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High Court bars use of Hindi songs as mobile ringtones, welcome tunes

Lol Korean
Don't knock it before you try it.

It has been India's (RAW) long term plan to foster and infuse Rabindric culture (India-friendly culture) in Bangladesh through sponsoring 'cultural exchanges' for music and dance (scholarships for Vishwa Bharati University and Santi Niketan).

The headquarters for such efforts is of course the Khaddi-Punjabi-wearing Puthi-toting crowd at Bangla Akademi and the Drama group promoters from Mohila Shomity Stage area at New Bailey Road in Dhaka - some of whom also control the media industry in Bangladesh. Names associated with BITOPI advertising - the premier media company in this country (such as Aly Zaker, Sara Zaker) are associated with left-leaning India-leaning collaborators and some are even MP's (Asaduzzaman Noor) in current administration, although I would say Asad is not as bad as some other 'supposedly Muslim' India-collaborators. These people are well-marked in Bangladesh.

These people are unfortunately more Hindu in culture than the Hindus themselves (kind of an eyesore) and like to go and hang out in Calcutta at least three/four times a year. Most of them have been instrumental in promoting Indian media and Indian brands in Bangladesh over the years. BITOPI has promoted low-quality Indian FMCG goods like Horlicks, BOOST, Cadbury's etc. to the detriment of the health of Bangladeshi children and parents' pocketbooks.

Although these people's activities are thankfully avoidable/invisible most of the year - they come out en masse during Pehla Baisakh celebrations near Shahbagh, lately under the current administration they have become very bold and open about their India-leaning mentality. Although I am tolerant person - the promotion of the following culture seemed essentially alien to us. Even in Calcutta they don't bounce around so much with 'Lakhshmi Owl Hindu Symbols'.


Then you have the crass stupidity of the mass 'Bot-tola' 'Devi Avahonee' Bengali Pooja 'music'.


And lets not forget more 'Protima' related stuff,


This is not our culture and it has been essentially hijacked. Now if people are too bored they essentially participate in these things for 'fun' but this is still part of Indian 'soft-cultural aggression' to make Bangladeshis 'India-friendly'.

I have said many times that I am a person with a more secular outlook. But being secular does not mean one should be anti-Islamic or even anti-'any religion' (especially one's own). It is amusing at best and shameful at its worst.

I don't like the fact that some people in this country (supposedly Muslim and a hypocrite in that sense) laughably cow-tow to a non-majority religion (Hinduism) to the detriment of Islam (which is our majority religion in this country). Writing Bengali Poetry is fine but at least respect the religion you were born with and not bad-mouth it.

Older people will pass away in a few years - its the Young and Restless ;-) I'm worried about.

It has been India's (RAW) long term plan to foster and infuse Rabindric culture (India-friendly culture) in Bangladesh through sponsoring 'cultural exchanges' for music and dance (scholarships for Vishwa Bharati University and Santi Niketan).

The headquarters for such efforts is of course the Khaddi-Punjabi-wearing Puthi-toting crowd at Bangla Akademi and the Drama group promoters from Mohila Shomity Stage area at New Bailey Road in Dhaka - some of whom also control the media industry in Bangladesh. Names associated with BITOPI advertising - the premier media company in this country (such as Aly Zaker, Sara Zaker) are associated with left-leaning India-leaning collaborators and some are even MP's (Asaduzzaman Noor) in current administration, although I would say Asad is not as bad as some other 'supposedly Muslim' India-collaborators. These people are well-marked in Bangladesh.

These people are unfortunately more Hindu in culture than the Hindus themselves (kind of an eyesore) and like to go and hang out in Calcutta at least three/four times a year. Most of them have been instrumental in promoting Indian media and Indian brands in Bangladesh over the years. BITOPI has promoted low-quality Indian FMCG goods like Horlicks, BOOST, Cadbury's etc. to the detriment of the health of Bangladeshi children and parents' pocketbooks.

Although these people's activities are thankfully avoidable/invisible most of the year - they come out en masse during Pehla Baisakh celebrations near Shahbagh, lately under the current administration they have become very bold and open about their India-leaning mentality. Although I am tolerant person - the promotion of the following culture seemed essentially alien to us. Even in Calcutta they don't bounce around so much with 'Lakhshmi Owl Hindu Symbols'.


Then you have the crass stupidity of the mass 'Bot-tola' 'Devi Avahonee' Bengali Pooja 'music'.


And lets not forget more 'Protima' related stuff,


This is not our culture and it has been essentially hijacked. Now if people are too bored they essentially participate in these things for 'fun' but this is still part of Indian 'soft-cultural aggression' to make Bangladeshis 'India-friendly'.

I have said many times that I am a person with a more secular outlook. But being secular does not mean one should be anti-Islamic or even anti-'any religion' (especially one's own). It is amusing at best and shameful at its worst.

I don't like the fact that some people in this country (supposedly Muslim and a hypocrite in that sense) laughably cow-tow to a non-majority religion (Hinduism) to the detriment of Islam (which is our majority religion in this country). Writing Bengali Poetry is fine but at least respect the religion you were born with and not bad-mouth it.
Consider them less religious than the average Muslim then.
I will check out those movies.

