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High Interest Islamic Development Bank Loan for BD


Jun 19, 2008
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Govt opts for expensive IDB loan for Padma Bridge project

The government is taking US$140 million hard loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) for building the Padma Bridge, which will make repayment expensive by $64 million, officials said.

Finance ministry officials said Bangladesh has to repay an extra $64 million, 45 per cent of the total $140 million credit, as interest.

As per other terms and conditions, the government will act as an agent of the Jeddah-based donor, which will provide the credit under its new hard-term credit programme "Istisna" for implementing the project, the officials said.

IDB money will be spent on construction of approach road and toll plaza in one side of the proposed Padma Bridge scheme.

The donor will appoint a contractor for constructing the approach road and the government's project implementing body --Bridge Division --will act as an agency of the donor, a senior finance ministry official told the FE.

Under the "Istisna", the IDB will capitalise the loan with LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offered Loan) plus 120 bps (basis points) interest rate during the four years project execution period.

After that Bangladesh has to start repayment on the capitalised amount with US Swap rate plus IDB spread 1.20 per cent for next 16 years period.

SWAP is a rate of the fixed portion as determined by its particular market. This is the rate at which the swap will occur for one of the parties entering into the agreement.

During the four years period with interest capitalisation, the amount of principal and interest would stand at total $148 million, finance ministry official said.

After the four years period, the government has to repay the loan on the capitalised money where the US Swap rate and 120bps would be applicable.

Bankers said, as per US Swap rate in January 2011 (3.21 per cent), the government has to repay the loan at a rate of 4.41 per cent and the total amount would stand at nearly $204 million.

Finance ministry officials said for other IDB loans the government pays maximum 2.50 per cent interest.

For the Padma Bridge scheme, the World Bank has assured of providing $1.20 billion with 0.75 per cent interest rate, the ADB $615 million mixed credit at the rate ranging from one per cent to LIBOR plus 60bps and the Japan government $300 million at 0.01 per cent.

"We have no option but to take the IDB loan as the government has shortage of fund for building the Padma Bridge that will cost $2.9 billion," a senior Economic Relations Division official said.

The government will build the 6.15-kilometre road-cum-railway bridge over the river Padma for connecting the country's impoverished southwestern region with capital Dhaka.
Govt opts for expensive IDB loan for Padma Bridge project

The government is taking US$140 million hard loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) for building the Padma Bridge, which will make repayment expensive by $64 million, officials said.

Finance ministry officials said Bangladesh has to repay an extra $64 million, 45 per cent of the total $140 million credit, as interest.
So, this is the example of a so-called Islamic brotherhood loan by some SUDKHOR Arabs. What a cut-throat style of providing loan to a fellow Muslim country, who, in dire need, has requested it! $64 million USURY for a $140 million loan! Are Jews worse than this greedy IDB?
And some of the BD guys were saying that India provided $1 billion at high interest rate. Now what are the Islamic brothers doing ???
I'm asking this question because the Bank has Islam tagged with it.

Isn't taking interest is haram according to Islam?
And some of the BD guys were saying that India provided $1 billion at high interest rate. Now what are the Islamic brothers doing ???

Gaaha dude why blaming Pakistani an BD members if we ourselves bring India in every discussion! :s
BD is secular now, also may be IDB does not like AL govt. That may be a reason for the high rate of interest. Not sure. Should AL govt expect less interest rate for BD just because we have Muslim majority?
BD is secular now, also may be IDB does not like AL govt. That may be a reason for the high rate of interest. Not sure. Should AL govt expect less interest rate for BD just because we have Muslim majority?

Right!!! Bd has no moral right to get any favor from Islamic bank or Islamic nation since Awami decided to detach from Islamic world. OIC should kick out BD from OIC membership.

If secular BD allow to be part of OIC then India has equal right to get membership if it desire. India has probably more conservative and real Muslims population than fake BD Muslims unless Islamic people take the matter in their hand and rise against Awami munafiq league.
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So, this is the example of a so-called Islamic brotherhood loan by some SUDKHOR Arabs. What a cut-throat style of providing loan to a fellow Muslim country, who, in dire need, has requested it! $64 million USURY for a $140 million loan! Are Jews worse than this greedy IDB?

We are no more Islamic. It's secular according to Awami league so Islamic Bank has no moral obligation to treat us any better than non Islamic nation.

Ziaur Rehman intentionally added a claw in our constitution where it stated that Bangladesh shall keep close relation with Muslim nations based on Islamic believe however Awami league erasing this claw including absolute trust in all mighty Allah from our constitution so we do not have any moral right to be part of Ummah.

Awami doing this to protect the so called interest of minorities by harming the interest of majority.
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We are no more Islamic. It's secular according to Awami league so Islamic Bank has no moral obligation to treat us any better than non Islamic nation.

Ziaur Rehman intentionally added a claw in our constitution where it stated that Bangladesh shall keep close relation with Muslim nations based on Islamic believe however Awami league erasing this claw including absolute trust in all mighty Allah from our constitution so we do not have any moral right to be part of Ummah.

Awami doing this to protect the so called interest of minorities by harming the interest of majority.

I am very sorry to know that you have very happily abandoned your forefather's religion Islam.
Just shows that you are neither a Bangladeshi nor a "Real Muslim".

Don't you see there are many fake Bangladeshis who would go out of their way to criticize Bangladesh. They are jealous whenever someone posts a positive news about BD.
We are no more Islamic. It's secular according to Awami league so Islamic Bank has no moral obligation to treat us any better than non Islamic nation.

Ziaur Rehman intentionally added a claw in our constitution where it stated that Bangladesh shall keep close relation with Muslim nations based on Islamic believe however Awami league erasing this claw including absolute trust in all mighty Allah from our constitution so we do not have any moral right to be part of Ummah.

Awami doing this to protect the so called interest of minorities by harming the interest of majority.

I think Bangladesh is secular right from the time of its creation.
What kind of Islamic bank is this which takes intrest. I assumed IDB has strict intrest free banking structure and they undertook development projects on BOT basis to aviod charging intrests as means of making profit. That means the bank builds, owns and operates a facility for a specified period of time during which it covers its cost + profit before handing it over to the host government.

Either the writer is confused or IDB has been accquired by Jews!

@Bangladeshi Members
If you hate awami leauge so much then why do you vote for them?? looks like our saga of PPP and Zardari. Things hasnt changed much in Pakistan and its former terriotries. :D :D :D
I think some of it is politics and the rest is business as usual. When you have nowhere to get funds from, you will pay a higher price for failing to do your home work.

The bridge in all likelihood will be a toll bridge. So just pass the cost to the users.
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