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Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet


Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet

The Chinese goal is beyond Tibet and that country has border disputes not only with India, but with almost all its neighbours. This observation was made by Dr Lobsang Sangay, the Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile.
Talking to The Assam Tribune, Dr Sangay pointed out that China has been trying to expand its bases after forcefully occupying Tibet and in recent times, the country “highly militarised” Tibet. He revealed that a number of military towns have been set up in Tibet, which has a long border with India, and five major military airfields have been constructed, while the sixth is under construction. He revealed that the Kongpo military airfield is just 50 kilometres from the international border in Arunachal Pradesh. Apart from the six major airfields, a number of small airfields and helipads were constructed just near the international border, he added

In recent times, China has also made Tibet a dumping ground for nuclear waste and damaged the ecology of the area, while the erstwhile independent country is also being used by China for nuclear tests. The Chinese brought the railway lines to Lhasa and it would be possible for the country to bring in troops right up to the border with India in case of any emergency.
Dr Sangay said the move of the Chinese to expand its bases proved the country’s intention to look beyond Tibet as China established strong bases in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and even set up sea ports in Pakistan. He revealed that China is also constructing a sea port in Sri Lanka and it is evident that the Chinese are trying to gain control over the Bay of Bengal

Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet | StratRisks

India could take out Qinghai-Tibet Railway to cripple PLA


A Su-33MKI fighter of the Indian Air Force. (Photo/USAF)

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway — which runs between Xining in western China’s Qinghai province and Lhasa in Tibet — could become a potential target for the Su-33MKI fighters of the Indian Air Force if a territorial dispute between China and India escalates into a full-scale war, according to the Kanwa Defense Review operated by Pinkov also known as Andrei Chang, a Canada-based journalist specializing in military issues.
Earlier this year, Beijing and New Delhi agreed to withdraw their respective forces from the disputed area of Daulat Beg Oldie in the Ladakh border region between the two countries. However, tensions remain as an official border was never drawn following a conflict in 1962.
Even though China’s military is more powerful than India’s, the People’s Liberation Army has several weaknesses near the contested border, the report said. China only has two main air force bases in the region — Gongga and Shigatse — and since they are very close to each other, the Indian Air Force could easily neutralize the Chinese fleet there in a short period of time. As for the other four air force bases in Tibet, none of them are able to accommodate advanced PLA fighters

According to the Kanwa Defense Review, China’s second weakness is that the PLA units in Tibet rely too much on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway for supplies. Once the railway is cut off, it would be extremely difficult for the PLA to find a new supply line. There are 260 bridges and two tunnels within Tibet and India’s Mirage 2000 and Su-33MKI fighters would able to attack most of them with precision guided munitions.
The only advantage China has in a potential air war with India is that it could launch a missile attack against the Indian Air Force bases in Assam, the report said, adding that New Delhi is also inside the range of China’s DF-15 ballistic missiles, which are operated by the Second Artillery Corps, the PLA’s strategic missile force in the area.

India could take out Qinghai-Tibet Railway to cripple PLA|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
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India can never engage China in the near future ...PLA and PLAAF are much more disciplined and stronger than India's ....Chinese fighting ability is much higher than anyone in the region or beyond ...Just do't tickle the dragon ...:china:
Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet

The Chinese goal is beyond Tibet and that country has border disputes not only with India, but with almost all its neighbours.

Oh really?

China shares a border with 15 countries including Sikkim,and has 9 maritime neighbours。

China has border disputes with India for sure。

China also has territorial disputes with Japan、Vietnam、the Philippines and a couple of other ASEAN member countries,over some tiny islands and reefs in the ECS and SCS。

It is India which has border disputes with ALL its neighbours。[/quote]
India can never engage China in the near future ...PLA and PLAAF are much more disciplined and stronger than India's ....Chinese fighting ability is much higher than anyone in the region or beyond ...Just do't tickle the dragon ...:china:
:rofl: :omghaha:

You just tickled me funny!!

And how about you guys stop doing this to the Chinese and grow up..
:rofl: :omghaha:

You just tickled me funny!!

