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Hawaii Air Guard F-22s Deploy To The Middle East As Tensions With Russia Build

The F-117 was shot down due to poor mission planning. It kept flying the same flight path over several days, and didn't have radar warning receivers to alert them that they were flying right over radars during that timespan. They knew where the F-117 would be and locked on when its bomb bay doors opened. Ever wonder why more F-117's and B-2's weren't shot down? The Serbs didn't magically discover how to defeat stealth.

Two US Air Force Generals are on record as stating that the F-35 is stealthier than the F-22, largely due to advances in electronics, materials, and RAM coatings.

We are not stupid to have invested nearly a trillion dollars in F35 program. But fanboys would refuse to accept logic since it creates too much dissonance in their heads !
Let's not jump the gun. USAF in the region is not to threaten russian mainland. It just ups the wherewithal which would be needed to carry out a sustained unchallenged operation over syria.

LOL what I meant was Russia tried to gave a strong message to US by sending Su 35 air superiority/multi role fighters to Syria "Oh we'll gonna engage anyone who'll try to challenge us there" but truth is Russia cannot match US's capability to wage war so far away. And only way to match that is to move more advance front line jets to Syria which basically means very thin line of defence for Mother Russia nd if situation goes really bad and war reaches motherland then it will be defenceless . So will Putin do that ? Naaah. :enjoy:
The F-117 was shot down due to poor mission planning. It kept flying the same flight path over several days, and didn't have radar warning receivers to alert them that they were flying right over radars during that timespan. They knew where the F-117 would be and locked on when its bomb bay doors opened. Ever wonder why more F-117's and B-2's weren't shot down? The Serbs didn't magically discover how to defeat stealth.

Two US Air Force Generals are on record as stating that the F-35 is stealthier than the F-22, largely due to advances in electronics, materials, and RAM coatings.

1- and what about F35 and F22 !? these fighters need to open their weapon door is open , right !?

2- I'm not the only one is who doubting this kind of claim ...
Hostage makes another, very interesting comparison between the F-22 and the F-35.

The F-35′s cross section is much smaller than the F-22′s. “The F-35 doesn’t have the altitude, doesn’t have the speed [of the F-22], but it can beat the F-22 in stealth.”

Now, we all know that a lot of things can go happen between the interviewee’s brain and the interviewer’s keyboard, but the idea that the F-35 is stealthier than the F-22 contradicts pretty much everything that has been said about the program for the past 20 years, including the reporting of my former colleague, the usually well-informed Dave Fulghum.

The statement is curious for other reasons. Nobody ever suggested in the program’s formative years that the goal was to beat the F-22's stealth - and indeed that would be extremely unlikely since the JSF was designed for export. Stealth, along with other requirements, was also subject to trades in the development of the final JSF requirement, and less important than life-cycle cost.

The geometrical basics of stealth -- sweep and cant angles, minimized small-radius curves and nozzle design -- favor the F-22, and everything anyone has said about radar absorbent materials for years has been about life-cycle cost rather than performance.

F-35 Stealthier Than F-22? | Ares
We are not stupid to have invested nearly a trillion dollars in F35 program. But fanboys would refuse to accept logic since it creates too much dissonance in their heads !

One of the Generals laughed that anyone could tell how stealthy an aircraft is by just looking at its shape alone. That's just one aspect of stealth among many.

To be honest, and I suspect the Pentagon feels this way to, but a squadron of F-22's would make mincemeat out of Russian aircraft over Syria. Call me a fanboy, but I think that's the reality of it.
1- and what about F35 and F22 !? these fighters need to open their weapon door is open , right !?

2- I'm not the only one is who doubting this kind of claim ...

Of course you are not the one making the claim but you are selectively cherry picking to suit your perspective. F35s are a generation ahead than any other 5th gen fighter !

And how come this thread is about F35 ? Let's discuss the fighters which are deployed there. Shall we ?
I think Putin is not only out there for one-upmanshim-show, rather some allied blood for financial treachery against the bear......... moreover, others singing the F-22 ga-ga-goo-goo......... it's no game changer....... you need balls of steel to shoot at the Russians, which I firmly believe the Yanks lack. God forbid a UAE/Saudi fighter engages a Russian fighter, I'd love to see the consequences of that day....... and I bet, I'll be telling my grand kids that once upon a time there was a place called Arabia - and funny folks in a small country called United Arabs. :D

We indeed live in interesting times!

I agree, however there is a remote chance for escalation - Don't trust Putin to act predictably in his own best interests, this factor alone gives me doubts regarding whether Russia would back off.
One of the Generals laughed that anyone could tell how stealthy an aircraft is by just looking at its shape alone. That's just one aspect of stealth among many.

To be honest, and I suspect the Pentagon feels this way to, but a squadron of F-22's would make mincemeat out of Russian aircraft over Syria. Call me a fanboy, but I think that's the reality of it.

It is ironical that stealth is a topic which is most discussed on forums and easily the most misunderstood concept at the same time. Visual analysis of stealth is actually a red flag of the poster's mental capability rather than platform's.
Agreed on this. If F-22 gets shot down ,it will greatly harm the reputation of American arms aviation industry

As if F-22 was open for sale..?

