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Hello brothers ,Yassin from Morocco

Not in Rabat, but I know people in Casablanca, marakech, tetuon, meknes, and Tangiers. I've been to Morocco twice. Had a big cultural shock to be quite frank. I grew up in UK, so I always thought that Moroccans were as conservative as Pakistanis, or maybe just slightly less, but what I saw, well it was quite different. But regardless the people were extremely hospitable and humble.

After decades of European influence, there's a sense of European cultural worship among the people I've met. Hell I was in Casablanca and there was a 4 story nightclub right next to a mosque LoL [emoji23]. And then I kept seeing one thing over and over again, which was the you would see mothers and daughters together, the mum would be wearing hijab and abaya, and the daughters would be half naked,, exposing themselves.

My Egyptian friend was like "mate this is Morocco" LoL [emoji23]

Morocco is great. I went last year.

Fez was amazing, Marrakech was nice but the touts, beggars and dodgy taxi drivers ruined it. Casablanca was amazing - fell in love with that city. Was unfortunately only there 1 day.
When are Moroccan going to look for their lost Glory like Iran is doing in every corner of middle east (like someone stole it and hiding it)
Salem my Brother.
But My couscous is better.
Nonetheless, Hope we get along ;)
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