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Here's Why All's Not Well for India on the Ladakh Front

RefUte his analysis, not attack his person.

Out of his observations which I have summarised in 9 points, I am only unsure about point number 1(how would he know the numbers anyway?).

All the rest sounds credible.

1)Are the PLA encamped in the Galwan valley?

Ans: yes- many threads on this, complete with maps.

2)Has the Indian army built a '1km road' east into the galwan valley?

Ans: another author also mentioned the same thing- n he's a retired colonel

3)does the Chinese armed forces include a dedicated branch called the PLASSF?

Ans: yes, I have included the wiki link

4)is the LAC a fixed border?

Ans: No, this is why its called a 'Line of Atual Control'- n until today, there is no demarcated border betweem china n India, except at the border around most of Sikkim

5)did India requested the talks or not?

Ans: why would china request 1 if they gained land? Also other authors have mentioned the same thing- that India requested the talks and the china only agreed at the last min.

6)did the Doklam crisis reveal India's posturing on the LAC?

Ans: credible. It brings back memories about Nehru's failed Forward policy https://m.thewire.in/article/security/china-india-1962-war-henderson-brooks-bhagat-report to the Chinese n that would have made them increase the PLA's mobilization readiness at the LAC

7)is the Indian army a personnel-heavy or high-tech equipped army?

Ans: going by how the Indian armed forces devotes the lion's share of its defense budget to paying its personnel's salary, allowances n pensions, I am inclined to believe this. People dont associate 'high tech' with india.

Pretty accurate analysis if you asked me.
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If it wasn't up to China. Boy. This region would be suffering massively. The Americans, Indians and their cronies would be having their way. China is no doubt God's amazing balancing factor. He works in mysterious ways.

Bullseye, brother.
just look at Sikkim got gobbled up by India, the bully of South Asia, the Indians think themselves as inheritance of British colonists and bully all its neighbors

China should free it and provide them a defence pact to save them from Indians.
Secondly, the China should also work with Bhutan and offer them alternative to India. At the moment, they have given their security to the Indians.
These two areas snatched from the illegal Indian occupation would result freedom for 7 Eastern States from India.
This has to be done. Bangladesh should play its part and grab the chicken neck area with the help of China to break up India.

Pakistan should have done that in 62 and even in 65 when China was there to help. We would have not lost East Pakistan, instead India would have been divided in to pieces at the time. We missed golden opportunities.

That's why I keep repeating Pakistani Generals should grow some balls. They missed opportunity on 27th Feb and even now, not pushing India, the way they should. It is golden opportunity to liberate Siachin heights and put pressure on the Valley front too, to free Kashmir.
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