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Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

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Depends how many people have read the underlying literature from all the differing perspectives. I suspect not very many have done so :P ...I myself would like to read much more, but the data collection I have seen "grounding" a lot of it hitherto on the subject is frankly appalling (given both political correctness from one end and atrocious jumping the gun from another...and all that lies in between) given the even greater depth in the realm of statistics I have read/studied/practiced (and that daisy chain keeps going for a while for me personally).

Sigh....catch 22's all over the place....and then people just fall as they may all around it... each believing they are completely correct in their compartmentalisation. I just poke at whatever dominant narrative is taking root in some thread and see if someone says something useful :P ... a man can hope right? :)

It is more fun just to watch PDF these days, present thread being a prime example! :D
It is more fun just to watch PDF these days, present thread being a prime example! :D
With the spectacular and ignoble collapse of CDF, where else can the Chinese go to circle jerk about issues like this? No matter how much flaws are pointed out, the racists are going to double down on IQ testing as indicative of racial superiority. The Chinese on this forum is no different than the American KKK. The PDF 'China & Far East' subforum is slowly turning into a Chinese version of Stormfront. And the forum's admin staff is cool with it.
The PDF 'China & Far East' subforum is slowly turning into a Chinese version of Stormfront.
That's simply impossible, white American savagery can't be equaled by anyone else. In barbarism, America is truly exceptional.
And the forum's admin staff is cool with it.
You'd like the forum mods and admin to be your personal thought police? How authoritarian of you. Have 50 cents been deposited into your account? :lol:
Human beings are composed of hardware (DNA and IQ genes) and software (analytical skills due to education).
Not quite!

Genetics and IQ are more related to each other like genetics and muscles and hardware and software. Not everyone has genetics to become Mr. Universe or next Arnie but a lot of folks will do really good physically if they eat right and lift heavy. Heck, in a number of cases it comes down to difference between 2 years to reach muscle definition and four month; starting from the same body fat percentage. The genetic potential becomes a factor when you want to competing with Arnie or Coleman.

On the similar lines, the most important part in research and engineering has more to do with perseverance. I have met a number of Phds and engineers who have papers in single track conferences with acceptance ratio less than 5% or those who maintain multiple open source packages. These folks have very specific intelligence. Most of them were not even member of MENSA. A number of them suck at 'normal' IQ games like Sudoku. They had this specialized mental muscles for their field. I highly doubt generalized IQ tests can capture this reality. Its like a body-builder who only does upper body training or strength training of a single arm all the year long.

Russia never made into the information age. Russia can't produce information technology products or computer chips.
LOL! Are you for real? Even in 80s they were doing quite decently in computer hardware.


Former soviet union folks are known for their prowess in Information Security.
I guess you have never heard of Kerpersky Labs?

Their contribution in probability statistics and AI is also equally important. Even heard of Hidden Markov Model? Markov Chain and Processes? The industry standard in speech recognition comes from their works!

Their undoing was their centralized production and governance system.
You'd like the forum mods and admin to be your personal thought police? How authoritarian of you. Have 50 cents been deposited into your account? :lol:
Actually, this forum's admin staff have been extraordinarily favorable to you Chinese. Your slurs of 'monkey' to other Asians have been tolerated in the past and even to today. You are allowed to post in Chinese despite the forum rule of English. And to my knowledge there is no American member in the admin staff while there is a Chinese one to defend you. He has acted upon you guys' complaints without investigation. So please...:rolleyes:

Not quite!

Genetics and IQ are more related to each other like genetics and muscles and hardware and software. Not everyone has genetics to become Mr. Universe or next Arnie but a lot of folks will do really good physically if they eat right and lift heavy. Heck, in a number of cases it comes down to difference between 2 years to reach muscle definition and four month; starting from the same body fat percentage. The genetic potential becomes a factor when you want to competing with Arnie or Coleman.

On the similar lines, the most important part in research and engineering has more to do with perseverance. I have met a number of Phds and engineers who have papers in single track conferences with acceptance ratio less than 5% or those who maintain multiple open source packages. These folks have very specific intelligence. Most of them were not even member of MENSA. A number of them suck at 'normal' IQ games like Sudoku. They had this specialized mental muscles for their field. I highly doubt generalized IQ tests can capture this reality. Its like a body-builder who only does upper body training or strength training of a single arm all the year long.

