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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

Dear Sir,
I completely respect your will and resolve to safeguard your nation and it is no small feat that you have kept India at bay for so long. However, you know as well as I do that beyond the scope of Kashmir, India's malevolent intentions are echoed into much larger fears than what they really are.
Proxy warfare is simply outdated now and even the CIA is not doing it anymore. If Pakistan stops proxy warfare it will lead to better conditions on both sides of the LOC. Kashmiris are not really being helped by naive youth laying their lives for nothing.
India has no intent to occupy any Pakistani land and it is best for India that Pakistan has a stable government and Pakistani people have something more to peacefully aspire for than the usual ummah chumma and madarassas.
And what good are you people doing exactly?? Bullying your neighbor's without a strong army .... killing Pakistani people with proxies kalbushan didn't come to fix electric motors he came to kill Pakistani people innocent civilians..... how can there be peace when you have half a million troops deployed in Kashmir region alone poised to launch an offensive the moment we let our guard down .... and cherry on top is RSS and Hindus motivated and fueled by hate of muslims..... the moment we show weakness or put down arms the RSS rapists will not spare us this is why we cannot have peace..... and your lives are getting wasted because of blind hate of muslims and kashmiris
Even if we believe the make belief narrative that Pak army actually inflicts at least 1:1 casualties to India, then in a war of attrition India is the default winner having a much bigger chest, manpower and infarstructure.

The videos are not fake. This is just India telling you that India will no longer tolerate your army sending terrorists and if you do not understand then many soldiers will keep meeting their untimely demise until the time that ISI finally gets it that the old trick can only be used so many times before it is made obsolete.

You got one thing correct -
That it is indeed not a big problem for Indian army to be at the receiving end of these so called exchanges.
Indian army can live with it, grow stronger and brush off the dust without feeling anything because it is so much bigger and better equipped (than Pak army). The problem is that - there is limit to how much losses and damage Pakistan army can withstand and hide. With the current Indian political leadership it seems like Indian army is finally hands free to do its job and do whatever it takes to secure India's sovreignity. This is just the beginning. If proxy warfare does not stop, it will cost dearly.

As Indian Army further modernizes itself with UCAV patrols covering the entire LOC, these infiltration attempts will be a thing of the past and only the most stupid and hopeless youth will even dream of becoming a mujahideen to serve their lives to India's border patrols.
India is larger but Pakistan is still a country of 200 million plus and can easily sustain the small losses in these tit for tat exchanges. Its a stalemate...which is actually a negative reflection for Indian military to be checked in place by the inferior force.:rofl:

