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Heavy artillery fire is being exchanged between India and Pakistan

Samaa news journalist saying, Indian army is using bofors guns...

From the video evidence this clearly looks like them firing into civilian areas after a death of one of their soldiers. This is a regular thing for them to to do.
Exactly Coward Indians are targeting Civilian population...

It has been like that ever since creation of pakistan .
Shameless countries , using hear earned money to buy foreign weaponry to kill each other while half other population cannot have two meals a day.
no sir. India was created later. If it was not created on 15 august then there would have been peace. Before india there was peace.
Pakistan's successful US visit, Trump's offer for Kashmir & India being cut out from Afghanistan; desperation is all over Indian acts be it more troops into IoK or be the shelling as such. Furthermore, Indian Army is only capable enough to target civilian areas every time to settle their losses from previous encounter with Pakistan Army. It's the Indian choice to raise the bar of offensive but shouldn't complain later. The weapon they chose to attack, are responded in similar fashion. Beware of the parties taking advantage of the moment and India needs such news back at home.
It has been like that ever since creation of pakistan .
Shameless countries , using hear earned money to buy foreign weaponry to kill each other while half other population cannot have two meals a day.

why not use tectical nukes on these bastards!

Neither India nor Pakistan have political and social systems worth defending, yet they fight this stupid fight.

My commiserations to the dead soldier.
There is more to this than what can be learned here by the heavy one sided bias of the narrative.

Troops being moved.

And now this.

There must have been some actionable intelligence.

And something must have gone down to trigger this.

Maybe the Pakistani side feeling lucky after their US visit and news of shiny F16s and wanting to test the waters.

Let us see.

Cheers, Doc
I think Paf should bomb indian installments and destroy their headquarters,their airforce will not be able to respond as become evident on 27 feb and they will face humiliation in the world
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