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Hilarious introduction of Trump by Modi at Howdi

May 20, 2011
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I didn't bother to listen to Modi's speech at the "Howdi Toilet" event.
I knew it is not going to add anything to my intelligence.

I am also coming to the point where, Indians are not worthy of the second looks and second thoughts.

A message for "Prianka Chopra" re "second look".

But I ended up listening to the introduction of Trump by Modi in the rally Modi aptly dedicated to his own welcome.
Not by intention, but in the middle of a talk program I was listening.

Man if nothing else works to bring Indians some shame, this introduction is enough for Indians to understand that when you have such "Uneducated" terrorist beast representing you, it is difficult for the world to take you seriously.

The Indians should also say good bye to the "Fear Factor". Modi only brings "Laughter Factor" in to play. After all who would take a circus clown seriously!!!

My "Phamily", people op Indian hertitage. My "Phriend" a "Phriend" of India.
The worst one was " la(d)y and Gentlemen. What!!!
There was only one lady in the crowd!!! Please shot the lady for destroying the good name of ladies around the world.

Modi you Gem............................................
For Pakistan and its causes.
Modi is an idiot. Just see the way he talked, even trump said he was aggressive. Its a shame that modi was war mongering in the US and those indian origin idiots were clapping and cheering.
The translation of that clip needs to be widely circulated to show world what modi says and what khan says.
Did he uttered I introduce you Mr. Donut Tramp.

Yes I heard him saying Lady and Gentlemen.
I thought, he wanted to say Mr. Donaaaaaaaaaaaaaaald "Duck".
What did the elegance and fluent English speaking of our PM accomplish us?

He said two points that will be used against Pakistan and against Muslims worldwide and he will be quoted.

1. Pakistan army trained Al-Qaeda
2. Pakistan army has Al-Qaeda sympathisers after 9/11

The second one is so incriminating. Who are these sympathisers that are so powerful that protected OBL?

The world doesn't really care how you speak but what you speak.

Trump is an idiot and he speaks like one and is a target of comedic shows but what he speaks affects lives of people and it's taken seriously.

Modi is a nincompoop but what he speaks matter a lot to Kashmiris and we haven't been able to fight for Kashmiris despite Modi being an idiot.

I don't know what's up with Pakistani PMs sabotaging and embarrassing us at world stages and creating problems for Muslims. These incompetent selected people create problems for Muslims.

NAWAZA claimed Pakistan did terrorism in India, IK admits Pakistan army has terrorist links and sympathisers even after 9/11.

I don't know what the hell is going on. This is the same narrative of Manzoor Pashteen btw and he's a traitor.

I can't imagine the morale of army soldiers seeing their leader saying things like this and the whole Pakistan cheering for it because he said in fluent English and with eloquence and arrogance . Abhorrent

You've probably watched the full 54 minutes that he spoke for yes? If you did i'm sure you'll agree he answered a lot of very difficult questions very well. I just think he made these two fumbles when he started freestyling and went off the script. It was clear he knew what to say when questioned about the Uiyghurs, Afghanistan etc. On womens rights, threat of a debt trap, OBL and Al Queda, he didn't prepare properly I feel.

You will never hear even a junior Israeli minister deny or confirm Israel has nuclear weapons, even when challenged on the subject. He was caught out with the Abottabad question and should have been prepped. He certainly should have been wise enough to have a basic defence on the spot.

He messed up with the answer, it doesn't matter that it was sandwiched between some excellent points about the US and their involvement in setting all this up. In context it's not a massive faux pas, but still - I hold him to very high standards. He's the only competent leader of our nation i've seen in my lifetime. I expect better than what the Zardaris and Ganga's of the world do.
yeah i co accidentally pressed the live button on YT and OMG the english of Modi was hilarious even a sweeper in Pakistan can speak in better English then him.

he represent the real India:lol:
yeah i co accidentally pressed the live button on YT and OMG the english of Modi was hilarious even a sweeper in Pakistan can speak in better English then him.

he represent the real India:lol:
So it's not the content but the cover which matters for you ..He represents real India and that is why he is there ,we give value to the content whether it's Oxford wrapped or not..
So it's not the content but the cover which matters for you ..He represents real India and that is why he is there ,we give value to the content whether it's Oxford wrapped or not..
lol hahhah
I got banned for this comment so i don't know man. I'll keep my silence now.

Did you watch assembly speech yesterday? What was said internationally was repeated in parliament

I didn't watch yesterdays speech. Do you have a link?
So it's not the content but the cover which matters for you ..He represents real India and that is why he is there ,we give value to the content whether it's Oxford wrapped or not..
Yes he does represent the real India. A nation full of hateful, lying, murderous hideous looking fascists. And indeed you give value to content. When he talks about breaking nations into two and proudly beats his obese chest about revoking 370 and then a sea of mallus start jumping up and down like rabid dogs the content is clear....a nation whose sole export of any quantity is hindu fascist mobs.
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