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High Mark 2016 Motorway Touchdown

my sister living in Saudi Arabia has called us and she is very much worried for us . my brother in law is asking us to prepare luggage and come over there. Is situation that serious ? I think Arab media is exaggerating the news .

Plz tell our sister there to calm down and stop believing in every news esp the ones from Indian media. Also she shud stop reading/watching Arabnews.

Also Motorway was recently Rehabilitated by FWO

It never needed any rehabilitation ever. Normal wear and tear is always there on every road and is addressed in scheduled manner.
Dude, centre landing looks obviously safer.
Because on the sides emergency services,ground crew,equipment is also placed..


Speed limit 130km/hr:.

Yeaternight .. Mine was 160km/hr.. Engaged cruise control and 3 hours from lhr-Islamabad.


There aren't Any Potholes on Motorway.. Also Motorway was recently Rehabilitated by FWO... Work on some sections are still underway

Stupid Arab Media

Yeah after RWP toll... They have closed the lhr to RWP lane .. Traffic jam .. Slow moving vehicles .. Took me like half an hour to drive just 10 clicks.
my sister living in Saudi Arabia has called us and she is very much worried for us . my brother in law is asking us to prepare luggage and come over there. Is situation that serious ? I think Arab media is exaggerating the news .

yeah buddy, you should listen to your good sis.
Plz tell our sister there to calm down and stop believing in every news esp the ones from Indian media. Also she shud stop reading/watching Arabnews.

It never needed any rehabilitation ever. Normal wear and tear is always there on every road and is addressed in scheduled manner.

well it required rehabilitation Motorway was in Bad shape there were many bumps on many areas they were repairing many Cracks in the road many times specially area After Behra the Heavy Traffic lane was seriously in bad form the reason thy usually close the lane for repairs...

Now After Rehabilitation no repairs will be needed till next 10-12 Years

but let's not move away from thread
they are landing on one side because of two reasons
1) so the motorway can be used as dual runway
2) there always is a refuling tanker present for jets as we cant see it in the pics but i bet due to it the jets arent landing on that side or because
or they are landing on that side because they want to.
my sister living in Saudi Arabia has called us and she is very much worried for us . my brother in law is asking us to prepare luggage and come over there. Is situation that serious ? I think Arab media is exaggerating the news .

tell you sister you are planning to attend Pakistani flag hoisting ceremony in Sri Nagar.
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