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Headley: ISI had no links to 26/11

Involvement of ISI as institution might not have been proven yet, but involvement ISI agents in attacks(former or rogue) has atleast been proven.

How has involvement of ISI agents (rogue or otherwise) been proven?

Merely stating that he met with 'Major Iqbal' or 'Col XYZ' does not make them a real 'major or colonel', and it certainly does not make them 'active ISI/PA officers'. A dismissed or retired individual might still use his 'officer title' for the sake of credibility and impressing others.

The only thing Pakistani officials have said is that the involvement of 'rogues' is a possibility, they have not made any conclusive claims that they have identified 'rogue officials' who assisted these people.

Take a look at the PNS Mehran or GHQ attacks for example - former special forces and military individuals were involved in perpetrating those events, perhaps even some serving ones, but that does not make the Army, Naval or Intelligence leadership and institutions complicit in attacks on themselves.

If 'rogue officials' can perpetrate assasination attempts against Musharraf, terrorist attacks against GHQ and other military installations and personnel, then of course there is a possibility that they might also be assisting groups in attacking India or other nations, but that by no means suggests that the ISI/PA/PN as institutions (or their leadership) is complicit.
Why hasn't Pakistan worked to provide the missing links?

How do you know they haven't, and have simply been unsuccessful? Plenty of terrorist suspects have been freed in Pakistani courts, despite being accused of terrorist attacks inside Pakistan and against the military and intelligence, because of poor prosecution and investigation by Pakistani law enforcement.
The only thing Pakistani officials have said is that the involvement of 'rogues' is a possibility, they have not made any conclusive claims that they have identified 'rogue officials' who assisted these people.

Take a look at the PNS Mehran or GHQ attacks for example - former special forces and military individuals were involved in perpetrating those events, perhaps even some serving ones, but that does not make the Army, Naval or Intelligence leadership and institutions complicit in attacks on themselves.

If 'rogue officials' can perpetrate assasination attempts against Musharraf, terrorist attacks against GHQ and other military installations and personnel, then of course there is a possibility that they might also be assisting groups in attacking India or other nations, but that by no means suggests that the ISI/PA/PN as institutions (or their leadership) is complicit.

And Pakistan is targeting these 'rogue' elements. Slowly but surely the noose is tightening.

Also, those who want to wait to for the court's 'verdict' in this case are the likely one who are themselves the judge, the jury and...given a chance..the executioners.
How come his wife states that OBL was there and she got shot trying to protect him?

Hamid Gul of course is known to give his spin so that he can stay relevant now that he is in oblivion.

When was OBL's wife brought in front of reporters and allowed to speak her mind freely about the events that ocurred that night?
(Reuters) - A former U.S. drug informant who said he worked with Pakistan's intelligence agency on planning the 2008 Pakistani militant attack on Mumbai testified on Tuesday that agency higher-ups were unaware of the plot.

"The higher officers (did not know)," David Headley told a federal court in Chicago when asked by a defense attorney for accused co-conspirator Tahawwur Rana if all of the Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI) knew of the planned attack that killed 160 people.

"I was only in contact with him (Major Iqbal of the ISI) but I suspect his colonel knew about it," Headley said. He says Iqbal, who has been indicted in the attack along with five other Pakistanis, provided guidance during Headley's surveillance work in India's largest city.

Headley, a 50-year-old U.S.-born American with a Pakistani father, has pleaded guilty to scouting targets for the Mumbai attackers, and with planning a separate assault, never carried out, against a Danish newspaper to revenge unflattering cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

He is the key witness in the prosecution of Rana, a Pakistani-born Canadian businessman charged with conspiring in the Mumbai attack and the Danish plot and with providing support to the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which is blamed for the Mumbai attack. Rana, 50, could face life in prison.

The trial in the District Court in Chicago is being eyed closely in India for evidence of Pakistan's government involvement in attacks on its long-time rival by LeT and other militant groups.

Headley, who has admitted doing reconnaissance work for the Mumbai attack and Danish plot, is testifying as part of deal to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark.

During the past week he has told the court the ISI coordinated activities by LeT and other militant groups.

Defense attorney Patrick Blegen has sought to persuade the jury that Headley, who was arrested by the FBI in 2009 in the Mumbai and Denmark conspiracies, is a liar who implicated Rana to justify the deal with U.S. prosecutors.


Headley also testified that a Pakistani militant leader with ties to al Qaeda, Ilyas Kashmiri, asked him about the availability of guns in the United States.

The militants, Headley said, wanted to assassinate the chief executive of U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin in a bid to halt production of the drones used by the U.S. military against militants in northern Pakistan.

"Kashmiri had people who had done surveillance (of the executive) already, and he asked me if weapons were readily available here," Headley said.

Headley has testified that Kashmiri was targeted but not killed by a U.S. drone attack.

Six Pakistanis including Kashmiri, Iqbal, a retired military officer named Pasha have been indicted in the United States in the Mumbai conspiracy but are not in custody. Rana's defense has questioned whether Iqbal even exists.

Headley said that after his arrest he unsuccessfully tried to draw militants out of Pakistan to be arrested by U.S. authorities. Failing that, he proposed to be released to travel to Pakistan to target Kashmiri for another drone attack with a gift sword implanted with a computer chip.

In February 2010, militants attacked a cafe in Pune, India. After the attack Headley told U.S. investigators he had done some surveillance in Pune but he said the work was not assigned to him by his Pakistani contacts and he did not say if he was aware of the planned assault.

"I made some omissions" in speaking with U.S. agents, Headley testified. "You told many lies," Blegen replied.

