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Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

In China, corruption is rampant but still commmon man cant get things done..since you need to a&& lick the generals first also..

in China at least 1000 corrupted officials get caught and exposed by private/local medias and blogs, and faced hard punishment every year

in India despite the 'democracy' and 'freedom of speech',, corrupted high caste rulers keep opening 1000 new Swiss accounts annually with the dirty money robbed from those low caste dispensable

Agreed... I can see your hurt as your master ccp is being criticized. I hope they don't cut your payment!!:cry:

then we must be living in agony every single day, as criticising the government is all we nowadays Chinese do``

so where is your agony from? countless historical humiliations? modern jokes? or just be an Indian?
in China at least 1000 corrupted officials get caught and exposed by private/local medias and blogs, and faced hard punishment every year

in India despite the 'democracy' and 'freedom of speech',, corrupted high caste rulers opened 1000 new Swiss accounts with the dirty money robbed from those low caste dispensable

I never saw a general being caught and openly hanged..this is all common people. Have you ever prosecuted any of your military commy ..the blind activitist who ran away to US, is always scared of his relatives back home being harassed ..why ? because he told the truth now his relatives are facing the persecution..the reality is never shown in China's media since it is state controlled,,,if your generals are true heros they should decentralize the media and take care of their people ..
Agreed... I can see your hurt as your master ccp is being criticized. I hope they don't cut your payment!!:cry:

Its pass your bed time. go dream some Indian superpower with a lots of white servant dream
I don't know what would have happened, but I do know what DID happen.

2nd GDP, massive increase in per capita, highest growth rate for a long time, and even now it's one of the best.

So would it have been better under democracy? maybe, but it's also not bad at present.
What a stupid threat, and I don't usually use strong words. Strange how some countries want to impose "democracy" on China. Lol. I am happy that most Chinese are smart enough to support their government. Siden 1989 we have seen "democracy" in work in Soviet Union which collapsed and is worse off today comprated to earlier. Former Yugoslavia, total collapse there too. Then Romania, where 50% of the people today wish they could og back to pre-1989.

Not to mention Somalia and Afghanistan, they sure are getting their "democracy" with UCAV attacks. Same with Iraq, full-scale "democracy" invasion, then we got the same thing in Libya and now Mali.

Some People are seriously funny. If anything has thought us since 1989, it's that democracy kills. (Former USSR, Former Yugoslavia, Romania, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Egypt) all worse off now compared to before.
I never saw a general being caught and openly hanged..this is all common people. Have you ever prosecuted any of your military commy ..the blind activitist who ran away to US, is always scared of his relatives back home being harassed ..why ? because he told the truth now his relatives are facing the persecution..the reality is never shown in China's media since it is state controlled,,,if your generals are true heros they should decentralize the media and take care of their people ..

Indians are so clueless that always come up with obscure stuffs``

what generals you are talking about? anti-corruption is from all aspects of governing departments, be it judicial, civil, security, planning, state own enterprises, media or defence industry`

and talking about Chinese media is controlled``lol what a naïve indian, can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?

if your sorry country has only a bit to do with transparency or 'freedom of expression' your feudal government will dissolve within second as no one is clean from your high caste gangsters clans```
I don't know what would have happened, but I do know what DID happen.

2nd GDP, massive increase in per capita, highest growth rate for a long time, and even now it's one of the best.

So would it have been better under democracy? maybe, but it's also not bad at present.

China would get colonized again if those dissidents succeeded in overthrowing CPC.

But remember, CPC is a hundred years old party that got tested through history, they have survived against the massacre from KMT, against the invasion of the Japanese fascists, against the Korean War, against the Soviet Social-Imperialism, etc.

CPC is born warrior, while those dissidents are nothing but rats.
I don't know what would have happened, but I do know what DID happen.

2nd GDP, massive increase in per capita, highest growth rate for a long time, and even now it's one of the best.

So would it have been better under democracy? maybe, but it's also not bad at present.

That's why the West and Japan hate China. They can't take it that China is a superpower who soon will be the biggest economy in the world. They can't take it that it is thanks to the CCP and the Chinese People who focus on making China strong, and NOT weak.

That's why West/Japan want to insert socalled "democracy" so you can end up like USSR, Yugoslavia, Romania, Afghanistan, Haiti, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Mali or like "democratic" India or The Phillipines, lol.
Indians are so clueless that always come up with obscure stuffs``

what generals you are talking about? anti-corruption is from all aspects of governing departments, be it judicial, civil, security, planning, state own enterprises, media or defence industry`

and talking about Chinese media is controlled``lol what a naïve indian, can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?

if your sorry country has only a bit to do with transparency or 'freedom of expression' your feudal government will dissolve within second as no one is clean from your high caste gangsters clans```

do you know what you are writting..looks like I did catch the weak nerve..I know it pains..be happy with your high gdp and etc etc..privledges are for the few only
heroes to the billion Chinese who need freedom.. but not to paid ccp members.

well those wimps and cunt$ didn't bring no money, bigger house, better cars, factories, Olympic games, shiny cities, 2nd GDP, Changer Moon satellite, space station and powerful military to us```

but the Indian Maosits freedom fighters did kill some 'feudal guards' for the love of the rest low caste indians ``

so I really admire them``
That's why the West and Japan hate China. They can't take it that China is a superpower who soon will be the biggest economy in the world. They can't take it that it is thanks to the CCP and the Chinese People who focus on making China strong, and NOT weak.

That's why West/Japan want to insert socalled "democracy" so you can end up like USSR, Yugoslavia, Romania, Afghanistan, Haiti, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Mali or like "democratic" India or The Phillipines, lol.

Ok so this is fed to you..that since we are NOT a democracy we are much better..you dont know the taste of democracy..chinese ran like rats when china took over hong kong every body immigrated to western countries, currently also..see around you ..most chinese flags are mixed your also..if you where such a lover of your country you would have stayed their..did not like the commies..?
do you know what you are writting..looks like I did catch the weak nerve..I know it pains..be happy with your high gdp and etc etc..privledges are for the few only

kid please answer my question, can you tell me which media is not controlled by the state?

or you deliberately avoiding it or you are just intellectually incapable```well considering your average education and IQ````

'..privledges are for the few only'

you got this right``hope you are in the high caste just like the guy keeps supplying leather in India for me``:D
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