LOL! Are you for real? Even in 80s they were doing quite decently in computer hardware.


Former soviet union folks are known for their prowess in Information Security.
I guess you have never heard of Kerpersky Labs?

Their contribution in probability statistics and AI is also equally important. Even heard of Hidden Markov Model? Markov Chain and Processes? The industry standard in speech recognition comes from their works!

Their undoing was their centralized production and governance system.
Very good, sir.

I am currently in the semiconductor industry and we have quite a few PhDs at work, from statistics to materials to process engineering and everywhere else. Of all the PhDs I met, every one of them laughed at MENSA. One said that the fact that MENSA has prostitutes as members means he should stay out of it.
Actually, this forum's admin staff have been extraordinarily favorable to you Chinese.
My, my, how bigoted of you. I think 'Murica has rubbed off on you quite thoroughly, but do the whites you worship think so as well, I wonder?
Your slurs of 'monkey' to other Asians have been tolerated in the past and even to today.
If you were a little more observant, you'd know that I don't use such slurs. My thing is pointing out that Vietnamese are brain-damaged from Agent Orange exposure, and that's not a slur. It's a tragic fact.
And to my knowledge there is no American member in the admin staff while there is a Chinese one to defend you.
LOL, PDF better watch out or 'Murica's going to regime change it. :rofl::omghaha:
My, my, how bigoted of you. I think 'Murica has rubbed off on you quite thoroughly, but do the whites you worship think so as well, I wonder?
And you are not? Face it, buddy, threads like this one are what you Chinese lives for. You need validations in ways that immature children do. All the non-Chinese who sucks up to you in here, you see them no better than the 'inferior' Asians. As for the whites I live and work with, many of them I gave orders and they obey. Much more than I can say for you.
You need validations in ways that immature children do.
Nah, I'm not Uh'Murican. I don't need a semi-automatic rifle to feel like a man.
All the non-Chinese who sucks up to you in here, you see them no better than the 'inferior' Asians.
The only "inferiors" (Asian or otherwise) are those who welcome and embrace their enslavement by 'Murica. Learn something:
As for the whites I live and work with, many of them I gave orders and they obey.
No, you were just a vessel for conveying your white masters' orders. Yes, suh, massuh!
Higher IQ for Mongolia can be correlated with its national average cortical neurons (CN) and intercranial volume.


▲ Cranial morphology is also a reflection of thermoregulation.

04 October 2011

Rushton (2000) points out that the descendants of black Africans have an average cc of 1,267 cm3 and 13,185 million cortical neurons (nc); the descendants of white Europeans have a cc of 1,347 cm3 and 13,665 million nc; and the descendants of East Asians have a cc of 1,364 cm3 and 13,767 million nc. Ho et al. (1980) and his team, who measured 1,261 brains while performing autopsies, previously made other similar claims. These differences in brain size involve millions of neurons and hundreds of millions of synapses that most likely will determine an inequality in mental skills tests. On average, black Africans have an IQ of 85, Caucasians an IQ of 100, and East Asians an IQ of 106. The lowest average IQ of 70 corresponds to the sub-Saharan Africans (Jensen, 1998; Lynn and Vanhanen, 2002).

Beals et al. (1984), who developed the largest study on racial differences in intracranial volume with measures of 20,000 skulls from around the world, show that on average cc is 1,415 cm3 for Asians, 1,362 cm3 for Europeans, and 1,268 cm3 for black Africans. Moreover, on a worldwide basis, a meta-analysis conducted by Lynn and Vanhanen (2002) shows that on average individuals with a higher IQ are East Asians with 105 points, followed by Europeans with 99, Inuit or Eskimo with 91, Amerindians and people of Southeast Asia with 87, the inhabitants of Pacific islands with 85, North African residents with 84, sub-Saharan Africans with 67, Australian aborigines with 62, and the bushmen with 54.

Coon (1955) notes that cranial morphology is also a reflection of thermoregulation. It is much easier to keep a small head cooler than a large one. From this perspective, in hot regions, like Africa, a small head is an advantage. However, in geographic areas with cold climates, like Europe and Asia, a large head is an advantage.


Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate, and Time Machines CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY V01. 25, NO 01984 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 0011-320418412503-0003S2 25 (pp. 304).
▲ Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate



Such big brains in icecold uninhabited wastelands while Americans (Densly Inhabited areas), South Indians, Malays and Australians are dumb? o_O
Case Study: Comparing Taiwanese and Iranian Overseas Students

Let's look at two countries with similar numbers of overseas students.

