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but companies are already fracking for shale gas in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, the three states I have personal knowledge. China hasn't even start discussing about shale gas.

Yes they have. I have not denied it. However the debate on shale gas really polarised the people of USA. China has not discussed Shale yet. All i mentioned was that in the list of countries with proven shale reserves China leads on the amount of Shale gas it has.
China should dramatically increase gas price to reduce the # of cars in major cities. How about doubling the price?

That will increase price of everything and will lead to high inflation. It will have adverse impact on your economy.
Half of their economy is undocumented and not taxed. Only like 10% of population pay income tax. Their government has to tax gas for their revenues, lol. That's what was explained in the article.

Really? I thought Turkey is better than that!! Only 10% pay taxes, simply wow!!!
1)I am NOT trying to demean you or anything. I think you mean "shale" gas and not "shell" gas.
2) Shale gas, as with other fossil fuels has its own share of bad qualities and not leas to of which is heavy pollution of ground water.
3) just for your information, China has the largest proven reserves of shale gas in the world. By that standard, if you develop shale gas (fracking) industry, you might be the next "Saudi Arabia" of the world - that would truly empower china and put you miles ahead of India (and many other countries)

Proven US reserves are 665 TCF (trillion cubic feet)
China - 1165 TCF

Oh yes, my mistake, type error.

Here is the situation, in China, I guess most shale gas reserves are stored in western parts where the weak geological conditions won't allow excessive exploitation. Though largest proven reserves China has, the weak natural environment would require more advanced equipment.

I read some research papers analyzing US shale gas, they say the revolution totally turned US from a gas import country to a gas export country. Now the prince of Saudi Arabia are begging US to import more oil.

I really like tax targeting at consumers rather than enterprises. Overheads of companies are spread and recovered from all goods, even some necessities like food and clothing, which affects poor people more. But tax at gas is more tiered and will hurt richer people more, haha.

I always laugh at some Beijing residents when they complain about pollution but they still want to drive, lol.

Correct, you get the points...

Beijing's air sucks!
Though US is as of 2012 third largest producer of oil after Russia & soudi but US is set to become the largest producer of oil by 2017. It was already the largest natural gas producer in 2009 & is now giving Russia a run for its money for the 1st place in natural gas production. But the problem for it is that it still import about 50% of its oil demand most of it from middle east. The keystone oil pipeline should be approved ASAP; After all Canada is a very peaceful country & a good friend of US. The sooner US gets out of the middle east hell hole the better it is for the US economy.
So this is how it is,

1 Pakistan,
2 India
3 Philippines
4 Nigeria
5 Bulgaria
6 Indonesia
7 Turkey
8 Romania
9 China
10 Thailand.

Correct, you get the points...

Beijing's air sucks!

Man, India they do it and you know we pay taxes more than the price of gas!
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