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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

Are you happy with the fate of Muslims in China and would you also be happy if the entire Muslim world shared the same fate as the Uighyurs in Xinjiang?
Yes, I am happy with their "fate". From what I have seen I am fairly happy ( unless there is something I don't know). Having traveled and worked in the region for two years I did not see a single Muslim slum, or ghetto, and nor did I witness a single communal riot. I made it a point to visit the old " Muslim " quarters which have been preserved as heritage for tourism purposes. The mosques were functional and well maintained, the area was meticulously clean, and the signage was in the Arabic Naskh script which I could read. In deference to custom the food stalls did not sell pork products.
However this is the Muslim quarter for tourists , I met Hui Muslim colleagues both male and female who lived in condos and single homes in housing estates side by side with the rest of the population. There is no discrimination in housing. In looks, dress, and language ( even names) both male and female Hui Muslims are indistinguishable from their Han brethren and I only found out because of my own identity and when they disclosed their own. Otherwise I would never have known. They were engineers, I T professionals , doctors, accountants teachers etc. I envied them, because they were educated, prosperous, and proud citizens of a mighty nation. I even contemplated settling permanently in Shanxi but China grants citizenship only by birth or marriage and I did not qualify.

Other secular Muslim populations in the world have shown remarkable progress.
Turkey embarked on a path of secular modernization in 1920 and so did six Central Asian Republics, Other secular majority Muslim states that followed suit are Algeria, Albania, Bosnia , Tunisia, Syria and Malaysia. Hopefully Pakistan will soon revert to its environment as it was in the fifties and sixties when it closely resembled Turkey.
The fate of the Indian Muslims is not good. India will be building 40,000 concentration camps with hi-tech processing machines to eliminate this population. There is only so much a mob with trishuls can do in the annual pogroms.
Yes, I am happy with their "fate". From what I have seen I am fairly happy ( unless there is something I don't know). Having traveled and worked in the region for two years I did not see a single Muslim slum, or ghetto, and nor did I witness a single communal riot. I made it a point to visit the old " Muslim " quarters which have been preserved as heritage for tourism purposes. The mosques were functional and well maintained, the area was meticulously clean, and the signage was in the Arabic Naskh script which I could read. In deference to custom the food stalls did not sell pork products.
However this is the Muslim quarter for tourists , I met Hui Muslim colleagues both male and female who lived in condos and single homes in housing estates side by side with the rest of the population. There is no discrimination in housing. In looks, dress, and language ( even names) both male and female Hui Muslims are indistinguishable from their Han brethren and I only found out because of my own identity and when they disclosed their own. Otherwise I would never have known. They were engineers, I T professionals , doctors, accountants teachers etc. I envied them, because they were educated, prosperous, and proud citizens of a mighty nation. I even contemplated settling permanently in Shanxi but China grants citizenship only by birth or marriage and I did not qualify.

Other secular Muslim populations in the world have shown remarkable progress.
Turkey embarked on a path of secular modernization in 1920 and so did six Central Asian Republics, Other secular majority Muslim states that followed suit are Algeria, Albania, Bosnia , Tunisia, Syria and Malaysia. Hopefully Pakistan will soon revert to its environment as it was in the fifties and sixties when it closely resembled Turkey.
The fate of the Indian Muslims is not good. India will be building 40,000 concentration camps with hi-tech processing machines to eliminate this population. There is only so much a mob with trishuls can do in the annual pogroms.
India building concentration camps? Is that sarcasm or you actually mean it.
We all know how the world would react if 200 million muslims are being treated that way.
The scope of our response is beyond our boundaries and time is shrinking fast. It is better to act fast or we will be losing this game.
The scope of our response is beyond our boundaries and time is shrinking fast. It is better to act fast or we will be losing this game.
There's no need of exaggerating. If you remember, this stuff was commonplace 2-3 years ago. There was news of this all day. We just used to move on, right? This LOC skirmish gained a lot of attention as it happened after a very long time and was the biggest one of 2020.
Lol - how confused are you -

Raja Dahir was from present day Pakistan. What does battle of Haldighati between 2 Indian rulers have to do with Pak?
Retreat from Dhaka? Hahaha. That's like saying the Soviets retreated from Berlin post WW2.
Your ignorance is profound.
The Punya Bhumi refers to Akhand Bharat which includes Sindh, which is mentioned in your National Anthem.
"Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maratha
So Raja Dahir is an Indian hero not a Pakistani one.
Berlin was in Germany and was not part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet troops stayed in occupation of Berlin from 1945 to 1991 which is forty six years, not bad really.

