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Hezbollah retaliates by targeting Israeli military convoy, at least 2 killed

The more important point than few guys getting killed (my guts tells me it's more than two, Israel has a policy of censoring military casualties/operations/tactics)
Israel publishes all its dead from 1948 till today. No one if forgotten, unlike Iran where hundreds of thousands are buried unknown.

is that Israel didn't dare to respond to these attacks
Dont worry, lots of Hezies will die. Its very possible that some Hezies already were killed today, but they will never release their names, just like they did not release any names in 2006.

this is the same Israel that launches numerous missiles/mortars/airstrikes like a mad dog against a possible source of fire towards Israel.
As I said to ur friend Hazzy, last time it took some thousand rockets into our cities before we launched a major operation in Gaza.

This is the same Israel whose defense minister said just 2 days ago that they won't 'tolerate' any escalation from Hezbollah side. Now what? They have stopped military operations.
Its same Hezbollah and Iran who promised super mega retaliation (our forum Iranians dreamed about 600 kg warheads on Tel Aviv) and now all u consider killing of two border guards as mega victory.

Shut the fack up you dirty scumbag. Wow, 2 million to PA corrupt government which is forced to pay money to Israel. You're an iteration of an idiot. I was in raised in Palestine. And that is non of your own business. ME affairs are my business. Quit whining and bitching every time news like this comes up. Stay in your section.
How its ur business? U live 10,000 km from Middle East.
That might be the future but that doesn't make those conflicts unimportant, we're still in this generation, losing a conflict might result in your oppression or death.
Conflicts are important for us but the reasons are illogical. If only we can realise it.
The whole point of this forum is to let people from diffrent backgrounds actively share ideas with each other so no such thing as x person should stick to x section. Get it into your head.

Exactly, so quit directing(undirectly) your posts at me. And address topic instead of making childish personal attacks. If you feel bad for these bandits and criminals then take them into your country. They all originally come from around the world. Have fun with them.
Exactly, so quit directing(undirectly) your posts at me. And address topic instead of making childish personal attacks. If you feel bad for these bandits and criminals then take them into your country. They all originally come from around the world. Have fun with them.
How do you know that I targeted you? You are not the centre of the universe. And no whether it's PA or not, it doesn't matter. The money was for the benefit of your people. The state of Sri Lanka doesn't hold any interest within PA.
As I said to ur friend Hazzy, last time it took some thousand rockets into our cities before we launched a major operation in Gaza.

Link? You are pathologically lying again.

Its same Hezbollah and Iran who promised super mega retaliation (our forum Iranians dreamed about 600 kg warheads on Tel Aviv) and now all u consider killing of two border guards as mega victory.

600kg rocket is not significant. And is most proportionate response that can be handed to Israel. Israel regularly uses single ton bombs on civilians. Most times 4-8, 2,000 pound bombs in order to make sure family inside home is evaporated under rubble.
Israel publishes all its dead from 1948 till today. No one if forgotten, unlike Iran where hundreds of thousands are buried unknown.
lol, no one is buried unknown in Iran, even terrorists killed have their names on graves.
Dont worry, lots of Hezies will die. Its very possible that some Hezies already were killed today, but they will never release their names, just like they did not release any names in 2006.
Don't worry, lots of Israelis will die in return.
As I said to ur friend Hazzy, last time it took some thousand rockets into our cities before we launched a major operation in Gaza.
Well ask Ya'alon, he was the one saying 2 days ago that he will not tolerate ANY provocation.
Its same Hezbollah and Iran who promised super mega retaliation (our forum Iranians dreamed about 600 kg warheads on Tel Aviv) and now all u consider killing of two border guards as mega victory.

Yes, you can expect missiles with 600 kg warheads, I was the one who said it first. But in case a full scale war is started and I still say the same. I promise you here, if a war like 2006 starts, you can expect some nasty $hit raining on you, you won't be able to terrorize Beirut and other areas with no response again.

This was I think one of the cheapest weapons Iran has given to Hezbollah, which was most likely shot at Israeli vehicles today: Dehlavie ATGM:
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Link? You are pathologically lying again.

