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Heard this on facebook regarding rangers and student

Was rangers right ?

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Is there any proof that this whole incident actually did take place?
Even if it did, are the details accurate?

We jump to conclusions before even finding out the actual facts.
Beating someone doesn't justify anything..we stand with you bro....i hope those involved are punished... Rangers need to be taught social behaviour,
There is a reason why Rangers are hated in Karachi. Even by someone like me who is a military man 100%. Ranger's personnel are extremely unprofessional and need to be booted in to shape with regards to their behaviour. The unfortunate thing is if you complain to the officers of their behaviour, they completely ignore it and sometimes encourage it.

This country needs bleach cleaning, what a mess.
No one takes pictures in sensitive installation i was a minor when i was sorrounded by lea,s and checked for documents outside Serina Islamabad(no i didnt go inside it :D )
One of my friend recently had to spend a night in police station just because he didnt have id at night police men snatched his phone and even did a little dhakam peel

This is not a Karachi specific issue its happening all over the country and i have mixed views about it
Rangers are very critical part of security they should not be interrupted while on duty or taken pictures of while performing their duties.

This is what a student has posted and many people have shared this post, its one sided story so no conclusion can be made yet but please read it and comment your opinion regarding it.

On 24th October 2016, while on my way to IBA university for a class, I encountered a horizontally parked rangers mobile on Shahrah-e-Faisal. The flow of the traffic had been halted, and I was running short on time. In order to justify to my teacher why I had run late, I took a picture of the situation from my cell phone.

A ranger’s official, upon witnessing this, rushed to my car immediately grabbed me and started pulling at me. He dragged me out of the car and snatched my mobile from me. More ranger’s personnel gathered around and without any justification, they proceeded to kick and shove me, with their guns pointed at me. I asked them if I had done anything wrong, you can search me but why are you torturing me? They sneered that I took a picture, HOW could I take a picture? I kept screaming that I took the picture to justify being late for my class to my teacher, and that that no law prohibits taking pictures in a public space. However, that went unheard and it just infuriated them further, so they started beating me like animals. I pleaded them to delete the pictures and just let me go because I had to get to my class. But they continued to strangle my throat, punch me, kick me, shove me and hit me with their gun butts. Even after deleting the picture, they refused to let me go. They threw me in their mobile and took me at their HQ. An officer appeared and upon assessing the situation, the rangers let me go at his directions. The rangers just disappeared inside quickly, and left me to rot and walk back to my car, which had been impounded by the traffic police by then.

The way they left me untried in a hurry was a proof of my innocence and their unjustified torture over me. If the officer had perceived any threat or any wrongdoing on my part, he definitely would have not freed me. I sustained a bleeding wound injury on my forehead, possibly from a gun butt. Besides that, there were injuries to my back, knee, leg, and internally bleeding bruises on my arms and shoulders. Moreover, marks of strangulation from gripping hands were also obvious on both sides of my neck. My whole body was in tatters and immense pain.

I acknowledge that the rangers have done great work in Karachi for law and order, and as a responsible law-abiding citizen of Pakistan, I respect and admire the work of Pakistani Security forces. However, this does not give them any right to treat a Pakistani citizen in this humiliatingly inhumane and animalistic way. What they did was violation of civil and basic human rights, and I don’t believe that even the laws of these security forces can condone such brutality. Even if they perceived me to be a threat, they could have addressed this issue in a civil manner, I am ready to present myself for checking and investigation as per law. But they had no right to beat me. I noticed the name of two officials, Zafar and Nazar, while other 4-5 soldiers had ammo jackets wrapped over their nameplates but can be identified by me.

I hope that the top officials of these security forces will investigate this matter, and take notice of this and other such incidents of civilians being mistreated by some personnel. These incidents raise a question mark and taint the good-work done by our security forces. Civilians do not pay for their heavy budget so they can boss around and exploit ordinary citizens, where institutions made for our safety become a threat to us.

Although reading this i feel sad for the kid, however I wanted to post this not to mock rangers or any security agency nor the kid, I am die hard fan of armed forces but this is wrong at some aspects and right at few like for example:
1. Kid was stupid to snap pictures of rangers personnel on line of duty without their consent

2. Rangers should have taken him to HQ interrogated him since they cant take a chance but should not have beaten him right at spot.

I do think that kid might have misbehaved while rangers asked for the pics or phone to see themselves what snapshots he's taken. This kid is way too stupid for posting coordinates too of the location of rangers post on public post.

My view is that rangers was right after the events of Quetta attack they just cant accept even a single mistake.

One more important thing for every member here don't snap pictures of personnel of any branch while they are on duty and also without their consent.

you heard it on facebook and spread it without confirming..Bravo, a few laat ghoonsay for you as well.
you heard it on facebook and spread it without confirming..Bravo, a few laat ghoonsay for you as well.
Sir he's posted the pics i dont know whether to post pics of his injuries was necessary or not if its ok i can post it no problem the incident did happened. This thread i created was to clear minds who dont know that "it is not right to post pics of personnels on duty might compromise their positions/missions"

Is there any proof that this whole incident actually did take place?
Even if it did, are the details accurate?

We jump to conclusions before even finding out the actual facts.
yes sir i didnt post pics of injuries and his profile because I dont know if it is ok to post or not. im going to repeat same thing that i want to make this thread to make it clear who dont know about taking pictures of rangers on duty isn't right duty to security concerns many people dont know that yet.
Sir he's posted the pics i dont know whether to post pics of his injuries was necessary or not if its ok i can post it no problem the incident did happened. This thread i created was to clear minds who dont know that "it is not right to post pics of personnels on duty might compromise their positions/missions"

If true, the thing is he didnt learn his lesson and instead of understanding their position tried to get pity being viral over fb.
You dont photograph sensitive subjects with out their permission..who knows what the rangers were in midst of and this guy tried to be a paprazi ,acts like these are done by rogue elements rangers are working against.
Noting the current situation in PAK I guess the ranger is correct as the kid may have been a potential security risk.
However it is not very clear what the current protocol is when dealing with such situations.I guess it changes from time to time.
Also in the US it is apparently legal to record public servants in public places (multiple videos on youtube).
yes sir i didnt post pics of injuries and his profile because I dont know if it is ok to post or not. im going to repeat same thing that i want to make this thread to make it clear who dont know about taking pictures of rangers on duty isn't right duty to security concerns many people dont know that yet.

Looks like he wants to gain sympathy on social media.
He should go and report this to the proper authorities, if he is justified.

Taking pictures of military personnel on duty or installations is against the law anyway, and nowadays it is very dangerous.
Only media should be allowed to take pics of security forces. Rangers have done nothing wrong.

When terrorists recce a target, they take pictures/videos and plan accordingly. And they look like humans too. Had this student turned out to be a terrorist, everyone would have praised SF's for foiling a terror ambush or even a suicide attack.

Rangers are dealing with extremists, political goons, rioters and gangsters in Karachi and improving security situation is evidence of their competence.
If true than very bad and inhumane from rangers part but to be very honest dont you think its little far fetched that the beat the crap out of him and then let him go.This is another way of democracy loving people of showing how bad any branch of armed forces of Pakistan is. especially in Karachi.
Here look at it: click here

Bottom line is, in the present national circumstances you should not mess with the LEAs performing their duties because they are already on edge and given the Quetta attack they were probably shitting bricks already.

In my unrelated opinion I think the guy was trying to be an overly smart *** by taking photos to use a evidence for being late.
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