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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

Looks like pakistan was showing restraint.... Before something just changed we might have 4th indo pak war over kashmir folks... Looks like indians want a good beating on the ground also.
Heard some of the shelling have landed near dam.

That is real concerning if Indian are going to target dams. Artillery shells are no guided thus can easily hit dam walls or other infrastructure. Though unlikely to cause much damage will lead to counter retaliation at the dam.

As it will be counter retaliation it could be with some force thus causing damage on Indian side to dam and it could lead to tit for tat.

Modi and Co are hurt by their failure in Afghanistan, Yadav is still in prison and IK USA trip upset. They should still pull their heard out of their backside.

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Hitting a dam, would be an act of war. Allah khair karay
Hitting a dam, would be an act of war. Allah khair karay
Let us hope so. Even if they did not intend to hit the dam but if they fire off shells in general vicinity and as the shells are not guided they can easily hit Dam infrastructure.
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It's absurd to believe that Pak's first response to an airstrike by India would be to launch a nuke. The poster made it seem like it was some coin toss and India was just trying to test whether or not Pak would go nuclear...it's just laughable.

Of course, it is such a ridiculous, preposterous and absurd proposition, that only an Indian can be capable of concocting it and then promoting it. I think, that the psychology working behind it is, that they are persistently looking and searching for a narrative, by which somehow they can undo the humiliation of Feb 26 & 27.
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Of course, it is such a ridiculous, preposterous and absurd proposition, that only an Indian can be capable of concocting it and then promoting it. I think, that the psychology working behind it is, that there are persistently looking and searching for a narrative, by which somehow they can undo the humiliation of Feb 26 & 27.

Its their worst fear and insecurity. After the humiliation they got on 26 & 27 they were the one that went for the panic button and prepared to launch missile strike.

Their Bollywood bravado and supa pawa balloon was deflated very quickly.
Indians reporting that Neelam Jhelum project was again targeted today.

Any Indian dams within our artillery range?

Don't believe these far-fetched indian claims like the one above. These guys were also saying back in Feb. 2019 that they had confirmation that 300 terrorists were killed in Balakot and that an F-16 was shot down. indian lies know no bounds and indians are the biggest liars on planet earth. Nearly everything they say is to sooth their weak egos.
No, my dear Pak,

Gangas do this for spreading chaos or fear... at least so they think.

Let us never underestimate their hate... they are targetting our civilians in AJK.

#DGISPR has tweetted ...saw it on ARY youtube... can you please, upload it here.

We need to keep an eye on the Sialkot/Narrowal sector as well... never trust the gangaz... Quaid e Azam never did. Let us not go this aman ki asha cr*p either... our politicos are plain blind.

Why are we not using drones to take this sickness out?

They are trying to hit civilians. Have done this many time before too

But to believe in their claims of dam hit are bullsh!t

B@stards are just spreading fake news to feel good and to fool each other
Regardless, we need to keep the alert... never trust this hideous enemy. Ever!

Please, upload the DGISPR tweet.

Don't forget the gangaz were planning this ... just a week or so ago they killed 5/6 of our soldiers with an IED. Remember?

From Afg they are using proxies... inside their assets are activated...

I can only pray for our soldiers and civilians... but we must STOP being soft on ganga!

Peace only happens through strength when you can impose your conditions on them.

Here you go with the tweet:

We are not going soft. Appropriate response is being given and would always be given. Have do doubt about it

In coming days more and more bharati soldiers death would be announced by Indian army and media
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