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Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

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I wonder what is it like to be a member of a master race? Not THE master race, mind you, but simply A master race.

Clearly, no country is going to debase itself and pay respect to this claimed master race so this claimed master race receives no material benefits from anyone based solely the assertion of superiority. That leave the members of this claimed master race the simple pleasure of being self assured that they are 'superior'. Never mind that at the individual level, each of them in this forum showed no difference in intellect than any member of the supposedly 'inferior' races.
I had addressed this topic previously.

We are discussing COUNTRIES, not INDIVIDUALS.

We can make factual claims about countries due to statistical analysis.

It is absolutely correct to say Iran has an average IQ of 84. Turkey has an average IQ of 90. Taiwan has an average IQ of 104.

No one is making claims about the IQs of individuals from these countries. The IQs of the individuals from these countries are unknown and no claim is being made about these individuals.

In this thread, I have pointed out that real-world events prove these country IQ numbers.

For example, Taiwan's AU Optronics (AUO) owns four critical patents in the manufacture of LCD displays. A US Federal District Court ruled South Korea's LG violated Taiwan AUO's patents. Subsequently, South Korea's Samsung signed a cross-licensing agreement with Taiwan's AUO.

AUO scores patent lawsuit decision over LG Display | Engadget (May 3, 2010)
"LG Display may want to be more careful where it aims those patent lawsuits next time, after a dispute it kicked off with AUO has lead to a finding by a U.S. District court that it actually violated AUO's patents and not the other way around. Say hello to patent Nos 6,778,160, 6,689,629, 7,125,157 and 7,090,506, covering 'technologies help to improve response time, improve reliability of LCDs, solve the problem of defects in the displayed images, and provide a very compact structure useful for small handheld devices, respectively.' So far AUO is indicating that it will seek an injunction preventing LG from shipping its potentially infringing HDTVs, monitors, notebooks and even phones to the U.S, plus some other legal tough talk for good measure."

Taiwan's numerous achievements in high-technology validates its COUNTRY status as a high average IQ country.
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Taiwan industrialized, but Iran did not.
Not quite! pre-revolution Iran transformed itself from stagnant agri-based economy to industrialized economy following almost two decade of 14 % growth in manufacturing sector for 1967 to 1978. It was second only to South Korea.

The only thing pushed Iran into a stagnant economy was revolution of 79 and following sanctions.
Not quite! pre-revolution Iran transformed itself from stagnant agri-based economy to industrialized economy following almost two decade of 14 % growth in manufacturing sector for 1967 to 1978. It was second only to South Korea.

The only thing pushed Iran into a stagnant economy was revolution of 79 and following sanctions.
Then what happened?
IQ is a big factor. Culture is another big factor. East Asian culture is famous for its reverence for education, work ethic, and self control/delayed gratification. These factors helped East Asians effectively utilize their IQ to acquire knowledge, build intensively, and save/reinvest repeatedly.

Even if say the Philippines shared a high IQ, I wonder if they could utilize it to the degree that East Asians do without a similar Confucian culture? In other words, culture is not hardware or software, but the computer user's attitude. You can have fast computer hardware. You can have great software. Yet, the computer user's attitude decides how well those tools are utilized.

I won't can comment on Caucasians since their development occurred over centuries of internal peace at the expense of slaves, colonies, etc. It is not comparable.
your IQ is dropped by 5 points. Why hasn’t China failed to stop NK nuclear program?
North korea and CHINA. has. no border issues whatsoever! since you want take islands the hard way! its your own doom!
Russia never made into the information age. Russia can't produce information technology products or computer chips.

When did Turkey become industrialized? Turkey can't build anything technologically sophisticated.
Russia cant get into the list because they cant produce computer chips,:D:D:D the most funny thing in my day!
Russia cant get into the list because they cant produce computer chips,:D:D:D the most funny thing in my day!
But the Soviets/Russians produced many -- not merely some -- of the world's greatest aerodynamicists, that Chinese aerodynamicists learned from them. And STILL Russia could not make it into Marty's list of elite master races.
Russia cant get into the list because they cant produce computer chips,:D:D:D the most funny thing in my day!
I think the standards are fair.

Russia has a population of 144 million.
US has a population of 300 million.
China has a population of 1.4 billion.

Russia has enormous natural resources (oil, gas, coal, metals, timber, etc.). Russia industrialized decades ago.

Thus, Russia is held to the modern benchmarks of industrialization for a large country.

US and China build true fifth-generation stealth fighters. Russia does not.
US and China build 28nm computer chips and beyond (Intel is at 14nm). Russia does not manufacture any computer chips.
US and China build modern communications satellites with 54 transponders. Russia does not. Russia buys from the Europeans.
US and China build self-driving vehicles. Russia does not.
US and China build sophisticated CNC machine tools (3 microns and below). Russia does not.
US and China build billion-dollar offshore oil platforms. Russia does not.
US defense companies and Chinese civilian companies have fully automated manufacturing plants with industrial robots. Russia does not.
China cloned the world's first primate (e.g. monkey) in 2018. China cloned the world's first rabbit in 2007. The United States cloned the world's first equine animal, mule, in 2003. Russia possesses no cloning milestones.

