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Heroes of Pakistan

Abdus Salam, won a Noble Prize in Physics:


Mahbub ul Haq, invented the HDI

i would say keep the talent at home. why others should benefit and also thier is also agenda to soft kill talented ppl around the world that can challenge big corporations.
Muhammad Amin

Mohd Amin was just 11 years when British decided to leave India. They, like other people of region, decided to fight against Dogras. They formed a group and they were 95 in number and upon reaching Kargil they were divided into three groups one was sent to Drass other to Ladakh and his group had to march towards Padum(Now It is 250 km away from Pakistani Border in Zanskar Valley). He said that he had no formal training except How to hide yourself if a fighter jet arrive. I could hardly carry a rifle, and my colleagues used jeer at me, I was 11 years old. However i was determined and used to reply them by saying “ Don’t worry i will manage myself and would not beg your help”.

After some months they heard that Indian Army has been arrived, soon they were surrounded by Indian Army while entire Ladakh and Kargil was under Indian control.

They were seven in number. He said Indians used to throw grenade, and fire at them. While they responded it with a gun fire. They run short of food, and used to eat boiled flour, the winter was hard and if any Indian died they wish to take uniforms but Indian did not allowed. He said Indians used to poke fun at them by saying “Look you are children, you don’t even have mustache”. In this way they spent 11 months on that front of Padum, Ladakh.

After 11 months they decided to send three men to inquire about the situation. Anyhow, when these three men arrived back, they brought a surprising story that “War had been finished 11 months ago”.

At their Head Quarter Gilgit, Authorities were very amazed to know that Padum group is still fighting. They contacted with Indian Authorities and finally managed to bring the group back.

M Amin said that the Indian Authorities were very astounded about us. They appreciated our valiant resistance. They Gave us a gun salute and arranged a party in honor, some of them were of the view that you will be awarded with Victoria cross.

When they reached Pakistan. People told them about Pakistan’s freedom. He remembered: we were amazed what Pakistan is?

All their villagers thought that they were dead. Then Liaquat Ali Khan visited Gilgit and M Amin and his group was invited there. The 1st PM of Pakistan gave them 10000 rupees as reward.Then their story was blotted out in sheer negligence. They were formally recruited in Pakistani Army. His colleagues of Padum group were scattered across the country. After some time M Amin got tired of his Job. He even not receive a pension because he was discharged.

He said How Indians Sepoy were thinking that We will receive Victoria Cross. Definitely if He were a sepoy of WWII , Their would be many Hollywood movies about his story of valor.

M Amin live in a village called Hussain Abad, Skardu. He is the only alive Sepoy of Padum group.

Note: I did not write this lovely article, all credit goes to @DESERT FIGHTER

What a story.
i would say keep the talent at home. why others should benefit and also thier is also agenda to soft kill talented ppl around the world that can challenge big corporations.
Pakistanis and their theories.
Next you would blame the universe to conspire against Pakistanis.
Pakistanis and their theories.
Next you would blame the universe to conspire against Pakistanis.

thier is database that proves this and many ppl have come to the same conclusion. pharaoh in his time slaughtered every baby in the land.

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