The chances for that is highly unlikely but even if it did, what matters is the afterwards...in case a F-22 was shot down by Russian aircraft, I think reputation of defense companies would be the last thing the World is going to have to worry about.

Of course you are not the one making the claim but you are selectively cherry picking to suit your perspective. F35s are a generation ahead than any other 5th gen fighter !

And how come this thread is about F35 ? Let's discuss the fighters which are deployed there. Shall we ?

if it was a generation ahead than any other 5th gen fighter , then it would be 6th gen fighter jet not 5th ....
it has some nice feature but in the end , it is another fighter ...
you are putting all your apple in one basket ....

well , F22 is belong to 90s , now it should face 2010s radars ... lets see what will happen ...
I think Putin is not only out there for one-upmanshim-show, rather some allied blood for financial treachery against the bear......... moreover, others singing the F-22 ga-ga-goo-goo......... it's no game changer....... you need balls of steel to shoot at the Russians, which I firmly believe the Yanks lack. God forbid a UAE/Saudi fighter engages a Russian fighter, I'd love to see the consequences of that day....... and I bet, I'll be telling my grand kids that once upon a time there was a place called Arabia - and funny folks in a small country called United Arabs. :D

We indeed live in interesting times!

Domestic considerations within Russia plays a huge part too in this chain of events. Putin has postured himself as kind of messianic entity for Russians - who is the only one protecting Russian interests from the marauding West. This kind of posturing leaves very little to space to Putin - He has to be constantly on the aggressive to feed this image or the whole house of cards will collapse.

@Providence rightly pointed out that the very unpredictability of Putin is becoming manipulable. However he missed the point that you never corner a angry bear - it can and it will leash out.

This is a very dangerous game which is being played -

Putin expects concessions from the west in form of removal of sanctions for his role against ISIS, He gets to tell his domestic audience that west caved in to Russian might and at the same time he keeps Assad in power which is according to him a double win.

West clearly perceives this - the tricky part is how to beat Putin in this gambit. For now they have opted for controlled escalation hoping that Putin would blink.

Your views @Hyperion?
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I think Putin is not only out there for one-upmanshim-show, rather some allied blood for financial treachery against the bear......... moreover, others singing the F-22 ga-ga-goo-goo......... it's no game changer....... you need balls of steel to shoot at the Russians, which I firmly believe the Yanks lack.

I'm pretty sure Yanks can shoot Russians in Syrian air space , But near Russia its a different story (Ukraine Crisis anyone.:whistle:)

God forbid a UAE/Saudi fighter engages a Russian fighter, I'd love to see the consequences of that day....... and I bet, I'll be telling my grand kids that once upon a time there was a place called Arabia - and funny folks in a small country called United Arabs. :D

We indeed live in interesting times!

What in gods name these people have done to you ? the amount of Arab bashing u do is incomparable here. Man I've seen Iranians getting along with them but u Sir. phew. :partay:
if it was a generation ahead than any other 5th gen fighter , then it would be 6th gen fighter jet not 5th ....
it has some nice feature but in the end , it is another fighter ...
you are putting all your apple in one basket ....

well , F22 is belong to 90s , now it should face 2010s radars ... lets see what will happen ...

Hey boy ! Stop pestering me with your F35 rambles which are uninformed at best.

When I said F35 is a generation ahead it means in the current dimensions of measuring a fighter or integrating the dimensions with maximum effect. You will have a 6th gen fighter when you can add another dimension to it ..

Now if you have to say something about the fighters being deployed there viz F-22 & Su 30SMs then I am all ears !
I'm pretty sure Yanks can shoot Russians in Syrian air space , But near Russia its a different story (Ukraine Crisis anyone.:whistle:)

shooting air craft is not that hard , facing the consequence of this action is another thing ...
shooting air craft is not that hard , facing the consequence of this action is another thing ...

I think russia wont mind losing a plane or two just to get the opertunity to study f-22's performance.
Hey boy ! Stop pestering me with your F35 rambles which are uninformed at best.

When I said F35 is a generation ahead it means in the current dimensions of measuring a fighter or integrating the dimensions with maximum effect. You will have a 6th gen fighter when you can add another dimension to it ..

Now if you have to say something about the fighters being deployed there viz F-22 & Su 30SMs then I am all ears !

dude , you are comparing two fighter from two different generation .... its just like F14 vs Mig 21 ....

if Su 30SMs are linked with Russian Ground radars or their fleet radars , they have chance for win ( 30 or 35 chance - if they could detect that F22) but if they are not , then their chance of victory is very low ...

and we knew that USA's F22 have support from USA's AWAX and their fleet's radars and even Nato radars in Europe and Turkey ...

the situation is not equal for both fighters .... even a Americans F15 or F18s has more advantage in that area compare to Russians Su 30SMs ...

but that wouldn't change anything .... they already sent their atomic submarine to Mediterranean sea , because they knew that they have no chance against Nato air force in that area ...

I think russia wont mind losing a plane or two just to get the opertunity to study f-22's performance.

or using it as go wild in other areas .... like , making a military deal with Iran ...

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