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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

I really wish for this needless loss of precious human life to come to a halt.
As long as Pak army continues using proxies, peace will remain a distant dream on the LOC.
Swift Retort was the only thing you had to boast about until your own people admitted that general bajwa's knees were shaking in fear that India will retaliate and thus they decided to release Abhinandan.
Your awaam has been eating your army churan for too long and have forgotten how to come to terms with reality.
China has already been sent packing. If China was anywhere nearly as strong as you wager them to be then they would have already taken Arunachal Pradesh.. they are still crying over South Pangong. I hope that you slowly come to terms with reality and your own establishments mischieveous intents. One way or another, India's always going to be there and its upto you what sort of relationship you want to pursue and what sort of narrative you wish for Pakistan to have towards the end of this century. Almost 6 decades and Kashmir doesn't look any better than 6 decades ago but Pakistan has paid a lot trying to get it and many Pak army generals, politicans etc have retired with very lavish properties and lives in Europe while the rest of establishment bags the best post retirement jobs in Pakistan.
A brainwashed hindutva maggot by godi media is now telling us to live in reality :lol:
We did it for two decades in 90s and early 21 century. So don't threaten us.
You can't send a message without receiving one.

No fixed wing aircraft is allowed upto 10km near LOC. Will be shot down using all means if any such aircraft or drone violates the agreement.
UCAV's can be designed to autonomously patrol outside of the 10 km buffer zone while maintaining enough situational awareness to identify threats and then the handlers can choose between various options to neutralize that threat according to subjective conditions.

India will keep getting stronger at a faster pace than Pakistan can afford to even under ideal conditions, by the merits of its sheer size and growth potential.

So your argument that because you did so in past, you'll do so in th future does not hold any water and this is what is starting to show with the latest developments at LOC. The Pak army is struggling just to keep up with the happenings on LOC and this is why they cannot think of any other way than the old disposable cannon fodder brainwashed Children of Kashmiris who have no worthwhile future anyway.

Establishment is falling apart. 3 times ex PM is being ridiculed and abused -it shows the hypocrisy of Pakistani people. Even ISI kidnapping Punjab comissioner gives a hint to what has happened to your #1 establishment.The only reason establishment can rule Pakistan is because nobody questions establishment out of the deep seated fear of India that is also created by the establishment directly or indirectly.
Whereas the indian atrocities on innocent Kashmiris are continuing everyday and getting worse, Pakistan sits and issues useless statements. I think it is time for the kashmiris to change their tactics, and ask China to free them and make Kashmir a province of China. This is in the only way for kashmiris to get independence and also get good economic progress. Pakistan is incapable of freeing kashmir and incapable of giving them economic progress. Kashmiris cannot live like this - they have to MAKE A DECISION NOW !
So does shooting down your own heli? Dude, have some shame and stopped boasting a force which killed your own assets, blow up your own sub.
Such things happen and we learn from them, improvise and try that it doesn't happen again. The losses are very significant but as a part of the whole, they are bearable. I never claimed that gen Bajwa's knees were shaking, its your own govt officials who said this.
The events on the LAC have proved that China is all talk and no fight. It's great that the world has seen China for what it really is and there are more systems and measures to keep things in check.
Such things happen and we learn from them, improvise and try that it doesn't happen again. The losses are very significant but as a part of the whole, they are bearable. I never claimed that gen Bajwa's knees were shaking, its your own govt officials who said this.
The events on the LAC have proved that China is all talk and no fight. It's great that the world has seen China for what it really is and there are more systems and measures to keep things in check.
i can see what do you mean by full of action, shooting down your own heli..
Such things happen and we learn from them, improvise and try that it doesn't happen again. The losses are very significant but as a part of the whole, they are bearable. I never claimed that gen Bajwa's knees were shaking, its your own govt officials who said this.
The events on the LAC have proved that China is all talk and no fight. It's great that the world has seen China for what it really is and there are more systems and measures to keep things in check.
Improvising , learning, adapting and overcome.....this is happening on our side as well.

Keeping at bay an enemy who is several times bigger than in you in every aspect, and who has always tried to destroy you completely for the last 75 years or so, with assistance from all sort of foreign powers and internal proxies....this is no less than an achievement. It has only been possible because the learning / adapting process is taken seriously on our side as well.

And ofcourse, due to Allah's will, which no being can overturn. If Allah wills, we are here to stay.
Need a new Azad Hind Fauj!

That is just your opinion. Many would disagree.
You just have no other choice so you keep doing the same old thing - and the costs keep piling up until it doesn't make sense any more but just out of complacency things go on.
You have to make this imaginary X factor and feed this idea to your mind to give you a false sense of security because in truth there is no such thing as X Y or Z factor that Pakistan or Pakistani have as an advantage over Indians. It was long believed that 1 Muslimah can easily take out 5-10 Kafirs which is what lead to the humiliating defeat of 1965. Now you can no longer say these things so you come down to X factor but if you dig deeper you will realize this is just another clever invention of your establishment to win your support in emptying your coffers and making sure all the pensions are paid in time.
Just like you shot down F16
Just like you killed 40 Chinese
Just like fake sir gi kal strike drama to give yourselves satisfaction now you claim you won 1965 .... at first I thought you had half a brain now I see your head is filled with cow dung ...... How can indians soldiers fight when they are not even fed right ranting about food every 2 months
..... with little equipment and no morale they will just keep dying left and right how can an army fight without a cause rape and killing innocent civilians is not a good cause have you seen suicide rate of your army embarrassing..... 56 inch chati losing at every front with malnourished soldiers
India, then in a war of attrition India is the default winner having a much bigger chest, manpower and infarstructure.

The videos are not fake. This is just With the current Indian political leadership it seems like Indian army is finally hands free to do its job and do whatever it takes to secure India's sovreignity. This is just the beginning. If proxy warfare does not stop, it will cost dearly.

As Indian Army further modernizes itself with UCAV patrols covering the entire LOC, these infiltration attempts will be a thing of the past and only the most stupid and hopeless youth will even dream of becoming a mujahideen to serve their lives to India's border patrols.
A gentle reminder on history and "wars of attrition"
1. You are referring to a nation that supported an insurgency against an occupying superpower next door for 10 years in a war of attrition that ultimately forced a retreat. It also resulted in the dissolution of the super power. An insurgency is sustained by the will of the resisting population which depending on the population type erupts and hibernates but never goes away. Kashmir is different from Afghanistan but is similar to a resistance of an earlier era. It took a sustained resistance of over 125 years to break the 13th century Mongol Empire who occupied 80% of the then Islamic world and had massacred 80% of the Muslim population. The Mongol empire stretched from Korea to Hungary and resource wise by comparison far exceeded any power in history since. But it was defeated, "bled by a 1000 cuts " of limited but sustained action on its borders and a festering resistance in its occupied
More recently another superpower had to give up its occupation of Afghanistan. A nation that has lost 70,000 lives in a war against terrorism is unlikely to change its policy over sporadic border clashes that claim a few hundred lives.
Another reminder... a nation that emerged from tyranny of a foreign empire and subsequently fought against a fascist inspired ideology of minority suppression at cost of 250,000 lives and the absorption of 10 million refugees is unlikely to be impressed by threats of any "war of attrition ".
And another reminder there IS an insurance and a solution to an existential threat if ever such a situation does arrive.
So the short answer to a victory in a war of attrition... In your dreams,

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