And how about you guys stop doing this to the Chinese and grow up..
I tickled you funny ? May be it's your sans fluoride pale teeth coming out of your jaws naturally ....:mad:...If calling a spade a spade is something giving you a diarrhea...better you check in some other forum ....but again you gotta accept the bitter truth :close_tema:
In recent times, China has also made Tibet a dumping ground for nuclear waste and damaged the ecology of the area, while the erstwhile independent country is also being used by China for nuclear tests.
When has China been using Tibet for conducting nuclear tests? :woot: I thought the only nuke testing site in China was at Lop Nor? :rolleyes1:

Credibility of this article just got a beating. :crazy:
I never knew some 'people' would mind my comment

I never knew some 'people' would mind my comment
India can never engage China in the near future ...PLA and PLAAF are much more disciplined and stronger than India's ....Chinese fighting ability is much higher than anyone in the region or beyond ...Just do't tickle the dragon ...:china:
never say never
you back a dog into a corner he has nothing else to do but bite
It's their country ..... They can do whatever they want .
Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet

The Chinese goal is beyond Tibet and that country has border disputes not only with India, but with almost all its neighbours. This observation was made by Dr Lobsang Sangay, the Tibetan Prime Minister-in-exile.
Talking to The Assam Tribune, Dr Sangay pointed out that China has been trying to expand its bases after forcefully occupying Tibet and in recent times, the country “highly militarised” Tibet. He revealed that a number of military towns have been set up in Tibet, which has a long border with India, and five major military airfields have been constructed, while the sixth is under construction. He revealed that the Kongpo military airfield is just 50 kilometres from the international border in Arunachal Pradesh. Apart from the six major airfields, a number of small airfields and helipads were constructed just near the international border, he added

In recent times, China has also made Tibet a dumping ground for nuclear waste and damaged the ecology of the area, while the erstwhile independent country is also being used by China for nuclear tests. The Chinese brought the railway lines to Lhasa and it would be possible for the country to bring in troops right up to the border with India in case of any emergency.
Dr Sangay said the move of the Chinese to expand its bases proved the country’s intention to look beyond Tibet as China established strong bases in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and even set up sea ports in Pakistan. He revealed that China is also constructing a sea port in Sri Lanka and it is evident that the Chinese are trying to gain control over the Bay of Bengal

Heavy Chinese military build-up in Tibet | StratRisks

India could take out Qinghai-Tibet Railway to cripple PLA


A Su-33MKI fighter of the Indian Air Force. (Photo/USAF)

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway — which runs between Xining in western China’s Qinghai province and Lhasa in Tibet — could become a potential target for the Su-33MKI fighters of the Indian Air Force if a territorial dispute between China and India escalates into a full-scale war, according to the Kanwa Defense Review operated by Pinkov also known as Andrei Chang, a Canada-based journalist specializing in military issues.
Earlier this year, Beijing and New Delhi agreed to withdraw their respective forces from the disputed area of Daulat Beg Oldie in the Ladakh border region between the two countries. However, tensions remain as an official border was never drawn following a conflict in 1962.
Even though China’s military is more powerful than India’s, the People’s Liberation Army has several weaknesses near the contested border, the report said. China only has two main air force bases in the region — Gongga and Shigatse — and since they are very close to each other, the Indian Air Force could easily neutralize the Chinese fleet there in a short period of time. As for the other four air force bases in Tibet, none of them are able to accommodate advanced PLA fighters

According to the Kanwa Defense Review, China’s second weakness is that the PLA units in Tibet rely too much on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway for supplies. Once the railway is cut off, it would be extremely difficult for the PLA to find a new supply line. There are 260 bridges and two tunnels within Tibet and India’s Mirage 2000 and Su-33MKI fighters would able to attack most of them with precision guided munitions.
The only advantage China has in a potential air war with India is that it could launch a missile attack against the Indian Air Force bases in Assam, the report said, adding that New Delhi is also inside the range of China’s DF-15 ballistic missiles, which are operated by the Second Artillery Corps, the PLA’s strategic missile force in the area.

India could take out Qinghai-Tibet Railway to cripple PLA|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

Credibility of this article is questionable

Oh really?

China shares a border with 15 countries including Sikkim,and has 9 maritime neighbours。

China has border disputes with India for sure。

China also has territorial disputes with Japan、Vietnam、the Philippines and a couple of other ASEAN member countries,over some tiny islands and reefs in the ECS and SCS。

It is India which has border disputes with ALL its neighbours。

We don't have border disputes with Sikkim :yahoo:
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