but on direct thermodynamical of the environment of the fluctuations in melting of snow.:pop:
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