I can go on, but I think I've made my point.

Using a modern definition of industrialization, Russia is half-industrialized. Russia can manufacture some advanced technology products, but it is clearly lagging the United States and China.
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I think the standards are fair.

Russia has a population of 144 million.
US has a population of 300 million.
China has a population of 1.4 billion.

Russia has enormous natural resources (oil, gas, coal, metals, timber, etc.). Russia industrialized decades ago.

Thus, Russia is held to the modern benchmarks of industrialization for a large country.

US and China build true fifth-generation stealth fighters. Russia does not.
US and China build 28nm computer chips and beyond (Intel is at 14nm). Russia does not manufacture any computer chips.
US and China build modern communications satellites with 54 transponders. Russia does not. Russia buys from the Europeans.
US and China build self-driving vehicles. Russia does not.
US and China build sophisticated CNC machine tools (3 microns and below). Russia does not.
US and China build billion-dollar offshore oil platforms. Russia does not.
US defense companies and Chinese civilian companies have fully automated manufacturing plants with industrial robots. Russia does not.

I can go on, but I think I've made my point.

Using a modern definition of industrialization, Russia is half-industrialized. Russia can manufacture some advanced technology products, but it is clearly lagging the United States and China.

You should have an overview before claiming something like that. Yes, You can give some example for these thing China and US can do but Russia dont, but Russia also do something Chinese can not. Even when you say Chinese is more smarter than Russian, so Russian can not get into 25 countries in the world which have highest IQ? This list you give amost can not to be accepted, even when you give the population, lol Where is india? Population to prove for what? It is related to IQ standards, inst it?
You should have an overview before claiming something like that. Yes, You can give some example for these thing China and US can do but Russia dont, but Russia also do something Chinese can not. Even when you say Chinese is more smarter than Russian, so Russian can not get into 25 countries in the world which have highest IQ? This list you give amost can not to be accepted, even when you give the population, lol Where is india? Population to prove for what? It is related to IQ standards, inst it?
You can believe whatever you want.

I didn't conduct the studies for national IQs.

I merely reported the results of IQ studies and made comments about them.

People are free to hold onto whatever views that they want.

The facts are the facts. I'm not interested in arguing the issue to the death.

The examples clearly indicate Russia never made it into the Information Age. I doubt Russia will make it into the Robotics Age or AR/VR Age.

In my opinion, Russia has clearly dropped out of the new technology arms race. You can keep trying to deny it, but the truth cannot be argued away.
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With the spectacular and ignoble collapse of CDF, where else can the Chinese go to circle jerk about issues like this? No matter how much flaws are pointed out, the racists are going to double down on IQ testing as indicative of racial superiority. The Chinese on this forum is no different than the American KKK. The PDF 'China & Far East' subforum is slowly turning into a Chinese version of Stormfront. And the forum's admin staff is cool with it.

Management has the right to run their forum as they see fit, and this right should be respected.
Management has the right to run their forum as they see fit, and this right should be respected.
Absolutely I understand that. I just see a decline in forum quality since '09. Even worse now that they are willing to tolerate overt racism to generate traffic.
Absolutely I understand that. I just see a decline in forum quality since '09. Even worse now that they are willing to tolerate overt racism to generate traffic.
There's a simple solution.

Why don't you leave PDF?

You are the only one that constantly complains about racism. Even when it doesn't exist.

You claimed my thread was racist.

I had explained multiple times that this thread is about COUNTRIES and NOT INDIVIDUALS.

There is nothing racist about my thread.

Some countries are rich and some countries are poor.

Some countries are smarter and some countries are less smart.

These are real-world facts. If you want a sanitized politically-correct discussion, go to a different forum and stop making baseless complaints about racism in my thread.

The only person talking about a master race is YOU. You're the only racist here.
Absolutely I understand that. I just see a decline in forum quality since '09. Even worse now that they are willing to tolerate overt racism to generate traffic.

A majority here would say that the forum has improved, specially lately. Participation by members is voluntary based on the environment that management choose to create for their forum.
highest iq some so call arabs hijack a plane with box cutters take on world biggest most power fullest with best intel service and biggest budget in the world and crash it into a building.

Now that requires high iq.
Why don't you leave PDF?
Why not YOU since you said you would after you posted that (fake) story about how federal agents tailed you and warned you to lay off the Internet. The reality is that you are an attention you-know-what.

You claimed my thread was racist.

I had explained multiple times that this thread is about COUNTRIES and NOT INDIVIDUALS.

There is nothing racist about my thread.
Of course it is racist, pal. You have been harping on this issue for yrs. You are a Taiwanese-American who are feeling the racial call of China but because you, by your own admission cannot speak Chinese, you must have another way of relating to the Chinese here, so you latch onto an issue that is guaranteed to earn you praise as 'one of us'. The source that you used have been severely criticized for flawed methodologies.

The only person talking about a master race is YOU. You're the only racist here.
I have never called any one 'monkey'. Your fellow Chinese have.
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