Last I checked India cancelled the Reaper UAV purchases because of budget constraints. LAC is also a new headache for India. Two front war threat is more real then ever. You should access India's current situation before making empty threats.
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I really wish for this needless loss of precious human life to come to a halt.
As long as Pak army continues using proxies, peace will remain a distant dream on the LOC.
Swift Retort was the only thing you had to boast about until your own people admitted that general bajwa's knees were shaking in fear that India will retaliate and thus they decided to release Abhinandan.
Your awaam has been eating your army churan for too long and have forgotten how to come to terms with reality.
China has already been sent packing. If China was anywhere nearly as strong as you wager them to be then they would have already taken Arunachal Pradesh.. they are still crying over South Pangong. I hope that you slowly come to terms with reality and your own establishments mischieveous intents. One way or another, India's always going to be there and its upto you what sort of relationship you want to pursue and what sort of narrative you wish for Pakistan to have towards the end of this century. Almost 6 decades and Kashmir doesn't look any better than 6 decades ago but Pakistan has paid a lot trying to get it and many Pak army generals, politicans etc have retired with very lavish properties and lives in Europe while the rest of establishment bags the best post retirement jobs in Pakistan.
To break a fascist imperial occupation takes time. It took 300 years to drive the Byzantines out of Anatolia, and the Serbs fought the Austro- Hungarians for 200 years.
It took a 150 years to break the Dutch stranglehold over Indonesia.
For your education there is an Arabic word called "sabr" which in your Sankrit/ Hindi translates as "Dheeraj".
Any struggle requires "sabr". Those who fight know this is going to be a long one, regardless of what Social Media trolls write.
Now you have completely exhausted your intellectual assets in this limited argument and with nowhere else to retreat to you have retreated to mindless personal abuse and slander which is the hallmark of your kind on this forum.
The style of discourse is infectious.
Reading comments on the Times of India for example is a good indication of the demeanor of the enemy population. Lectures in civil discourse from an enemy is unnecessary.
Wrong, it took 150 years for the Dutch to occupy the whole Indonesian archipelago
The Dutch stranglehold was broken after World War 2 . The timeline from occupation ( which was always contested) to freedom still stands.
To break a fascist imperial occupation takes time. It took 300 years to drive the Byzantines out of Anatolia, and the Serbs fought the Austro- Hungarians for 200 years.
It took a 150 years to break the Dutch stranglehold over Indonesia.
For your education there is an Arabic word called "sabr" which in your Sankrit/ Hindi translates as "Dheeraj".
Any struggle requires "sabr". Those who fight know this is going to be a long one, regardless of what Social Media trolls write.
All this used to work before WW2.
You dont understand the implications of the WW2 and how it has transformed the world view.
The Mughals also ruled India for 400 years, the British also ruled India for 250 years, and Mauryan and other Indian empires also ruled from Afghanistan to Indonesia for xxx number of years. All this means nothing because those times were different, modern states are different. Look at what China did in Xinjiang and got away with it scott free, while CCP bots here parade videos of how Xinjiang girl says China is great or Tibet girl secures the border and wants to lay her life for China. Even the Arabs without their oil would be a pretty insignificant lot today.
Why dont you talk directly and say what you have to say?
It takes very little creativity to learn make believe lessons from history for comfort when you are about to lose everything in the present.
Well that's rather rich coming from an enemy that has never won a war in 1000 years and its only victory was the occupation a territory (that had seceded 25 years before) for just 60 days and then retreated ( Retreat from Dhaka 1972).
Here is a list of your "wars with infinite resources ":
'A lesson in History:
Battle of Aror 712 CE
Raja Dahir killed by Bin Qasim
Battle of Peshawar 1001 CE
Raja Jaipal defeated and killed by Mahmud Ghazni.
Second Battle of Tarain 1192 CE, Mohammed Ghori kills Prithviraj Chauhan
Bakhtiyar Khilji conquers Bihar 1195–1203 CE ; A dozen more all through upto the 16th century.
Battle of Khanwaha, Battle of Panipat ( 2) , Battle of Haldighati,
Battle of Panipat ( 3)

Retreat from Aksai Chin ( 1962).
Battle of Chawinda, Battle of Nallur Khandaswamy Temple,
Retreat from Dhaka ( 1972).
Retreat from Tiger Hill ( 1999)
Retreat from Kandahar ( Hijack )
Retreat from Balakot ( 2019)
Retreat from Pangong Tso
( 2020 ).
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Such things happen and we learn from them, improvise and try that it doesn't happen again.
While all the nations train in peacetime to avoid "such things happen" and "we learn from them" in War time, India seems the only nation as per your statement which sends ill-trained troops to "learn" during combat. Speaks volumes about training level of Indian troops.
Death toll of dead in pakistan has reached 11.

LoC ceasefire: 11 of its soldiers killed in retaliatory fire, Pakistan summons Indian diplomat

sab log mar gay sab log koi nhi bacha main bhi thori der main mar jaoon ga . pakistan ab india ka hoa a ker le jao :close_tema:
10 dead after India-Pakistan Kashmir clash
Agence France-Presse . Srinagar |
Published: 00:22, Nov 14,2020

Indian and Pakistani forces on Friday waged their biggest artillery battle in several months leaving more than 10 dead and dozens wounded either side of their disputed Kashmir frontier, officials said.

At least five separate clashes — involving shelling and gunfire — were reported along the 740-kilometre ceasefire line that has separated the nuclear-armed rivals for the past seven decades, officials from the two sides said.

Hundreds of villagers were moved away from the so-called Line of Control in Indian-controlled territory, while Pakistani officials said dozens of homes were set ablaze by Indian shelling on their side.

The new peak in tensions came only five days after three Indian soldiers and three militants were killed in an exchange along the LoC. India is also involved in a border showdown with the Chinese army in the Himalayas.

The latest fighting erupted on Friday morning and shells were still being fired into the night, according to residents.
The two sides each accused the other of launching ‘unprovoked’ attacks.

‘Pakistan used mortars and other weapons’ and ‘deliberately targeted civilian areas,’ said an Indian army statement.
Three Indian soldiers were killed and three wounded in the Keran sector of the frontier. Kashmir police said three civilians were killed and at least three suffered serious injuries, with one man losing both legs.

