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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

I think they need to build underground shelters in places such as schools in case of artillery firing, just like in this instance. sitting in a classroom is not going to help them escape unscathed.
Underground shelters are widespread this is the reason losses of human lives remain comparatively less than the intensity of coming indiscriminate fire from Indian troops on civilian population, issue arise only when Indian troops start use of heavy weapons like large caliber mortar shells or medium artillery

this fact of underground shelters in Kashmir are well covered by national and international media
Dream on for the "Bubble will burst" You need to worry of your little india more than China, your economy is in ruins you are surrounded by neighbors who can't get well along with you, and now with Trump gone you better hope Biden will not start digging into india's atrocious human rights record like you deny Muslims citizenship and remove freedom from Kashmir.

Karma is coming back to haunt you hindus so you better be prepare for that. Next year will be interesting that's for sure.
You seem to have no real understanding of what you are blabbering about and I feel deeply sorry for you.
All people on Pakistani side are martyred. Civilian too are Shaheed.
There could be a way to end a part of damage done to civilians of AJK by bombardment of Indian Army. For this Pakistani Military has to plan to extend the LOC further east and north by capturing some strategic points and creating a 5-10 km buffer zone between LOC and AJK population.

1. The first step is to survey which AJK populated areas are continuously affected through Indian bombardment.

2. Mark posts and artillery positions of Indian Army on the maps, which fire at AJK population.

3. To create a buffer zone of 5-10 km, PA would need to carry out an offensive of 5-10 km into J&K and occupy or by pass Indian Army posts. This can obviously create a larger conflict in the region which can lead to full fledged war.

4. Pakistan Army should aim to capture those areas which can be comfortably supplied once captured. This means the DGMO and QMG have to sit together and brain storm for a plausible solution for the long term. Another criteria could be positions where there is less or hardly any J&K population so they can also be kept safe from military damage in the longer run.

5. If the offensive is carried out in J&K on multiple locations, it may seem a full fledged attack from all formations of Pakistan Army deployed on the LOC, but it has its advantages. In kargil war, Indian Army concentrated its manpower and resources in one region and that made it easy to resist infiltration by Pakistani forces. Opening fronts at multiple locations has its disadvantages too since resources of PA will be also be divided. Opening front one by one can also be possible. When one of the planned locations are secured, then start phase-II and start offensive 50 km or so away at a different location.

6. PAF and other paramilitary forces (GB) will be required to get involved so the secrecy that was kept in Kargil war will not be applicable. PAF will be required since after the required areas/peaks are captured, PA troops will need to be protected from IAF bombardment. PAF should also be available to provide ground strike sorties when requested by PA.

7. This Ops will be costly for PA troops even if the objective is to infiltrate a few km, capture and then fortify some locations. Defending all these extended positions will require a continuous supply chain of troops, equipment, weapons, material, ammunition etc.

India will never tolerate such a military step by Pakistan so there are a lot of chances that the matters will escalate to a full fledged war and the International community will pressurise GOP to retreat back to original positions. Pakistan will be in a fix since retreating back would mean internal humiliation from Public who will lose faith in Military and GOP. If Pakistani Army doesn't retreat instead fortify themselves in new positions and supply lines are opened, then the Kashmiris of J&K can have a ray of hope that Pakistan is willing to take practical steps for their liberation from Indian tyranny. When the sentiments of Kashmiri population in J&K are witnessed on ground by PA and reported by commanding officers back to GHQ, then further operations on the lines of Ops Gibraltar can be planned. Previously such sentiments and commitment was not considered in 1965, instead matters were taken as understood which turned out completely incorrect.

India will definitely open a new front in retaliation and the infiltration from Afghanistan/Iran will increase from western border. The damage inside Pakistan through blasts and attacks will increase.

To ensure that the operation succeeds no matter what, Pakistan can take China in confidence and request assistance of weapons and equipment from China stating that CPEC lines will be secured and offense is the best defence. Pakistan should ask for dozens of transport helicopters and thousands of protective/weather resistant military gear for regulars/paramilitary from China (as well as J-10, for lovers of J-10 on this forum, I'm not one of them). Pakistan should not ask China for involving itself militarily in this offensive since USA will then join India citing Chinese active involvement as an excuse. Mere presence of China on LAC would be enough for the time being. A portion of harsh weather military gear that India purchased for troops deployed on LAC will have to diverted to LOC. As soon as the offense starts, Pakistan should notify Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia and other friendly nations that phase-I of an offensive has started to secure homeland from enemy fire and to free oppressed muslims from India.