But you carefully avoided cow-slaughter issue. India is the only country which places religious-based restrictions on people's food habits in a country of a billion people - by banning cow slaughter.

I know for a fact that bacon and ham consumption is haram (forbidden) for all Muslims in Bangladesh. however it is widely available for non-Muslims in markets in Dhaka. Heck - even dog meat is available for a price I heard. :laugh:

Alcohol consumption is also haram - but people are doing it widely (but in a discreet manner).

Bangladesh has its own brands of beer, whiskey, gin and other alcoholic beverages.

We don't have nationwide bans on any of those things.

But your country does.

So when a pauper country (like yours) gets a few annas in the pocket - all of a sudden the pauper grows a spine and gets 'values' and 'principles'??

This is laughable, most outsiders will have to look at this with bemusement...

You and another Bangladeshi was boasting about your "Secular credentials" while stating things that are far away from the idea of secularism, that's why I had to point it out. Otherwise you are free to be communal or even radical. :)

Btw, India is the largest exporter of beef in the world, and Maharashtra is not entire India. And is it true that Bangladesh has something like a blasphemy law? :)

Older people will pass away in a few years - its the Young and Restless ;-) I'm worried about.

You should be, seriously! :)
You and another Bangladeshi was boasting about your "Secular credentials" while stating things that are far away from the idea of secularism, that's why I had to point it out. Otherwise you are free to be communal or even radical. :)

Being Secular to me in Bangladesh means preserving the rights of everyone to practice their religion and being mindful of their religious sensitivity.

Just as importantly - it also means that no one has the right to 'disturb the peace' by bad-mouthing any religion (including Islam) which causes needless communal strife/riots and disturbance of daily life by inciting communal and religious hatred. Such actions will be strongly dealt with - which is called the blasphemy law.

This is our Bangladeshi solution trying to control the problem of communalism and religious fanaticism (bloggers and Islamic extremists alike) - which India has unfortunately miserably failed in.

Look at Godhra, the deplorable activities of the Sangh Parivar, the Babri Masjid incident, the rise of the Thackeray goons in Bombay and their efforts to 'deport' indigent non-Maharashtrian workers to 'improve' living standards there. I could go on and on.

These are the sad examples and outcomes of Indian impotent 'don't give two shitz' chalta-hai attitude. Well 'nehi chalta-hai' in Bangladesh. We don't do things that way.

You can't publish books bad-mouthing any religious personality in this country and get away with it. Whether it is Sri Chaitanya or Muhammad...can't hurt religious sentiments. And this is based on solid common law in practice in all commonwealth countries except India.

Btw, India is the largest exporter of beef in the world, and Maharashtra is not entire India. And is it true that Bangladesh has something like a blasphemy law? :)

Just you wait - almost all states with BJP govts. are waiting in the wings to appease the Gandoo Indian voter with this type of sensationalist bu11-sh1t. Next election they are going to enact the beef bans into law in almost all states except maybe WB and some Southern states. A sure-fire vote-collector tool. Heck what am I saying - this is no surprise, This has been planned for decades.:-)
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Being Secular to me in Bangladesh means preserving the rights of everyone to practice their religion and being mindful of their religious sensitivity.

Just as importantly - it also means that no one has the right to 'disturb the peace' by bad-mouthing any religion (including Islam) which causes needless communal strife/riots and disturbance of daily life by inciting communal and religious hatred. Such actions will be strongly dealt with - which is called the blasphemy law.

This is our Bangladeshi solution trying to control the problem of communalism and religious fanaticism (bloggers and Islamic extremists alike) - which India has unfortunately miserably failed in.

Look at Godhra, the deplorable activities of the Sangh Parivar, the Babri Masjid incident, the rise of the Thackeray goons in Bombay and their efforts to 'deport' indigent non-Maharashtrian workers to 'improve' living standards there. I could go on and on.

These are the sad examples and outcomes of Indian impotent 'don't give two shitz' chalta-hai attitude. Well 'nehi chalta-hai' in Bangladesh. We don't do things that way.

You can't publish books bad-mouthing any religious personality in this country and get away with it. Whether it is Sri Chaitanya or Muhammad...can't hurt religious sentiments. And this is based on solid common law in practice in all commonwealth countries except India.

Just you wait - almost all states with BJP govts. are waiting in the wings to appease the Gandoo Indian voter with this type of sensationalist bu11-sh1t. Next election they are going to enact the beef bans into law in almost all states except maybe WB and some Southern states. A sure-fire vote-collector tool. Heck what am I saying - this is no surprise, This has been planned for decades.:-)

The problem with intollerance towards divergent views is that intollerance has no limit, once you take that route, you run the risk of slipping down further and further to finally become an apertheid state, or worse..a Taliban state.

Btw, I guess blasphemy law in Bangladesh is to protect only Islam, can a Muslim or anyone be convicted under that law for insulting Hindu religion?

Finally, beef is not banned in Gujrat also, where Modi was the CM for 13 years with huge majority.
Being Secular to me in Bangladesh means preserving the rights of everyone to practice their religion and being mindful of their religious sensitivity.

