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Help me guyz!

Habiba Gillani


New Recruit

Sep 7, 2007
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m a fine arts student...n dont knw much about military n stuff.....i'v been given a project in which i'd b needing sm pic's from the war ov 1965.....so if anyone does hav sm orignal pic's plz do post them here......

u guyz protect our border lines.....this time it's again about protection n help bt a different kinda help.....help me 4rm not making the grade in ma project!!!:frown:
no seriously i need the pic's....

If you can use your imagination and create something impressive. For example here is the rough idea some where around the coastal area.

Its just an idea, but you get the picture! :) PAF, PA, PN, and Special forces para dropped.

I have seen some of the 1965 war pictures in the painting pictures which were posted on the internet a while ago.
lol.....@ webmaster......sir u really need to work on ur creative imagination....it's a bit confusing!
n btw thnks to both ov u.....:)
Let me explain. That plane is C-130, parachuttes are soldiers being dropped for support. That ship is a some old frigate used in 1965, and just put in some tank there and here.. lol

If you can use your imagination and create something impressive. For example here is the rough idea some where around the coastal area.

Its just an idea, but you get the picture! :) PAF, PA, PN, and Special forces para dropped.

I have seen some of the 1965 war pictures in the painting pictures which were posted on the internet a while ago.

Wow...a new Picasso is born! :D
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the 'Guernica' by our own Webby! :enjoy:
lol....it's really making sense now....n dnt u worry i'll definately put sm tanks in the rough idea u'v given......:)
As far as the picasso thing is concernd....@ NEO....I OBJECT UR HONOR!!!!! LOL
If you can use your imagination and create something impressive. For example here is the rough idea some where around the coastal area.

Its just an idea, but you get the picture! :) PAF, PA, PN, and Special forces para dropped.

I have seen some of the 1965 war pictures in the painting pictures which were posted on the internet a while ago.
Your bird is pooping all along the coast!
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