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High alert in Delhi after RAW warns of terror attack

RAW and its alerts..........................:coffee:

The number of alerts we get here in the UK because of MI5/6 work is even more! This is just the world we live in today-it is better to be safe than sorry.
I do not get the reference, why does it matter where the original info came from?

Because we dont have the Luxury to interfere in others matter e.g America. Its between Saudis and Indians they are capable to solve such issues
hahaha...Raw and its alerts:rofl:...sun kar Lahore kay wo begunaah taajir yaad aagaiy....:devil:
A lot of times, these public warnings become deterrents for the attack since terrorists abort the mission knowing that the authorities are already alert. Remember that the objective is to prevent casualties and not kill the terrorist foot soldiers..
You have a good point , but it can be debatable . You know the main aim of terrorists is to plant fear in the hearts of people . They are well trained and are prepared for worst situation . They might postpone an attack but not abort it . From a terrorist point of view , he can be more aware .
Kindly share links with me if any such terror activities were prevented by alerts .
There is third option too as RAW proved in past with Lahore businessmen...:lol:

I will still take that over option 2 that seems to be the norm in Pakistan :lol:

You have a good point , but it can be debatable . You know the main aim of terrorists is to plant fear in the hearts of people . They are well trained and are prepared for worst situation . They might postpone an attack but not abort it . From a terrorist point of view , he can be more aware .
Kindly share links with me if any such terror activities were prevented by alerts .

Terror strikes aborted by terrorists never make it out to the public domain.. But yeah, its a thin line..
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