On the other side of the border, Raja Farooq Haider, senior minister in Pakistani Kashmir, said five people were killed and 31 wounded in the intense shelling on the Neelum and Jhelum valleys.

‘For how long we have to bear such colossal losses?’ he said in a Twitter message directed at Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan.

A senior local official in Neelum, Raja Shahid Mehmood, confirmed the casualties and said the shelling was continuing late Friday.

Indian officers said the fighting was sparked when militants tried to cross into Indian-controlled territory at the northern end of the LoC.

Indian troops ‘retaliated strongly causing substantial damage to the Pakistan army’s infrastructure and casualties,’ said the military statement adding that ammunition dumps and forward bases had been hit.

The two sides regularly stage artillery duels across the LoC, and invariably blame each other for the clashes.

Kashmir has been divided between the two countries since their angry separation in 1947. It has been a cause of two of their three wars since then. Both countries claim the whole of the Himalayan region, where India is also fighting an insurgency that has left tens of thousands dead since 1989.

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi was to visit troops in a border area on Saturday for Diwali, the biggest Hindu holiday of the year, according to media reports. Modi, who portrays himself as tough on security, has spent every Diwali with the military since becoming the country’s leader in 2014.

Modi launched what he called ‘surgical strikes’ inside Pakistani Kashmir in 2016 after militants attacked an Indian base killing 19 soldiers. The neighbours staged air strikes against each other last year after a suicide bomb attack in which more than 45 Indian troops were killed.

Pakistani newspaper Dawn reports, four civilians and one soldier of the Pakistan Army were martyred on Friday in firing by Indian troops from across the restive Line of Control in several areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the military’s media wing said.

At least 12 civilians and five soldiers also sustained injuries in the ceasefire violations in what appeared to be the biggest escalation in hostilities on the de facto border in months.

India also suffered ‘substantial losses’ in terms of troops and material in Pakistan Army’s ‘befitting reply’ to the firing, according to a Pakistan Inter-Services Public Relations statement.

Meanwhile, Indian newspaper The Hindu reports, ten people, including six civilians, three Army soldiers and one BSF jawan, were killed and over 20 others injured in ceasefire violations by Pakistan along the Line of Control in four districts of J&K on Friday.

According to the army, Pakistan initiated unprovoked ceasefire violations along the LoC in multiple sectors, including Dawar in Bandipora, Keran in Kupwara, Uri and Naugam in Baramulla in the Kashmir valley.

‘Pakistan used mortars and other weapons. Pakistan deliberately targeted civilian areas. Three Indian army soldiers were also killed and three soldiers were injured,’ Srinagar-based army spokesperson Colonel Rajesh Kalia said.

During partition, it was decided that all Muslim majority regions will go to Pakistan and all Hindu majority regions will go to India. According to this rule, Kashmir is indispensable part of Pakistan.
Death toll of dead in pakistan has reached 11.

LoC ceasefire: 11 of its soldiers killed in retaliatory fire, Pakistan summons Indian diplomat

Actually it will go to 31 after real Indian casuality figures become known which seems to b 14..

U multiply it with 2 and add 3 if pakistan add 2 if China... Sop for casuality calculation
Death toll of dead in pakistan has reached 11.

LoC ceasefire: 11 of its soldiers killed in retaliatory fire, Pakistan summons Indian diplomat

Yes the hindu can count dead Pakistani soldiers from delhi just like IAF could see 300 in balakot..... shameless liars pathetic
Death toll of dead in pakistan has reached 11.

LoC ceasefire: 11 of its soldiers killed in retaliatory fire, Pakistan summons Indian diplomat

Of course it had to be Indian media. Basically Indian formula to multiply their own casualties by a factor of two which after a weak is increased by a factor of 3 three and then 4 until you people get tired of your own BS. Credit your own OSINT twitter handles who blew the cover on your BS otherwise we would be hearing about multiple suicides down the line in Indian ranks.
Of course it had to be Indian media. Basically Indian formula to multiply their own casualties by a factor of two which after a weak is increased by a factor of 3 three and then 4 until you people get tired of your own BS. Credit your own OSINT twitter handles who blew the cover on your BS otherwise we would be hearing about multiple suicides down the line in Indian ranks.
sometime you have to multiply more to as doklam 20 indians killed 200 chines a single teeli pehlwan killed 12 chines with bare hands . :lol: :rofl:

23-year old soldier with kirpan killed 12 Chinese armymen during Galwan Valley clash:rofl:
That it is indeed not a big problem for Indian army to be at the receiving end of these so called exchanges.
Indian army can live with it, grow stronger and brush off the dust without feeling anything because it is so much bigger and better equipped (than Pak army). The problem is that - there is limit to how much losses and damage Pakistan army can withstand and hide. With the current Indian political leadership it seems like Indian army is finally hands free to do its job and do whatever it takes to secure India's sovreignity. This is just the beginning. If proxy warfare does not stop, it will cost dearly.
This is exactly where India made a huge military blunder. Indian Army underestimated Pakistan Army's deployment and weapons and is now equally involved in paying the price through blood. India wanted a war of attrition on LOC with this false thinking that Pakistani troops will suffer multiple causalities everyday day which Pakistan wont be able to replace due to the brutal logistics measures in the Kashmir terrain. The wounded will fill all the military hospitals and when fresh troops will see a long line of wounded, their morale will hit the ground. It will be tough to keep supply lines open on roads for weapons, ammo and other supplies which are in reach of Indian small arms weapons and artillery. Pakistan Army will not be able to support troops which have to be deployed in far flung mountain tops since helicopters are limited in number and will not find place to land unless open areas or make shift helipads are made. To further ensure that helicopters don't operate at all near LOC, Indian Army put 35mm and other calibres of Anti aircraft artillery.

While the Indian generals were over joyed with such an bold plan, the Pakistani Army punched the Indian Army right in the nose so the Indian Generals can realise their own stupidity !

Pakistan Army plugged the gaps on LOC by bringing strength of numbers through NG battalions (Janbaz or Mujahid ), which are used as defensive forces, while Pakistan Army deployed regular troops to conduct offensive Ops if and when required. The NG troops will provide flanking cover and defend all supply lines when regular Pakistan troops are tasked to go on the offensive. That is double the strength which Indian Army Top brass never imagined when they were planning their misadventures of causing attrition. Further on, a LID was raised and deployed behind FCNA Ops area of LOC.

So instead of suffering losses through a so called " war or attrition", Pakistan raised another 2 x Light Infantry Divisions, which are impossible to raise when a Military formation is suffering losses through attrition.

Next, Pakistan not only started building and manning posts in far flung mountain tops, but got pack howitzers and mortars to fully retaliate when Indian Army uses its heavy weapons. Not only that but PA troops also brought forward stock of ATGMs for direct fire to take out Indian Army bunkers, this was to compliment the SPG-9 and 35mm deployed for providing firepower. Then SSG snipers were deployed to keep taking out enemy stragglers wandering between posts. This is not 65 or 71 that Pakistan cannot make produce own ammo, POF is churning it out. Old stock is being used instead of being wasted.

Engineers started constructing roads, pathways, bridges to make inroads into forward positions. Then bunkers and hardened shelters were made along with medical stations. The depots and dumps were made road accessible. Pakistan RVFC started getting mules from Mona depot and used them extensively to carry supplies in inhospitable terrain of Kashmir. Thousands and thousands of animals were drafted and are still used today in the areas where vehicles or helicopters cannot reach. Pakistan Army increased strength of light and medium helicopters and made helipads in Military hospitals for quick evac. The 130mm guns and other heavy weaponry with ammo was deployed in inhospitable terrain through helicopters.

Wherever Indian Army built a post and deployed troops, Pakistan built a post in front of it on opposite side. This kept Indians in check and they lost space of area to spread and create a surprise. While Indians post hold more troops than Pakistan posts, the defensive posture of both armies ensure that Pakistan Army deploys its fire power accordingly to retaliate to Indian Army firing. Another mistake which Indian generals did was to tell their troops of how weak and undefended Pakistan's side of LOC, the frustration of troops led to suicides in Indian military ranks. This is why false bravado and brain washing through lies is not the best way to deploy troops on front lines. Logistics became a nightmare for Indian Army and a video of Indian soldier surfaced on internet about his rations.

Indian Army has been caught in its own trap and neither can Indian troops advance into AJK without suffering major causalities nor can they leave/withdraw from their current positions. The Indian troops have to withstand pounding of Pakistan Army's small arms fire and Artillery as and when Pakistani troops wish. The Indian Army has to count its dead and send bodies back home. Now the frustrated Indian media wants to match causality numbers due to failure of Indian General's plan.

The rat who tried to act over-smart with vile intentions to inflict damage has been caught in its own trap !

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