Blegen also said that Headley had an interest in wrongly implicating Rana in the Mumbai attack. "If you don't get someone arrested, all the weight of the case would fall on you alone?" Blegen asked, prompting Headley to agree with the statement.

U.S. witness says ISI chiefs unaware of Mumbai plot | Reuters

"I was only in contact with him (Major Iqbal of the ISI) but I suspect his colonel knew about it," Headley said.

1. How does he know conclusively that 'Major Iqbal' (and Headley himself accepts that he is not sure if that is his real name) was a serving or former PA/ISI Officer?

2. On what basis is Headley 'suspecting' that the 'unknown Major iqbal's' 'Unknown Colonel' might have known about the operation?

A speculative argument based on a speculative argument ...
'Prime Witness against the ISI' has turned out to be rotten tomatoes and scuttered India's propaganda and lies .....

Indians and Pakistan hating Yanks, live with it and just accept the facts :D
(Reuters) - A former U.S. drug informant who said he worked with Pakistan's intelligence agency on planning the 2008 Pakistani militant attack on Mumbai testified on Tuesday that agency higher-ups were unaware of the plot.

"The higher officers (did not know)," David Headley told a federal court in Chicago when asked by a defense attorney for accused co-conspirator Tahawwur Rana if all of the Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI) knew of the planned attack that killed 160 people.

"I was only in contact with him (Major Iqbal of the ISI) but I suspect his colonel knew about it," Headley said. He says Iqbal, who has been indicted in the attack along with five other Pakistanis, provided guidance during Headley's surveillance work in India's largest city.

Headley, a 50-year-old U.S.-born American with a Pakistani father, has pleaded guilty to scouting targets for the Mumbai attackers, and with planning a separate assault, never carried out, against a Danish newspaper to revenge unflattering cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

He is the key witness in the prosecution of Rana, a Pakistani-born Canadian businessman charged with conspiring in the Mumbai attack and the Danish plot and with providing support to the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which is blamed for the Mumbai attack. Rana, 50, could face life in prison.

The trial in the District Court in Chicago is being eyed closely in India for evidence of Pakistan's government involvement in attacks on its long-time rival by LeT and other militant groups.

Headley, who has admitted doing reconnaissance work for the Mumbai attack and Danish plot, is testifying as part of deal to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark.

During the past week he has told the court the ISI coordinated activities by LeT and other militant groups.

Defense attorney Patrick Blegen has sought to persuade the jury that Headley, who was arrested by the FBI in 2009 in the Mumbai and Denmark conspiracies, is a liar who implicated Rana to justify the deal with U.S. prosecutors.


Headley also testified that a Pakistani militant leader with ties to al Qaeda, Ilyas Kashmiri, asked him about the availability of guns in the United States.

The militants, Headley said, wanted to assassinate the chief executive of U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin in a bid to halt production of the drones used by the U.S. military against militants in northern Pakistan.

"Kashmiri had people who had done surveillance (of the executive) already, and he asked me if weapons were readily available here," Headley said.

Headley has testified that Kashmiri was targeted but not killed by a U.S. drone attack.

Six Pakistanis including Kashmiri, Iqbal, a retired military officer named Pasha have been indicted in the United States in the Mumbai conspiracy but are not in custody. Rana's defense has questioned whether Iqbal even exists.

Headley said that after his arrest he unsuccessfully tried to draw militants out of Pakistan to be arrested by U.S. authorities. Failing that, he proposed to be released to travel to Pakistan to target Kashmiri for another drone attack with a gift sword implanted with a computer chip.

In February 2010, militants attacked a cafe in Pune, India. After the attack Headley told U.S. investigators he had done some surveillance in Pune but he said the work was not assigned to him by his Pakistani contacts and he did not say if he was aware of the planned assault.

"I made some omissions" in speaking with U.S. agents, Headley testified. "You told many lies," Blegen replied.

Blegen also said that Headley had an interest in wrongly implicating Rana in the Mumbai attack. "If you don't get someone arrested, all the weight of the case would fall on you alone?" Blegen asked, prompting Headley to agree with the statement.

U.S. witness says ISI chiefs unaware of Mumbai plot | Reuters

another story emerges :lol::lol::lol:

they just cant stop
How does he know senior officers were not involved.
The guy is clearly a liar. Trying to save isi's face eh?
another story emerges :lol::lol::lol:

they just cant stop

Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq anyone?

And that was a claim made by the 'Highest American Officials' in front of the leaders of the entire world in the United Nations.

And still people refuse to learn and treat 'intelligence reports', media sensationalization and 'anonymous sources' as being a substitute for credible evidence.

Nothign, zilch, nada - nothing to support ISI invovlement in terrorism in India, and nothing to support ISI support for Taliban in Afghanistan, and certainly nothing to justify allegations of ISI support/knowedge of Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan.

Rumors, propaganda, BS and bald faced lies is what we are treated to from the 'magnificent free, fair and objective media' of the 'Worlds Largest and Oldest Democracies'.
How does he know senior officers were not involved.

Yes, he doesn't even know if 'Major Iqbal' was his contacts real name, let alone his real 'rank' or 'profession'.

In essence, there is no evidence of ISI involvement, rogue or institutional, in the Mumbai attacks or any other terrorist attack.

Just rumors, propaganda and bald faced lies and BS.
"I made some omissions" in speaking with U.S. agents, Headley testified. "You told many lies," Blegen replied.

Blegen also said that Headley had an interest in wrongly implicating Rana in the Mumbai attack. "If you don't get someone arrested, all the weight of the case would fall on you alone?" Blegen asked, prompting Headley to agree with the statement.
headley is a US agent, he is playing with both CIA and RAW to give a false witness statement, and now this idiot is in trouble after he has been busted
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