Dhaka or Dacca as was then known had been part of the province of Bengal in India for 3000 years until
1947 when it seceded along with the Eastern half of Bengal known as East Bengal ( created in 1905).
From 1947 to 1971 ( 24 years) there were no Indian troops in East Bengal then known as East Pakistan.
From December 16, 1971 to February 16, 1972 India was in occupation of East Bengal which was its own territory. Then Indian troops retreated back into India leaving the Chickens Neck corridor and six North Eastern states vulnerable to a cut off in a war with China.
India lost the highly strategic waterways and the valuable naval base and ports of Khulna and Chittagong that would have secured the north east. The only reason India let go is because it wants territory but not Muslims on it. Adding another 160 million Muslims into India was not a good option.
If you learn your history from a source other than what's app it helps.
I hope situation normalizes..... any idea what artillery guns are being used from both sides?
"Illegal Alien Bangladeshis"
These people were immigrants from a war you technically started. You should be ashamed at this point. Anyways, I'm not going to discuss this more as it won't remain relevant to the thread.
In another thread sometime then..

current LOC situation, still ongong or is this round over ?
Avatar, post: 12803565, .
Whether we like it or not - LOC will never cool down.
Agree with you here. The LOC or any other part of the border will never cool down.
India and Pakistan are two enemy nations. India has never reconciled itself to Pakistan's existence.
Pakistan is India's Andalusia.
It is not Kashmir or any other territory but a larger religious conflict. Kashmir was not the cause of India's intervention in Pakistan's Civil War in 1971. The object was to weaken or hopefully dissolve Pakistan using the Civil War, Indian intervention and subsequent capitulation of the West Pakistani forces Ironically that war ended up making both wings of the original Pakistan stronger with a now integrated Pakistan rebuilding to become a nuclear and missile power while Bangladesh now as an independent country is immune to retaliation from India for any conflict with ( West) Pakistan.
For Pakistan it is an existential and generational conflict with India which will persist into the foreseeable future. The fascist ideology of the enemy precludes any logic.
Going back to History the Oghuz Turks displaced from their traditional Central Asian homeland by the Mongols made their stand in Anatolia. They fought the Mongols in hit and run raids for 120 years taking all the punishment the Mongols dealt them in their stride.
Each act of resistance weakened the Mongols until they withdrew.
The territory which is now Pakistan suffered 7 major Mongol invasions over 175 years. The Mongols were finally defeated after they were weakened with incessant raids and attacks.
So it will go on . Like the Mongols who never reconciled to the existence and Independence of Muslim countries, India too has the same policy towards Pakistan.
Unfortunately for India ( who is following the Mongol path) the Mongols never faced a nuclear armed adversary.
Death toll of dead in pakistan has reached 11.

LoC ceasefire: 11 of its soldiers killed in retaliatory fire, Pakistan summons Indian diplomat

India today and the hindu are the most biased sources along with Eurasian times
I wouldn't believe them even if they said that my name is desert fox
I really wish for this needless loss of precious human life to come to a halt.
As long as Pak army continues using proxies, peace will remain a distant dream on the LOC.
Swift Retort was the only thing you had to boast about until your own people admitted that general bajwa's knees were shaking in fear that India will retaliate and thus they decided to release Abhinandan.
Your awaam has been eating your army churan for too long and have forgotten how to come to terms with reality.
China has already been sent packing. If China was anywhere nearly as strong as you wager them to be then they would have already taken Arunachal Pradesh.. they are still crying over South Pangong. I hope that you slowly come to terms with reality and your own establishments mischieveous intents. One way or another, India's always going to be there and its upto you what sort of relationship you want to pursue and what sort of narrative you wish for Pakistan to have towards the end of this century. Almost 6 decades and Kashmir doesn't look any better than 6 decades ago but Pakistan has paid a lot trying to get it and many Pak army generals, politicans etc have retired with very lavish properties and lives in Europe while the rest of establishment bags the best post retirement jobs in Pakistan.
Is this the crap they teach you at Mumbai grade school??

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