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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

You can laugh ..your army is not ..they are just hiding their pain by hiding their casualties.

If you are really serious & very serious to understand a fact then this is only one time reply/explanation from me.

Pakistani mothers do feel proud & honour if the son is martyred and not just that, but as much as the sons these mothers have, will be sacrificed.. (Unlike the parents of IAF officials that lost their lives in Mi-17V5 being shot down by Indian Air Defence in IoK on 27th February, 2019). Not just that but there are several videos of Indian mothers complaining as such. In honour to our religion, tradition, customs & cultures no one will ever dare to hide any casualty. If a martyred body is not found, it is still MIA. To understand all this, you really need to learn & understand Pakistan. Don't take it all as some kind of sentimental post but I am telling you something to understand clearly. If ever, I mean God Forbid but if Pakistan Army/Military ever try to hide a casualty, we will be shamed by the mother/father/brother/sister/wife/children as a whole nation. There's no strategy to hide at all except that sometimes, your operational requirements are meant to not to declare your true identity at all but that does not includes war time casualty and I hope you can understand the difference.
you have to check if there are elections or any internal issue in india that time .
nope, Modi just won in Bihar.

this might have to do with:

You will soon hear a lot of words in Indian Media like "BAT" "Beheading" "1 or 2 KM infiltration"
seeing a lot of talk of that from the Pak side, "revenge for recent events in Balochastan" etc

Sadly that kind of thing does happen, both ways. Both sides had traditionally kept quiet about it till Modi flipped that diplomatic applecart after the post Uri "surgical strike" op

This could well be planned Pak aggression, well calculated, coordinated with the Chinese maybe to gauge Indian readiness and response in different terrain.. all while the US is in political turmoil.

Let's see where this goes.
You can laugh ..your army is not ..they are just hiding their pain by hiding their casualties.
China hides casualties
Pakistan hides casualties
China lies
Pakistan lies
Even daddy US lies F16 case
Just NDTV has all the truth in the world. Better go and hide in your cave we don't need bs propaganda on forum....
Y'all only reveal casualties on your western front but not LoC...didn't that ever sound suspicious? Since y'all have been brainwashed since decades that you are superior to Indians and it'd be a shame to die in the hands of an Indian...

Secondly, you guys are only revealing civilian casualties which means it's your lot who's hiding behind civilians. If we were hiding behind civilians, how can there be only military losses with hardly any civilians casualties, primarily because most of the counter fire was mortar, artillery or ATGMs which'll cause significant collateral damage

Yes, because reposting Syrian war clips will automatically increase our casualties. Indian logic.
Still looking for the F-16 and 300 terrorists you killed?

Indian claims are nonsense. North Korea is more reliable and truthful at times.
LMAO all the verified Indian accounts are still posting this video from Syria

@The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Can you please share this on PDF twitter and facebook accounts. Quote these verified Indians posting this video from Syria and show the truth
video clip is from reddit and war dairy websites . they choose it as its not show on google because its 18+ long video and bhakts not bother to see it .
If you are really serious & very serious to understand a fact then this is only one time reply/explanation from me.

Pakistani mothers do feel proud & honour if the son is martyred and not just that, but as much as the sons these mothers have, will be sacrificed.. (Unlike the parents of IAF officials that lost their lives in Mi-17V5 being shot down by Indian Air Defence in IoK on 27th February, 2019). Not just that but there are several videos of Indian mothers complaining as such. In honour to our religion, tradition, customs & cultures no one will ever dare to hide any casualty. If a martyred body is not found, it is still MIA. To understand all this, you really need to learn & understand Pakistan. Don't take it all as some kind of sentimental post but I am telling you something to understand clearly. If ever, I mean God Forbid but if Pakistan Army/Military ever try to hide a casualty, we will be shamed by the mother/father/brother/sister/wife/children as a whole nation. There's no strategy to hide at all except that sometimes, your operational requirements are meant to not to declare your true identity at all but that does not includes war time casualty and I hope you can understand the difference.

Well if what you say is true ..then this would not be an issue in your parliament.

"We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said."

why are people surprised at the pathetic nature of indians, making s#it up is their forte.
Pakistan side 1 shaheed and 5 injured this is unacceptable we need better bunker busting weapons the turks are great at making bunker busting equipment why are we not procuring from them their omtas missile is a game changer
It's hilarious to see pakistanis actually believing there are no casualties on PA side even after seeing their bunkers blown to smithereens ...just because they're not reported

Oh wait! you're parliament already stated military casualties won't be revealed so that it won't affect the morale right 😝

and the irony that you'd only find Indian sources to be credible when they report IA's casualties

all India has done so far is convincing its citizens that they are doing a really good job at dominating over enemies rather than convincing themselves FOR EXAMPLE : when india announced that they shot down a pakistani F16 after which it was proved to be bullshit... and in the 1965 war where india claimed that it shot down the whole paf sabre squadron and after half an hour later the squadron was interviewed by the BBC and india had to face global humiliation moreover , when india claimed the wreckage of a chinese jet which India said they shot down but was also proved to be false..lastly at the time when india claimed to have destroyed pakistan base camp at balakot surgical strike but all they did was miss there targets and contributed to global warming by deforestation of the balakot sector... i mean list can go on decades so indian sources arent so credible arent they???
seeing a lot of talk of that from the Pak side, "revenge for recent events in Balochastan" etc

Sadly that kind of thing does happen, both ways. Both sides had traditionally kept quiet about it till Modi flipped that diplomatic applecart after the post Uri "surgical strike" op

This could well be planned Pak aggression, well calculated, coordinated with the Chinese maybe to gauge Indian readiness and response in different terrain.. all while the US is in political turmoil.

Let's see where this goes.

Random people can talk randomly or whatever they deem fit from observing situation. Only concern people are in knowledge as exactly what happened. Given the past practices; I was merely replying in kind to the merit of quoted post. Otherwise, one can call it usual LoC business or if Indian Media tried to say otherwise.

However, no one will just ignite a bit of skirmish for few rounds & ATGMS to check readiness of Indian Army.
Well if what you say is true ..then this would not be an issue in your parliament.

"We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said."


Same old excuses . Same old news articles
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