Iran has a population of 80 million. Taiwan has a population of 23 million. Iran has a huge population advantage compared to Taiwan. If everything else was equal, we would expect more geniuses to emerge in Iran per year.

In 1980, Iran had a peak of 56,000 Iranian students studying in the United States.
In 1995, Taiwanese students peaked at 36,000 in the United States.

Today, Iran has 50,000 students studying abroad.
Today, Taiwan has about 54,000 students studying abroad. (Citation: The Continuing Attraction for Taiwanese of Study Abroad | American Chamber of Commerce (August 15, 2016))

Taiwan industrialized, but Iran did not.

Examples of Taiwanese industrialization include TSMC 10nm semiconductor logic-chip fabrication technology, MediaTek as the world's second-largest SoC (system on a chip) designer after Qualcomm, Quanta and Compal own the patents for notebook computers to enable Taiwan to have a 90% worldwide market share for notebook computers, ITRI developed its own CNC machine tool controller software, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) developed an indigenous AESA radar, Largan owns the patents and the market for advanced optics in smartphones, National Chin Yi University of Technology developed a sub-micron lathe, Andes Technology is Asia's largest CPU design company (Japan's Softbank buying ARM doesn't count), etc.

The Iranians (Persians) were a great ancient historical power. However, the criterion today is industrialization. Despite sending 50,000 students overseas for 40 years, Iran has little to show for it.

How do we explain the disparity in results between Taiwan and Iran?

The simplest and most obvious answer is probably average national IQ.

Iran has an average national IQ of 84.
Taiwan has an average national IQ of 104.

There does not appear to be another reasonable explanation. Iran and Taiwan both sent about 50,000 students overseas for 40 years. Taiwan industrialized and Iran did not.

Infographic: Iranian Students in the United States | The Washington Institute (February 14, 2014)

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Case Study: Comparing Taiwanese and Iranian Overseas Students

Let's look at two countries with similar numbers of overseas students.

Iran has a population of 80 million. Taiwan has a population of 23 million. Iran has a huge population advantage compared to Taiwan. If everything else was equal, we would expect more geniuses to emerge in Iran per year.

In 1980, Iran had a peak of 56,000 Iranian students studying in the United States.
In 1995, Taiwanese students peaked at 36,000 in the United States.

Today, Iran has 50,000 students studying abroad.
Today, Taiwan has about 54,000 students studying abroad. (Citation: The Continuing Attraction for Taiwanese of Study Abroad | American Chamber of Commerce (August 15, 2016))

Taiwan industrialized, but Iran did not. Examples of Taiwanese industrialization include TSMC 10nm semiconductor logic-chip fabrication technology, MediaTek as the world's second-largest SoC (system on a chip) designer after Qualcomm, Quanta and Compal owning the patents for notebook computers to enable Taiwan to have a 90% worldwide market share for notebook computers, ITRI developing its own CNC machine tool controller software, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) developed an indigenous AESA radar, Largan owning the patents and the market for advanced optics for smartphones, National Chin Yi University of Technology developed a sub-micron lathe, etc.

The Iranians (Persians) were a great ancient historical power. However, the criterion today is industrialization. Despite sending 50,000 students overseas for 40 years, Iran has little to show for it.

How do we explain the disparity in results between Taiwan and Iran?

The simplest and most obvious answer is probably average national IQ.

Iran has an average national IQ of 84.
Taiwan has an average national IQ of 104.

There does not appear to be another reasonable explanation. Iran and Taiwan both sent about 50,000 students overseas for 40 years. Taiwan industrialized and Iran did not.

Infographic: Iranian Students in the United States | The Washington Institute (February 14, 2014)

Iran doesn't provide a clear comparison case with Taiwan. Iran was under sanctions for the last few decades. Even if the technology's seed existed in labs, a substantial market is required to develop at the pace of moore's law as development of semiconductors are very capital intensive. If development at the 1st tier speed is not possible then it will eventually become unprofitable. While Taiwan enjoyed a broad market for its goods and access to fab equipment from the global market. Concering other industrial products, Iran didn't have the internal market capacity nor international market access to create scale and efficiency, thus limiting its technology diversity due to resource constraints (money, human capital). This reduces Iran's capacity to accumulate an industrial base independent of human factors. In addition it is fighting some costly wars.

