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High time Pakistan gets a European football coach

because by the age of 12-13 a footballer's basic technique is already developed which cannot be modified.

Interesting idea (just being polite) -- learning is life long process, a coach cannot do everything by himself, he has a team, for fitness, for basic technique, and all clubs have youth teams and bring their players up through the ranks -- anyway, sure I'm with you, we should impart organized sports as a value ,skill and great fun rom a very young age
Interesting idea (just being polite) -- learning is life long process, a coach cannot do everything by himself, he has a team, for fitness, for basic technique, and all clubs have youth teams and bring their players up through the ranks -- anyway, sure I'm with you, we should impart organized sports as a value ,skill and great fun rom a very young age

I agree learning is a lifelong process, but also, and not limited to football only, the basic skill set is developed very early. This is why they say a child's mind is like a clear slate, you can fill it with anything and it will be permanent. The best clubs in a world have at least 4-5 categories of teams ranging from reserves to under 19's, under 15's, to under 12's and under 9's. All players climb the same ladder although spending variable amount of time on each step depending upon the speed of their growth.
I have recently seen a very good example of this being implemented in Lahore. The Model Town Football Club has started a very good academy where they are taking in very young boys and girls. They have even hired foreign trainers and arrange 6,7 a side tournaments frequently. It's a very good effort and more are required.
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