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Helicopter Static-Electricity Phenomenon

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Helicopter Static-Electricity Phenomenon near Pakistan

In the middle of a desert (******), a military helicopter creates a stunning show while initiating an impossible static electrical discharge, spectacular phenomenon for all the lucky viewers of PDF.

Luckily someone had a camera, and probably, a permission to take photos of this amazing light show, so that we may enjoy this as well.

Enjoy the photos




Wow Gr8 Pictures...

is these are normal picturs .....?

I think its HDR photography.....

any way ...cool....
superb amazing stuff.. Love the pics.
This is what exactly happens:

Link where I found this = credit goes to the member who posted this explanation

Re: Helicopter rotor blade scintillation
I'll clear a few things up.

Helicopter RRPM is pretty much constant through out whether it be airborne or on the deck*

When the aircraft is coming in to land/slowing down and is near to the ground, it tends to have a larger vertical downward component of air (induced flow) coming through the top of the disc being pushed out through the bottom (easily seen when landing in dust or sand). As the aircraft gets near to the ground, air is sucked up all around the aircraft (recirculation). In sandy or dusty areas, this too is sucked up around and then dragged back down through the disc. Most modern helicopter rotor blades are of a composite construction but usually tend to have a stainless steel or similar leading edge abrasion strip to help prevent wear to that part of the blade. The tip of the blade has the highest velocity and would tend to have the most amount of **** hitting it. Some theories suggest scintillation is caused by certain types of sand or dust (types with a higher ore or metallic content) striking the leading edge.

One reason why you dont tend to see scintillation when an aircraft has landed is because even though the RRPM is pretty much still the same, we have no induced flow coming in through the top of the disc dragging or sucking the air (and any particles) in.

As well as making the aircraft more visible to the enemy, there are issues of this bright glow around the disc affecting NVG (partially shutting them down at a fairly critical stage of flight!)

*Modern governed engines are designed to maintain a constant RRPM at pretty much all pitch/power settings. Of course, there will be static and transient droop. Static droop is a factor of applying pitch (therefore drag) when about to take off and the nominal RRPM at flight idle** reduces. It then settles to a slightly lower RPM. This RPM is known as the Flight Governed NR. Another type of static droop is when the pitch and drag applied to the blades is too great for the engines to supply enough power and thus, the RPM reduces. Transient droop is the reduction in RRPM following a sudden large power change. For example, if one is in autorotation and the collective is raised quickly. The engines and governors cant react quickly enough to provide fuel and power so the RRPM reduces until they 'catch up'. With modern FADEC engines, static droop is almost eliminated. An example of static droop; Sat on the ground at MPOG (minimum pitch on ground), you have a RRPM of 100% and a torque of 30%. As you apply power, the torque increases (as does pitch and drag) and the RRPM reduces to about 99.5%. This RRPM will pretty much remain constant throughout the normal flight envelope (give or take a couple of %).

**Flight Idle is a condition when the throttles are fully forward and allow fully automatic engine governing. With the throttles in this state, the RRPM should remain constant whether on the ground or with a high pitch setting. Governors work very basically like this: they sense an increase or drop in RRPM and almost instantaneously increase or reduce the amount of fuel going in to the engines. RRPM slows down (because of applying pitch/drag) = more fuel to the engines = RRPM goes back to its original speed. The opposite occurs when they sense an increase in RRPM (when lowering the collective).
Here's the official US Army's description:

These boots are made for flying: Rotor blades get new protective shield
REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. -- The "corona effect" is characterized by distinctive glowing rings along metal or fiberglass rotor blades operating in desert conditions.

The glowing rings are made up of numerous small sparks resulting from grains of sand striking a normally-operating rotor blade, meaning the corona effect can be seen only at night.

The corona effect has been seen from about a half mile away on a CH-47 Chinook hovering at about 1,700 feet, said Mike Hoffman, and that without the aid of night vision goggles.

Hoffman, an engineer and manager of special projects in the Aviation Engineering Directorate, Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, noted that while the glow may be an interesting sight, the cause is devastating to rotor blades.