Just as importantly - it also means that no one has the right to 'disturb the peace' by bad-mouthing any religion (including Islam) which causes needless communal strife/riots and disturbance of daily life by inciting communal and religious hatred. Such actions will be strongly dealt with - which is called the blasphemy law.

This is our Bangladeshi solution trying to control the problem of communalism and religious fanaticism (bloggers and Islamic extremists alike) - which India has unfortunately miserably failed in.
The basic definition of secularism is the separation of government from religious matters. Being mindful of religious sensitivities has nothing to do with secularism, it's just being politically correct. You can't just change a definition just like that.
dear bonglos, please stop tainting our culture by trying to partake in it. You aren't welcome to watch our shows, films, music, etc.
Then stop airing them in our country.

We aren't. You are stealing it by illegally tapping the satellite signal. Stop it, we hate you guys and don't want you to watch our stuff.
The problem with intollerance towards divergent views is that intollerance has no limit, once you take that route, you run the risk of slipping down further and further to finally become an apertheid state, or worse..a Taliban state.

Btw, I guess blasphemy law in Bangladesh is to protect only Islam, can a Muslim or anyone be convicted under that law for insulting Hindu religion?

Finally, beef is not banned in Gujrat also, where Modi was the CM for 13 years with huge majority.

If some guy/gal posts or says something insulting about any religion or community he/she can be jailed. Yes this includes Hindu religion.

What you called intolerance - some can take a good strong governance.

Take Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew for example. That country could not become what it did without a dose of discipline provided by LKY, he is revered by many and yes - detested by a few. Same for South Korea and Park Chung Hee.

Third World countries with meagre resources need innovative ways and approaches to provide jobs to their populace and strong iron-fisted leaders to govern and control the economy. Korea was in a position worse than Bangladesh some three decades ago. Look at them now.

Strong governance like in Singapore and Korea has no relation to apartheid or medieval religious states.
The problem with intollerance towards divergent views is that intollerance has no limit, once you take that route, you run the risk of slipping down further and further to finally become an apertheid state, or worse..a Taliban state.

Btw, I guess blasphemy law in Bangladesh is to protect only Islam, can a Muslim or anyone be convicted under that law for insulting Hindu religion?

Finally, beef is not banned in Gujrat also, where Modi was the CM for 13 years with huge majority.

There is no Blasphemy law in Bangladesh that gives death sentences like Pakistan. Rather it has a law, that bars any hate speech against any religion. It intend to protect all religion in Bangladesh. Hope you are out of this wrong information about Bangladesh.

But sometime majority rules, so muslims cant eat beef freely in India. And, Hindu's cant bar us from having beef freely in Bangladesh. This is the loophole you can tell.

Like I can't invite you to have amazing beef steaks, shik kebabs :P
There is no Blasphemy law in Bangladesh that gives death sentences like Pakistan. Rather it has a law, that bars any hate speech against any religion. It intend to protect all religion in Bangladesh. Hope you are out of this wrong information about Bangladesh.

But sometime majority rules, so muslims cant eat beef freely in India. And, Hindu's cant bar us from having beef freely in Bangladesh. This is the loophole you can tell.

Like I can't invite you to have amazing beef steaks, shik kebabs :P

Can you please list some instances where in Bangladesh a Muslim has been convicted and punished under that blasphemy law for defaming Hindu religion? :)

Besides, in India you can pretty much have any food you want to have, and that includes both beef and pork, both are kind of taboo in Hindu religion.
Can you please list some instances where in Bangladesh a Muslim has been convicted and punished under that blasphemy law for defaming Hindu religion? :)

Besides, in India you can pretty much have any food you want to have, and that includes both beef and pork, both are kind of taboo in Hindu religion.

That's because almost all westernized Hindus now want and eat beef. I have seen myself how eagerly Indian posters in this forum have asked me to post steak pictures in the Bangladeshi restaurants thread - which is fine.

That is not the point - the point is that your govt. (in spite of supreme court judicial opinions to the contrary) have now started to regulate people's personal lives. They have now banned p*rn altogether (as of twelve or so hours ago).

So - this pours cold water over the concept of a free and liberal India which is controlled now by a communal RSS-led Govt. As some are opining - this is not far from the Taliban and ISIS restrictions over a free access to material some seek.

Indians Can't Access Pornography Sites, Government Ban Suspected
That's because almost all westernized Hindus now want and eat beef. I have seen myself how eagerly Indian posters in this forum have asked me to post steak pictures in the Bangladeshi restaurants thread - which is fine.

That is not the point - the point is that your govt. (in spite of supreme court judicial opinions to the contrary) have now started to regulate people's personal lives. They have now banned p*rn altogether (as of twelve or so hours ago).

So - this pours cold water over the concept of a free and liberal India which is controlled now by a communal RSS-led Govt. As some are opining - this is not far from the Taliban and ISIS restrictions over a free access to material some seek.

Indians Can't Access Pornography Sites, Government Ban Suspected

That news is a fake news.
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