There is a clear statement by Azerbaijan through which the Karabkh conflict has started, Pakistan can do the same in kashmir if the military top brass and civilian Govt agree to take such a step.
Yes, I am happy with their "fate". From what I have seen I am fairly happy ( unless there is something I don't know). Having traveled and worked in the region for two years I did not see a single Muslim slum, or ghetto, and nor did I witness a single communal riot. I made it a point to visit the old " Muslim " quarters which have been preserved as heritage for tourism purposes. The mosques were functional and well maintained, the area was meticulously clean, and the signage was in the Arabic Naskh script which I could read. In deference to custom the food stalls did not sell pork products.
However this is the Muslim quarter for tourists , I met Hui Muslim colleagues both male and female who lived in condos and single homes in housing estates side by side with the rest of the population. There is no discrimination in housing. In looks, dress, and language ( even names) both male and female Hui Muslims are indistinguishable from their Han brethren and I only found out because of my own identity and when they disclosed their own. Otherwise I would never have known. They were engineers, I T professionals , doctors, accountants teachers etc. I envied them, because they were educated, prosperous, and proud citizens of a mighty nation. I even contemplated settling permanently in Shanxi but China grants citizenship only by birth or marriage and I did not qualify.

Other secular Muslim populations in the world have shown remarkable progress.
Turkey embarked on a path of secular modernization in 1920 and so did six Central Asian Republics, Other secular majority Muslim states that followed suit are Algeria, Albania, Bosnia , Tunisia, Syria and Malaysia. Hopefully Pakistan will soon revert to its environment as it was in the fifties and sixties when it closely resembled Turkey.
The fate of the Indian Muslims is not good. India will be building 40,000 concentration camps with hi-tech processing machines to eliminate this population. There is only so much a mob with trishuls can do in the annual pogroms.
Thanks for sharing your views and experience. I have also lived and worked in China and come across the very well mannered Muslim population who often took me for a Muslim as I looked for Biryani around Halal food joints.

However, you must understand that if there is a systematic oppression happening and we support China in doing so then we are being dishonest with ourselves. I have no doubt about everything that you shared in this post and I have experienced some of it myself, but we both also understand that Turkey is not stupid to be championing support for Uighyurs on the world stage and make unnecessary enmity with a rising global power. Islam is simply incompatible with CCP party's agenda and they need to prune it just like they did with Buddhism and Chinese philosophy.

I am deeply sorry that you find India so unwelcoming. Be assured that Indian Muslims will not lose their citizenship. India belongs to them as much as any other Indian and their rights will never be taken away from them no matter how many modis or amit shah come into power. Majority of Hindu Indians I know favor secularism and prefer to keep caste/religion/god out of national agenda.
Yes I completely agree with you, dismemberment made you stronger, I think Pakistan will be even more strong if Sindh also gets separated, you will get a leaner and meaner Pakistan. Also india will be bordered by 3 Muslim majority countries instead of the present 2.

Your denial and delusion is beyond cure. I have met many like you in PDF.
It is treachery to feed such instrumental and ground breaking out of box ideas to the adversary.
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This is exactly where India made a huge military blunder. Indian Army underestimated Pakistan Army's deployment and weapons and is now equally involved in paying the price through blood. India wanted a war of attrition on LOC with this false thinking that Pakistani troops will suffer multiple causalities everyday day which Pakistan wont be able to replace due to the brutal logistics measures in the Kashmir terrain. The wounded will fill all the military hospitals and when fresh troops will see a long line of wounded, their morale will hit the ground. It will be tough to keep supply lines open on roads for weapons, ammo and other supplies which are in reach of Indian small arms weapons and artillery. Pakistan Army will not be able to support troops which have to be deployed in far flung mountain tops since helicopters are limited in number and will not find place to land unless open areas or make shift helipads are made. To further ensure that helicopters don't operate at all near LOC, Indian Army put 35mm and other calibres of Anti aircraft artillery.

While the Indian generals were over joyed with such an bold plan, the Pakistani Army punched the Indian Army right in the nose so the Indian Generals can realise their own stupidity !

Pakistan Army plugged the gaps on LOC by bringing strength of numbers through NG battalions (Janbaz or Mujahid ), which are used as defensive forces, while Pakistan Army deployed regular troops to conduct offensive Ops if and when required. The NG troops will provide flanking cover and defend all supply lines when regular Pakistan troops are tasked to go on the offensive. That is double the strength which Indian Army Top brass never imagined when they were planning their misadventures of causing attrition. Further on, a LID was raised and deployed behind FCNA Ops area of LOC.

So instead of suffering losses through a so called " war or attrition", Pakistan raised another 2 x Light Infantry Divisions, which are impossible to raise when a Military formation is suffering losses through attrition.

Next, Pakistan not only started building and manning posts in far flung mountain tops, but got pack howitzers and mortars to fully retaliate when Indian Army uses its heavy weapons. Not only that but PA troops also brought forward stock of ATGMs for direct fire to take out Indian Army bunkers, this was to compliment the SPG-9 and 35mm deployed for providing firepower. Then SSG snipers were deployed to keep taking out enemy stragglers wandering between posts. This is not 65 or 71 that Pakistan cannot make produce own ammo, POF is churning it out. Old stock is being used instead of being wasted.

