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No offense bud, but if you're asking basic questions the night before your exam, it's not looking good.

The energy per quantum is found by multiplying the frequency by Planck's constant.

Which one has the highest frequency (lowest wavelength)? And you have your answer. Hint it's not visible light.
Easy man, he's only 17/18.
No offense bud, but if you're asking basic questions the night before your exam, it's not looking good.

The energy per quantum is found by multiplying the frequency by Planck's constant.

Which one has the highest frequency (lowest wavelength)? And you have your answer. Hint it's not visible light.
X Rays, PUCKING X RAYS IS THE ANSWER, AND DUDE THE TEST IS FROM FSc LEVEL, and i did A Level, so i dont know shit about these things
which of the following EM raidiation shows the highest energy per quantum
a) RW b)MW c)Visible light d)X rays

X rays, since it has the highest frequency. Energy of each packet, is h*f, so higher frequency means higher energy.
What RW stands for? You mean Radio band wave?
X rays, since it has the highest frequency. Energy of each packet, is h*f, so higher frequency means higher energy.
What RW stands for? You mean Radio band wave?
no, just Radio Wave :p
Kid, no one passes by cramming in one night. Best solution would be to prepare for the next exam, preferably 9 to 12 months later.

On point: I hate Pakistani system of memorization. Try to learn logic behind every question.

sup all,
here are a few questions, will post more, cuz no one helped me and tomorrow is my test

Q1) If acetic acid and Na metal go to the anode of a galvanic cell, what will be produced at the anode?
a) Ethane b)methane c)acetate free radical d0 none of these
Q2)if a system produces 3 beats per second, from waves of frequency 400 Hz and "x" what will be the value of "x" ?
a) 400 Hz b)397 Hz c)403 Hz d) 3 Hz
Q3) what kind of reactions does Benzene NOT undergo
a) addition b) elimination c)Substitution d) none of these
On point: I hate Pakistani system of memorization. Try to learn logic behind every question.
yes, thats why i did A Levels, and now look its coming back to haunt me, Everything i leaned in A Level is useless for me now, as all the Uni foloow the FSc stream? what did A levels give me? NOTHING, IT GAVE ME SHIT
1)Benzene does not undergo addition reaction due to the aromaticity of the ring. The conjugated, cyclic double bond system provides about 38 kcal/mol of stabilization to the molecule. For addition to occur, it would have to disrupt the aromatic nature of the ring and this is very difficult.
I suggest you get off PDF. Last minute revision should not be frantic in the first place.
And you really shouldn't be looking for outside help or help from anyone the day before.

Isolate yourself and do what needs to be done. It's not effective to consult help at this time.
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