The intensity of the illumination of the individual sparks varies with the number and size of particles passing through the rotor system, Hoffman explained. The corona glows brighter as the numbers and sizes of the particles in the air increase.

A method to fix the problem can save half a million dollars per aircraft. Leading edge molded boot technology already exists and has been tested and approved on several helicopter types.

The current Task-L101 polyurethane molded form of the boot is better than its predecessor, the Task-L100, which required a brush application.

The newer molded boots prevent the corona effect and resist rotor blade erosion in desert conditions. One of the biggest pluses for the new boots is the resulting decrease in repair time and maintenance costs.

The corona around a Ch-47 Chinook provides easy detection at night, placing the rotorcraft at a tactical disadvantage. Before we had these new boots,ö Hoffman said, ôit took about 26 man hours to remove the rotor blade system, repair the blades, and replace the blade system. Now, we just put the boots on the blades and repair them without removing them, and the helicopter is ready for flying again in the time it takes for the polyurethane to cure.

The cost of protecting the blades of an Apache with boots, including the main and tail blades, is about $6,900 in material and labor. The cost of a new rotor blade system is about $500,000 per aircraft.

Hoffman said that after Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the 1990s, and Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in the early part of the 21st Century, the degradation of rotor blades has become one of the single largest logistics and maintenance burdens experienced by Army Aviation. But he first saw the damage that sand was causing to rotor blades more than 10 years prior to Desert Storm.

What we saw were huge rings of white fire above the rotor head. At the time, I didn know what it was, but I knew we had to fix it. So subsequently, in 1981, at Fort Rucker, Alabama, the first tests were conducted using a polyurethane material to protect the blades from the grinding sand.

The tests were successful, but back then our focus was on Europe and the Cold War, he said. So, problems about sand erosion actually didn't come up again until about 1990.

However, in the past few months, due in large measure to Hoffman's efforts, the sand erosion problem has surfaced again in a big way.

Not only has the requirement for the boots been approved, but the funding has been approved as well.

We're really happy about receiving the funding from DA [Department of the Army], Hoffman said. ôWe received funding in both [fiscal year] 03 and FY 04. WeÆre currently planning to install the boots on the Black Hawk, Chinook, and the Apache. The Kiowa is already protected by the polyurethane coating.

Hoffman said rotor blade engineering goals continue to remain at the forefront of emerging technologies that will help and protect our Soldiers.

I'm proud of all our folks who are on the front lines, whether here at the AMRDEC, or in Iraq and elsewhere, he added. We feel good about what we are able to achieve, working together as a team, to ensure that our Soldiers have the best equipment, the best service, and the best technology in the world
Very cool pics.

Even without sand, a helicopter can gain a powerful static charge. We were always taught that if a helicopter is lowering a cable or rescue cage, you should never reach up and grab it, or you might get a serious shock. You should let it ground first.

At sea, the pilot will normally lower the cage, have it hit the water away from the party to be rescued, then drag it a few meters to the victim, so as to avoid the phenomenon.
I don’t know why people still call it a phenomenon. It is the same static electricity that gets generated on fixed wing aircraft when the air flows around the airfoils. This is why airplanes have static dischargers on the trailing edge of the flight controls. However in a helicopter this static charge is more prevalent due to more and constant rotating parts and the use of static charge dispensers are useless because it doesn't just built overtime and then gets discharged , but it builts all the time and stays charged until a solid ground.

I think the static electricity had become more visible in that picture mostly due to sand particles in the air absorbing the charge.

I never forget the time when this guy reached up to grab the skids of a hovering helicopter and that static charge knocked him on his *** so hard it took him a good 5 minutes to get it together. I even told him so before he did it. big lol at the time
^^ Very true. Fixed-wing aircraft at night, you can see an amazing display of St. Emo's fire on the cockpit windows when you fly through moisture-laden air. A still picture doesn't do it justice. It ripples and flows like it's alive. When it (static charge) builds up too high, the nose of the airplane begins to emit an unearthly plasma-like glow, and then with a loud BANG it somehow vanishes. I'm guessing in the form of a mini lightning strike FROM the airplane.

St. Elmo's Fire on a transport window:

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