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Hi from KhalaiMakhlooq (Aliens)

Do you believe in the Supernatural?

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If you can understand Urdu than this paranormal investigative show is for you.
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Hello to All Members on this Forum!

I know a little about Pakistan and the threats it faces internally and externally and this is the starting point I refer to: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/pakistan.htm.

I also know that Pakistan is a very important country because of its geographical location in the world and the strategic position it holds and the value this has to the world at large. I will leave the threats mentioned above to the professionals who do this as a full-time job. My main interest in this forum is to research weird and wonderful things of spiritual and supernatural nature like Aliens/UFO's/Demons/Satans/Angels/Possession/Magic/Experiences/Abductions etc that people have first hand experience of.

It's great to see an active site here, and I guess all the members of the forum have unique and deep experiences, insights and feelings about many different things related to Pakistan, but the supernatural is my only real interest here. So, it's great that such a forum like this one exists where people with can openly and freely talk about anything. Good luck to you all!

Thanks, KhalaiMakhlooq

What are your thoughts on Anunnaki creation story? For example the Sumerian God 'Enki' was known as Osiris to Egyptians, Poseidon to Greeks, Neptune to Romans, Vishnu to Hindus...do you believe such a being or rather an ET actually existed in the past, because even we would be Gods to earlier humans due to our technology. There needs to some explanations why ancient pyramids are scattered all over the world.
If you can understand Urdu than this paranormal investigative show is for you.
View attachment 525909
I have a translator, if you say its good, maybe its worth watching - thanks!

What are your thoughts on Anunnaki creation story? For example the Sumerian God 'Enki' was known as Osiris to Egyptians, Poseidon to Greeks, Neptune to Romans, Vishnu to Hindus...do you believe such a being or rather an ET actually existed in the past, because even we would be Gods to earlier humans due to our technology. There needs to some explanations why ancient pyramids are scattered all over the world.

In Greek mythology, the primordial deities are the first gods and goddesses born from Chronos and Ananke.
These primordial dieties are Gaia, Tartarus, Eros, Erebus and Nyx. Gaia and Uranus give birth to the Titans and Aphrodite. The Titans Cronus (different to Chronos) and Rhea give birth to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter who overthrow the Titans. Hence Anake would be the equivalent of the Annunaki.

I believe the Anunnaki is what is called in Urdu 'Anokha' (one in a million or unique). The Annunaki would be the equivalent of 'Purusha' to the Hindus, an entity that would sacrifice part of its own soul to create, contained in the most ancient parts of the Veda. An entity greater some consider above the realm of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu as the trinity of creator-destroyer-sustainer.

The Indus valley civilisation is centred around the Indus river and archaeologically older than Iraq and Africa and DNA researchers believe is the 'cradle of mankind'. This would be the actual Sumerian civilisation, Iraq being a colony. A globe-spanning civilisation with advanced technology would be an accurate description.

It is also good to note that Jewish/Christian Genesis describes a river that flows out of (Sea) Eden into the garden that splits into four heads, and one to the land of Cush (Hindu Cush), one to the land of Havelih (Havilian) etc. I think you get the picture.
I have a translator, if you say its good, maybe its worth watching - thanks!

I highly recommend you to watch this show. It has been running for more than a decade and can give you A LOT of information about all famous and unknown haunted/paranormal sites in Pakistan.
I DO. Maryam Orange train is one of the example. Kia baat karte ho sheikh. :D
I had the honour or rather dishonour of looking at her upclose she is bhengi and her face is full of khadas that she fills with base (looks more like plaster)
I had the honour or rather dishonour of looking at her upclose she is bhengi and her face is full of khadas that she fills with base (looks more like plaster)

Astgfarullah how observant and that too for Maryam orange train ;D
Astgfarullah how observant and that too for Maryam orange train ;D
No you just didnot no NO god brain bleach may your rotis never be gol for putting such thoughts in my head :angry:
In Greek mythology, the primordial deities are the first gods and goddesses born from Chronos and Ananke.
These primordial dieties are Gaia, Tartarus, Eros, Erebus and Nyx. Gaia and Uranus give birth to the Titans and Aphrodite. The Titans Cronus (different to Chronos) and Rhea give birth to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter who overthrow the Titans. Hence Anake would be the equivalent of the Annunaki.

I believe the Anunnaki is what is called in Urdu 'Anokha' (one in a million or unique). The Annunaki would be the equivalent of 'Purusha' to the Hindus, an entity that would sacrifice part of its own soul to create, contained in the most ancient parts of the Veda. An entity greater some consider above the realm of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu as the trinity of creator-destroyer-sustainer.

The Indus valley civilisation is centred around the Indus river and archaeologically older than Iraq and Africa and DNA researchers believe is the 'cradle of mankind'. This would be the actual Sumerian civilisation, Iraq being a colony. A globe-spanning civilisation with advanced technology would be an accurate description.

It is also good to note that Jewish/Christian Genesis describes a river that flows out of (Sea) Eden into the garden that splits into four heads, and one to the land of Cush (Hindu Cush), one to the land of Havelih (Havilian) etc. I think you get the picture.

Well, Eridu is usually considered the oldest city in the world, the first settlement of the Anunnaki and the original Garden of Eden where the Adam, a mammal from Africa, was genetically engineered in 'the best of shapes' or 'in our image' and then Eve was created from Adam's DNA.

Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) is the cradle of civilization, with Indus Valley Civilization, Egyptian civilization and Mesoamerica as the later settlements.
Well, Eridu is usually considered the oldest city in the world, the first settlement of the Anunnaki and the original Garden of Eden where the Adam, a mammal from Africa, was genetically engineered in 'the best of shapes' or 'in our image' and then Eve was created from Adam's DNA.

Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) is the cradle of civilization, with Indus Valley Civilization, Egyptian civilization and Mesoamerica as the later settlements.

The Annuanki creation story is, very quickly, the descent of 'gods' from 'heaven' onto earth with an existing slave-race called the Igigi, who later rebelled and angered the Annunaki gods, causing them to search for their replacement. Then the taking of a pre-existing species of earth monkeys and the genetic modification of these monkeys, cross-breeding Annunaki alien DNA with monkey DNA to produce modern homo-sapien slave-race called Humans. Eridu (Space Port 1, Iraq) was established post-flood according to the Sumerian Gilgamesh narration. The Annunaki had full earth rule pre-flood. Iraqi Sumeria in Mesopotamia and Egypt come after Indus Valley in the timeline. You were nearly there but missing a few details. The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the three “Ancient East” societies that are considered to be the cradles of civilization of the old world of man, and are among the most widespread; the other two “Ancient East” societies are Mesopotamia and Pharonic Egypt.

New evidence suggests the Indus Valley Civilisation in India and Pakistan, famed for its well-planned cities and impressive crafts, predates Egypt and Mesopotamia. SOURCE 1 (HTTP) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/science...ncient-society-2-500-years-older-thought.html

Although archaeologists and theosophists have been saying this since the 1800's, it now recognised that Indus Valley is the first cradle of civilisation.
I had the honour or rather dishonour of looking at her upclose she is bhengi and her face is full of khadas that she fills with base (looks more like plaster)
She looks like a birthday cake gone wrong.Kudos Sheikh
i also believe.other dimensions,parallel worlds whatever.i like astronomy.i think we aren't alone in this universe.

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