Engineers started constructing roads, pathways, bridges to make inroads into forward positions. Then bunkers and hardened shelters were made along with medical stations. The depots and dumps were made road accessible. Pakistan RVFC started getting mules from Mona depot and used them extensively to carry supplies in inhospitable terrain of Kashmir. Thousands and thousands of animals were drafted and are still used today in the areas where vehicles or helicopters cannot reach. Pakistan Army increased strength of light and medium helicopters and made helipads in Military hospitals for quick evac. The 130mm guns and other heavy weaponry with ammo was deployed in inhospitable terrain through helicopters.

Wherever Indian Army built a post and deployed troops, Pakistan built a post in front of it on opposite side. This kept Indians in check and they lost space of area to spread and create a surprise. While Indians post hold more troops than Pakistan posts, the defensive posture of both armies ensure that Pakistan Army deploys its fire power accordingly to retaliate to Indian Army firing. Another mistake which Indian generals did was to tell their troops of how weak and undefended Pakistan's side of LOC, the frustration of troops led to suicides in Indian military ranks. This is why false bravado and brain washing through lies is not the best way to deploy troops on front lines. Logistics became a nightmare for Indian Army and a video of Indian soldier surfaced on internet about his rations.

Indian Army has been caught in its own trap and neither can Indian troops advance into AJK without suffering major causalities nor can they leave/withdraw from their current positions. The Indian troops have to withstand pounding of Pakistan Army's small arms fire and Artillery as and when Pakistani troops wish. The Indian Army has to count its dead and send bodies back home. Now the frustrated Indian media wants to match causality numbers due to failure of Indian General's plan.

The rat who tried to act over-smart with vile intentions to inflict damage has been caught in its own trap !

Sir G, very very informative, encouraging and brilliant piece. Such articles boosts morale of our nation and cements our already firm belief on professionalism of our armed forces.
Ab Kya achanak se msla ho gya ha in indians ko? Inka keera tikta nhe ha. Pehle cheenio se kutt khai ha ab hmse khanay ka irada ha inka
kuch log jab tak zaleel na hotay rahain un chain nahi aata yeh vo neech qoam hai jo sarif gali or chupairon ki zuban samjhti hai...
or is qadar giray hovay hain kay bayzati mahsoos bhi nahi hoti inhain.
Bharat Mata ka Mahaan Veer protected with ancient hindu super tech.....Leopard Urine, Gobar and Mutra Modi the invincible, invariable one man army..

View attachment 688239

Listening to a few sentences makes you understand how fake is he...a pathological liar to a compulsive liar, with all the stunts to show to the people.
Listening to a few sentences makes you understand how fake is he...a pathological liar to a compulsive liar, with all the stunts to show to the people.
he and his gang is just a group of rang baaz...fancy dress show everywhere this low life goes.
2020 Fancy Dress Competition Winner
lol this what I am saying...topi drama is Modi speciality.
he and his gang is just a group of rang baaz...fancy dress show everywhere this low life goes.

lol this what I am saying...topi drama is Modi speciality.

A new tool to fool the Indian nation...he knows how gullible are the Indians when it comes to Hindu religion and ethnicity.

Bharat Mata ka Mahaan Veer protected with ancient hindu super tech.....Leopard Urine, Gobar and Mutra Modi the invincible, invisible one man army..

View attachment 688239

Section 171 of the Indian Penal Code

Whoever, not belonging, to a certain class of public servants, wears any garb or carries any token resembling any garb or token used by that class of public servants, with the intention that it may be believed, or with the knowledge that it is likely to be believed, that he belongs to that class of public servants, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees, or with both.
Modi Ji the impotent man symbol of strength and power of india....

"PM Modi Is 11th Avatar Of Lord Vishnu," Says Maharashtra BJP Leader

Journalist/Anchor Imran Khan talked about the lies Modi spoke at the event in Rajasthan(the picture with the Tank), about the epic tank battle...

Section 171 of the Indian Penal Code

Whoever, not belonging, to a certain class of public servants, wears any garb or carries any token resembling any garb or token used by that class of public servants, with the intention that it may be believed, or with the knowledge that it is likely to be believed, that he belongs to that class of public servants, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees, or with both.
Rules, regulations and laws do not apply to Modi ji The Criminal.

Tell me, How Modi is married to Jashodaben but Jashodaben is not married to Modi? Modi declared himself married to this woman and has all the required documents, but she is not. cant even get Indian passport.
Journalist/Anchor Imran Khan talked about the lies Modi spoke at the event in Rajasthan(the picture with the Tank), about the epic tank battle...

India is nation of liars.....what else you can expect from them.

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