600kg rocket is not significant. And is most proportionate response that can be handed to Israel. Israel regularly uses single ton bombs on civilians. Most times 4-8, 2,000 pound bombs in order to make sure family inside home is evaporated under rubble.
In 2009 (after Cast Lead) - less than 100 rockets
2010 - less than 100 rockets
In 2011 - 386 rockets
In 2012 till November - 721 rockets

Only after all these Israel launched an operation Pillar of Defence. Many links here:

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

600kg rocket is not significant. And is most proportionate response that can be handed to Israel. Israel regularly uses single ton bombs on civilians. Most times 4-8, 2,000 pound bombs in order to make sure family inside home is evaporated under rubble.
Week ago: you killed 6 top Hezies and general prepare to rain of 600 kg warheads on Tel Aviv!
Today: two border guards killed, we won we won!

lol, no one is buried unknown in Iran, even terrorists killed have their names on graves.
You know all names of killed in Iraq Iran war? All those Iranians who die in Syria and Iraq for butcherer Assad?

Don't worry, lots of Israelis will dies in return.
For every killed Israeli there will be 10 Hezies.

Well ask Ya'alon, he was the one saying 2 days ago that he will not tolerate ANY provocation.
We will retaliate no worry.

Yes, you can expect missiles with 600 kg warheads, I was the one who said it first. But in case a full scale war is started and I still say the same. I promise you here, if a war like 2006 starts, you can expect some nasty $hit raining on you, you won't be able to terrorize Beirut and other areas with no response again.
So now its enough retaliation? And as i said for every 600 kg warhead there will be 1000 2000 lb bombs. In 2006 Shiites hided in Sunni areas, where they will hide now? After they murdered 200,000 Sunnis? Whats even worse we will retaliate also in Syria what will happen to Hezbollah when Assad army collapses?

This was I think one of the cheapest weapons Iran has given to Hezbollah, which was most likely shot at Israeli vehicles today: Dehlavie ATGM:
Its called Kornet, not dewlulala 3 of those missed the target today. Better concentrate on killing Syrians while u still can.
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yes bro , hezbollah possessed this capabilities long before that

During the 2006 Lebanon War, the INS Hanit was attacked by Hezbollah as it was enforcing a naval blockade off Beirut. Hezbollah used an Iranian version of the Chinese C-802 missile. The resulting explosion caused the landing pad to cave in and be engulfed in flames that threatened the aviation fuel storage below, and the flames were not fully extinguished until several hours later. The ship suffered some damage, but stayed afloat, got itself out of the line of fire, and made the rest of the journey back to Ashdod for repairs on its own. The ship was repaired and resumed its combat role three weeks later.[3]Four IDF sailors were killed.


now they possess even more sophisticated missiles than the NOOR aka C-802 which is a relatively old missile

they might even have yakhnot , or the iranian anti-ship BM called Khalije fars with 5+ mach speed :)
For the hundredth time the wiki article is wrong . The missile was c701 equivalent not something based on c802 .
A c802 would have vaporized that ship.
Indians hate all Muslims. You Iranians have been fooled for years on this forum. :rofl:

If anyone knows how to give a bj, it's the Indians. Ask Israel.

don't worry !

in a few days our Iranian brother will forget that the Hinduvta scum is an enemy of ALL Muslims not just Pakistan
Whatever happens....remember it largely depends on US green light. Also on Western policy in ME. Israel may start a wide 'operation' tonight unexpectedly. And it may not. We should expect any range of possibilities. Discussions are still being had in private. Also if they do want to surprise strike they have to prepare logistics still.

We will retaliate no worry.

When and in what way?
LOL, the pro-Israel media is already pushing the narrative that it was Hezbollah that started it.

I agree with you on this one. They (Israelis) seem to have taken a page right out of Pakistani books. Prick and initiate wars with India, blame India for starting it and when the going gets tough run to the intl community to save them (except Israel doesn't follow the very last part and doesn't need to)
Many Hezbollah will now get a nice visit from the Sirs from the Mossad.
RIP to the Soldiers (if they were innocent)
now i am worried about the people in Gaza , there will be a retaliation from Israel , and this incident will be shown as a excuse ... i hope some day USA govt can interfere in this war to settle the issues once and for all ... where the hell is Blackbama , and bhang ki mun ?
I have a better suggestion. Since you Pakistanis delude yourselves into thinking that you are the leader of the Islamic world (Nuclear?) then why not go to their defence instead of crying "Uncle Sam" whom your janta anyway hates.

Anyway Pak has been supporting palestinians since its very formation Pakistan–Palestine relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

> Pakistan and Palestine have a very close and cultural relationship. During the 1948 Palestine War (1947–1949), Israel's diplomatic mission in Washington received information that Pakistan was trying to provide military assistance to the Arabs, including rumors that a Pakistani battalion would be sent to Palestine to fight alongside them. Pakistan bought 250,000 rifles in Czechoslovakia that apparently were meant for the Arabs. Also, it became known that Pakistan bought three planes in Italy for the Egyptians.

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