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Headley, Rana accuse ISI and Pak Govt for Mumbai Attacks

I like it how Indians compare their terrorist attack in Mumbai to 9/11 and 7/7.

I don't even know what date your terrorist vattack happen. And to put it PLAIN + SIMPLE no one in the West cares. To think they do your idiots, I'm being honest, when my white freinds said to me "HAHA Pakistan lost" i replied "At least we are talking afetr the Terrorist attack". They said "what terrorist attack?" and start calling you guys Slum people. Happy Now? thats what the youths see in the west see as India.

Honestly if India has such a problem with Pakistan then do something about it. You know war isn't the solution, has both sides will lose and you have more to LOSE. So i ask the people of India let Bygones be Bygones, Asia's rise is MORE IMPROTANT than Europe and America. Do the right thing and make peace.

Very few people in India know about 7/7 too or the Madrid bombings or the Bali bombings. Everyone knows about 9/11 because it was America and their response echoed around the world. The point is not what the general population knows - the point is what the Governments, diplomats etc. do, think and act upon.

Of course Asia's rise is important and guess what Pakistan is not on the bus. Even Bangladesh is on the way to progress. And this is actually the doing of the average Pakistani citizen and their inept leaders.
well my friend i dnt agree with ur assessment at all. I hope indians understand this point that the more destabilized Pak gets, more india will become vulnerable to terror threats. ALso india cannot divide pak again since the potential nuclear fall out will send india to stone ages and destroy much of Pak as well.
Bottom line is india cannot afford a destabilized Pak, if it wants to compete with global powers specially China. Pak is already in a bad shape due to inept leadership both civilian and military with no clear goals but if India wants to catch up with the rest of the powers, it must adapt and follow a strategy to address the insecurities and vulnerabilities by dealing with regional conflicts.
In current scenario a destabilized Pak will always remain a hindrance to the indian glory.

Thats what i'm saying too. You guys need a leadership who is pro-pakistani first and anti-indian second. If any of your leadership just for once in the history of pakistan thinks about its people's development before kashmir issue then i can say as our PM has said we are willing to walk more than half way across to extend our hand of co-operation in restoring pakistan economy back on track. We have a huge experience in turning a zero economy to a hero economy and you have to admit that.

As far as nuking part concerned, i think you are a bit more optimistic on turning India into a Stone Age country. Also destabilizing pakistan using covert and clandestine means does not require a nuke response as far as my logic goes. I don't think pakistan will be able to nuke India more than once, that too may be amritsar or rajasthan or kashmir or at most mumbai. One thing I can guarantee , the moment an Indian radar detects an incoming pakistani missile with nuke, three things will go up.
1. BMD missiles of russian, indian, israeli, or any other origin.
2. A series of IRBM, SRBM with a few hundred kt warhead.
3. An entire strike group of Indian Air Force to carry out heavy bombardment of pakistan.

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