Despite sanctions, Iran eventually was able to reverse engineer and produce some western industrial products like F-14 parts and turbine blades (under licence from Siemens). It has one of the most complete industrial systems in the Middle East.

Results of Iran as a nation are still inconclusive due to sanctions, give it 50 years after normalisation then see how it ends up. Personally I think Iran will have a decent industrialisation process after normalisation. I might be biased from my interactions with many Iranian students in the past.

I agree that very few can compete with Taiwan in the field of semiconductors and the industry is only possible with a highly technically proficient population. We also have to note that there are other powerful factors involved.

China is also not a comparable to many smaller nations since it posses a decent internal market to fuel development of capital intensive products, though it wouldn't be as good as also having access to the global market. Once it reaches a certain technological level, it is able to more easily produce,sustain, and improve upon that technology compared to a smaller nation.
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Case Study: Comparing Taiwanese and Iranian Overseas Students

Let's look at two countries with similar numbers of overseas students.

Iran has a population of 80 million. Taiwan has a population of 23 million. Iran has a huge population advantage compared to Taiwan. If everything else was equal, we would expect more geniuses to emerge in Iran per year.

In 1980, Iran had a peak of 56,000 Iranian students studying in the United States.
In 1995, Taiwanese students peaked at 36,000 in the United States.

Today, Iran has 50,000 students studying abroad.
Today, Taiwan has about 54,000 students studying abroad. (Citation: The Continuing Attraction for Taiwanese of Study Abroad | American Chamber of Commerce (August 15, 2016))

Taiwan industrialized, but Iran did not.

Examples of Taiwanese industrialization include TSMC 10nm semiconductor logic-chip fabrication technology, MediaTek as the world's second-largest SoC (system on a chip) designer after Qualcomm, Quanta and Compal own the patents for notebook computers to enable Taiwan to have a 90% worldwide market share for notebook computers, ITRI developed its own CNC machine tool controller software, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) developed an indigenous AESA radar, Largan owns the patents and the market for advanced optics in smartphones, National Chin Yi University of Technology developed a sub-micron lathe, etc.

The Iranians (Persians) were a great ancient historical power. However, the criterion today is industrialization. Despite sending 50,000 students overseas for 40 years, Iran has little to show for it.

How do we explain the disparity in results between Taiwan and Iran?

The simplest and most obvious answer is probably average national IQ.

Iran has an average national IQ of 84.
Taiwan has an average national IQ of 104.

There does not appear to be another reasonable explanation. Iran and Taiwan both sent about 50,000 students overseas for 40 years. Taiwan industrialized and Iran did not.

Infographic: Iranian Students in the United States | The Washington Institute (February 14, 2014)

More daily nonsense from Martian. Why don't the mods just close this waste of bandwith thread?
No. The list of the 25 highest average IQ countries look like the same from 20 years ago.

You can say whatever you want, but Bangladesh is not an industrialized country.

Making excuses does not help Bangladesh to industrialize.

I'm merely pointing out the correlation and suggesting that industrialization could be much more difficult for lower average IQ countries.

The correlation between IQ and industrialization looks VERY STRONG. At this time, there are no exceptions to this rule.

Ten years from now, if the correlation holds then the case for HIGH IQ and INDUSTRIALIZATION will grow even stronger.
True to some extent. However, the type of leadership/government policy also helps decide whether or how a country can industrialise

Oh and your country doesn't have a city as beautiful as Istanbul no matter how many ugly looking skyscrapers you build.
LOL That was harsh. :lol: Tone it down a little bit. Beauty is subjective. :D

Haha. I love the Jewish world shadow government conspiracy theory.

Not a shred of proof, but lots of people still believe it.
LOL hey always like making such conspiracy theories. It also makes them feel better and justify in their minds why they all lag behind them in almost every field. :D:P
I wonder what is it like to be a member of a master race? Not THE master race, mind you, but simply A master race.

Clearly, no country is going to debase itself and pay respect to this claimed master race so this claimed master race receives no material benefits from anyone based solely the assertion of superiority. That leave the members of this claimed master race the simple pleasure of being self assured that they are 'superior'. Never mind that at the individual level, each of them in this forum showed no difference in intellect than any member of the supposedly 'inferior' races.
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