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Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

ok good for you..it is a start..how many days are they in the jail though..1??

looks like you are in lot of pain..I was just telling the truth..calm down boy

Wow, a rat can speak. Lol. If you by "pain" mean, me laughing my as-s off, yup :D
ok good for you..it is a start..how many days are they in the jail though..1??

Liu, 60, was among the highest ranked Chinese officials to face corruption-related charges until the downfall of Politburo member Bo Xilai, the Chongqing Communist Party secretary who was also expelled from the party in September and is awaiting trial on graft allegations. Bo’s wife was convicted in August of murdering a British businessman.

China Charges Former Railway Chief in Corruption Crackdown
Apr 10, 2013 5:45 PM GMT+0800
carry on boys in your delusional world..best of luck with the mixed thing...:cheers:
Heroes to who???

West likes this type of fanfare. India will always follow its white master. :)

You rely on the white masters for your economy and your people are getting surgically repaired to have white features. So if anyone is slave to whites it is you guys.

are those wimps and cunt$ are 'heros'``?

you know the real freedom fighters and heros are those Maoists fighting for the very basic human rights in India``at least those ones don't bark like dogs like those Tiananmen cunt$ who live on C.I.A's pay check

Hit a nerve I see :lol:
Hong Kong Holds Vigil for Tiananmen Massacre Victims

Both Taiwan and Hong Kong that China claims as its own have be know to take a **** at the Chinese: lol: Here in Hong Kong under the direct control of China making a mockery of China.





See how orderly the Chinese people are?

And no police hitting protectors with sticks?

Unlike the Indians.

See how orderly the Chinese people are?

And no police hitting protectors with sticks?

Unlike the Indians.

Hong Kong citizens consider it an insult to call them Chinese. You guys are called grasshoppers by them


A 13-year-old girl was handcuffed and paraded through the street after accidentally spilling water onto a car belonging to the local government of Guizhou Province in China, according to posts being circulated on the Chinese microblogging platform, Sina Weibo.


Video of a Chinese urban police officer jumping onto the head of a bike shop owner went viral on the Chinese Internet this week, leading many to reflect on the culture of violence and abuse of power in Chinese society.
^^^ dimwit chini the micro blog is showing/reporting videos being shown all over china of what took place. They did not make up the scenario. The news is 100% true.


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