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High Interest Islamic Development Bank Loan for BD

Some people, in Arab countries and also in BD do not believe in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

Sir I am sorry to interrupt you again but Bangladesh government own bank run based on interest as well. :coffee:
Deleted, got the meaning.
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Even now you taking descisions for God almighty.MUNAFIQ!

Jako welcome back man. I wonder sometime why you are so angry with me even though I am more criticale to Awami and BD? :undecided:

Care to explain :coffee:
Thanks to India which provided soft loan to BD with low interest!
Just remembered the good'ol times.thats why.and patriots dont like deshodrohis.
I strongly believe in fixing my own home before passing the blame to other. Interest based business is haram so the people behind the so called Islamic bank will get their dues in time however I am more critical to Bangladesh for an important reason.

Interest is haram but denying the sovereignty of Allah is pure act of kuffar. Al is deleting the name of almighty Allah from highest law of the land yet people are not bother by it so what right so called Bangladeshi Muslim has to criticize other about Islamic matters.

I don't think Bangladesh has any credibility on Islamic matter since it is running by Munafiqs.
If you go by your conscience you will find you are following the path of Allah. The believer says he is present everywhere from grains to mountains and nothing takes place without his wish. And He does not need anyone's help to retain his sovrighnity nor He can be stained by anyone's act.

I am sorry to say , though you feign to be a pure Muslim, you contradict the teaching of Islam most. Just following the rituals, and blindly following the Arabs is not all about Islam.In many cases you follow your self-made belief as Islamic.
Few months back, you are suggesting that all Muslims should have Muslim names (Arabic names you actually meant). But when I provided from eminent Muslim scholars that it is not mandatory you did not reply. Everyone here is aware of your intolerance towards other religions which does not go with the teaching of the Prophet.
Lets face it IDB or any so callled ISlamic bank is pure play of words...they cannot transfer a penny from point A to B between continents without suscribing to intrest based channels or be assured to go out of business.
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