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Heads of 40 intelligence agencies arriving India, Pak & China not included

I think this is India's best chance to attack Pakistan.
No need they along with US has already overthrown the only sincere, patriotic and self respecting gov't Pakistan had in the last 30 odd years.

They would be fools to attack the criminal enterprise that is power in Pakistan that also happens to be on their payroll
I think they can easily destroy us this time. Internal turmoil, the economy, and traitors inside: this is all India wanted from Pakistan.
Pakistanis are all riled up, this would be the worst time for anyone to attack. Pakistan Army was smart, sent a Shaheen missile as a warning to India who wet their Dhotis.

People should stop posting twitter links as Indians have so many fake sources peddling false information on there.
40 of worlds premier intelligence chiefs are coming to Hindustan and only Farzana Shah seems to know this :D
Its in the news as well. To quote a source...

Senior representatives of almost 40 international spy agencies will be visiting India for the first time on April 24-25. Of these, about 25 are agency heads, said sources. These bosses are from Canada, France, Germany, the UAE, and several other Asian and European countries, they added. This intelligence assembly is going to discuss all top global security issues that are considered to be an immediate threat to the world, the sources said.

It has also been learnt that a common agenda of discussion will be China which is threatening world security in many ways— social, economic, and territorial. Apart from these issues, said sources, the meeting is also indicative of the importance of India in an international security partnership.

The spy agency representatives will be interacting with their Indian counterparts and national security adviser Ajit Doval, they added. They will also attend the latest edition of the Raisina Dialogue, to be held on April 25, said the sources.
right now Imran is the prime national security threat.. he distorted the discourse on the WoT.. which is making it tough for us to confront TTP... and is pitting his cult against PA... the way we dealt with him was soo stupid.... people hated him because of the economy and poor governance... now everybody is rallying against a purported foreign interference... he had to go either way because as long as he remained in power... all Pakistan would be doing is *** licking the Taliban and having our soldiers slaughtered by the TTP... he needs to be dealt with at the right time.. lets hope SS shows some good governance

TTP is an Indian American proxy.... Little children just don't understand world dynamics....
Hara kiri is a ritual of honor, something India lacks.
For a citizen of a country that has made surprise attacks a feature of its military doctrine, you talk too much about honour. Once you figure out what it means, do comment.

40 of worlds premier intelligence chiefs are coming to Hindustan and only Farzana Shah seems to know this :D
She knows everything about everybody, all the time.

Why would they need to attack when our own countrymen are enough for that job?
All they need are few million us dollars

You are funny, as if the Hindjews have the balls to attack Pakistan.
It's not about balls. It's about wishing to live in peace.

We cannot help it if our opponents lack both.
Pakistanis are all riled up, this would be the worst time for anyone to attack. Pakistan Army was smart, sent a Shaheen missile as a warning to India who wet their Dhotis.
I always suspected you ran a laundry for a living. All your 'wet' dreams end up with laundry to be done.

Someone said that circus clowns went through life thinking how strange it was that everyone else went around without red balls on their noses.
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right now Imran is the prime national security threat.. he distorted the discourse on the WoT.. which is making it tough for us to confront TTP... and is pitting his cult against PA... the way we dealt with him was soo stupid.... people hated him because of the economy and poor governance... now everybody is rallying against a purported foreign interference... he had to go either way because as long as he remained in power... all Pakistan would be doing is *** licking the Taliban and having our soldiers slaughtered by the TTP... he needs to be dealt with at the right time.. lets hope SS shows some good governance

The sheer ignorance ur portrayed is beyond anything. Its actually the army who been *** licking the taliban for decades. The army have been funding them and send weapoms and protecting them. Even an idiot knows this and blaming IK for it only shows how dumb some ppl are.
This Indian attacking manjan is to stop Islamabad march.

The aim is to declare Imran Khan as security threat and eliminate him.

--- More defamation campaigns are going to be started, TLP will be launched against PTI
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