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Hawaii Air Guard F-22s Deploy To The Middle East As Tensions With Russia Build

Actually Kissinger and Nixon was prepared to attack india. The nuclear taskforce of Brezhnev put them in fear and Russia had a lot more nukes by then.
1971 War: How Russia sank Nixon’s gunboat diplomacy | Russia & India Report

Sorry no dice. Off hand Conversations do not make policy decisions. Diplomatically may be but US declaring War against INDIA and USSR - Pentagon would not sign off atleast not unless nukes were taken into consideration as anything else would be too costly.

Cuba was different because it was right next door.
Sorry no dice. Off hand Conversations do not make policy decisions. Diplomatically may be but US declaring War against INDIA and USSR - Pentagon would not sign off atleast not unless nukes were taken into consideration as anything else would be too costly.

Cuba was different because it was right next door.

Read through the source first. Second,USA in exchange dismantled its jupiter nuclear IRBM's in Turkey in exchange for Russian IRBM dismantlement in Cuba.
Read through the source first. Second,USA in exchange dismantled its jupiter nuclear IRBM's in Turkey in exchange for Russian IRBM dismantlement in Cuba.

I did. Turkish dismantlement was pre-planned. Russia was not privy to this hence made the Cuban Gambit, US agreed to what it was already going to do.
I did. Turkish dismantlement was pre-planned. Russia was not privy to this hence made the Cuban Gambit, US agreed to what it was already going to do.

It was the result of a secret agreement the dismantlement of Jupiter missiles

On Saturday evening, after a day of tense discussions within the "ExComm" or Executive Committee of senior advisers, President Kennedy decided on a dual strategy—a formal letter to Khrushchev accepting the implicit terms of his October 26 letter (a U.S. non-invasion pledge in exchange for the verifiable departure of Soviet nuclear missiles), coupled with private assurances to Khrushchev that the United States would speedily take out its missiles from Turkey, but only on the basis of a secret understanding, not as an open agreement that would appear to the public, and to NATO allies, as a concession to blackmail. The U.S. president elected to transmit this sensitive message through his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who met in his office at the Justice Department with Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin.
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: Anatomy of a Controversey

As for what you claim that it was preplanned. There's a term for it. Saving face .
The first authoritative admission on the U.S. side that the Jupiters had actually been part of a "deal" came at a conference in Moscow in January 1989, after glasnost had led Soviet (and then Cuban) former officials to participate in international scholarly efforts to reconstruct and assess the history of the crisis. At that meeting, former Kennedy speechwriter Theodore Sorensen (and the uncredited editor of Thirteen Days) admitted, after prodding from Dobrynin, that he had taken it upon himself to edit out a "very explicit" reference to the inclusion of the Jupiters in the final deal to settle the crisis.
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: Anatomy of a Controversey

^^^ the above is from the NSA archive of George Washington university.
I agree, however there is a remote chance for escalation - Don't trust Putin to act predictably in his own best interests, this factor alone gives me doubts regarding whether Russia would back off.

Lets see. Maybe it might escalate a bit further . At this Russia is on the line and has nothing to lose. That is a dangerous point.Very dangerous flashpoint.

Oh. we fully expect putin to behave unexpectedly. The problem with such a posturing is you yourself lose track of what you wanted in first place and what you get tied into doing because of the circumstances. Either way, their frontline fighters getting locked on will calm his engine down a bit.

then there is million dollar question in first place ...
are you going to target Russia Air force to support ISIS !?
boy just go an read your people comments in your Media about Syria ...

you American begin this " bombing others in the name of fighting terrorist " , but now , others are using it ...

It's clear that you are no older than a 14 year teen. It;s futile talking to you. To you it's either you bring down a fighter or you get shot down. The world is not black n white.

Tactical fighting is all about signalling what you intend to do or what are the next best alternatives. We don;t need to shoot down fighters. Continuous lock-ons (although easier said than done) will do the trick. Plus F22s will also take out the SAM network. We won't target anything else.
Oh. we fully expect putin to behave unexpectedly. The problem with such a posturing is you yourself lose track of what you wanted in first place and what you get tied into doing because of the circumstances. Either way, their frontline fighters getting locked on will calm his engine down a bit.

Presumption is Putin Wants something in the first place other than to rub it in. Assad is a liability even to Putin
Oh. we fully expect putin to behave unexpectedly. The problem with such a posturing is you yourself lose track of what you wanted in first place and what you get tied into doing because of the circumstances. Either way, their frontline fighters getting locked on will calm his engine down a bit.

It's clear that you are no older than a 14 year teen. It;s futile talking to you. To you it's either you bring down a fighter or you get shot down. The world is not black n white.

Tactical fighting is all about signalling what you intend to do or what are the next best alternatives. We don;t need to shoot down fighters. Continuous lock-ons (although easier said than done) will do the trick. Plus F22s will also take out the SAM network. We won't target anything else.

Lets wait and see. Words are cheap. We will see how good F-22 is .whether a silver bullet or a white elephant.
I agree, however there is a remote chance for escalation - Don't trust Putin to act predictably in his own best interests, this factor alone gives me doubts regarding whether Russia would back off.

Putin can be an aggressive leader but he still lacks means to fight any conflict so far away from Mainland remember these jets which Russia sent are not in great numbers will he be heading in a conflict making his home prone to attacks? I doubt that .

@Providence is right Russia tried to give a strong message by sending Su35 along with 34 in Syria but if US deploys any jets there or better sends an aircraft carrier then Russia will be in deep trouble.
It's clear that you are no older than a 14 year teen. It;s futile talking to you. To you it's either you bring down a fighter or you get shot down. The world is not black n white.

Tactical fighting is all about signalling what you intend to do or what are the next best alternatives. We don;t need to shoot down fighters. Continuous lock-ons (although easier said than done) will do the trick. Plus F22s will also take out the SAM network. We won't target anything else.

so , are you saying that if an F22 lock on on a Su 24 , Russian will be frightened !?
your problem is that you see USAF as sole winner of every possible scenario ...

what will happen if Russians Air force or their Anti aircraft systems lock on your F22 !? this is a possibility as well , don't you agree !?

all of us knew the famous story of F117 .... maybe same thing happen to your F22 as well , but if that happen to F22 , this would be worse than F117's , because this time you have F35 program and all of us knew that F35 is below to F22 in term of Stealth feature , and guess what ,the main feature of F35 is stealthiness ...

you have much more to lose compare to Russian ....

well , if you lock on their aircraft , then they have to speed up their Pakfa program , but if they lock on your F22 , then you will lose too much ...
@Providence is right Russia tried to give a strong message by sending Su35 along with 34 in Syria but if US deploys any jets there or better sends an aircraft carrier then Russia will be in deep trouble.

Or this kind of escalation is preciously what Putin wants. Don't mind me - I have my tinfoil hat on.
Putin can be an aggressive leader but he still lacks means to fight any conflict so far away from Mainland remember these jets which Russia sent are not in great numbers will he be heading in a conflict making his home prone to attacks? I doubt that .

@Providence is right Russia tried to give a strong message by sending Su35 along with 34 in Syria but if US deploys any jets there or better sends an aircraft carrier then Russia will be in deep trouble.

Let's not jump the gun. USAF in the region is not to threaten russian mainland. It just ups the wherewithal which would be needed to carry out a sustained unchallenged operation over syria.

so , are you saying that if an F22 lock on on a Su 24 , Russian will be frightened !?
your problem is that you see USAF as sole winner of every possible scenario ...

what will happen if Russians Air force or their Anti aircraft systems lock on your F22 !? this is a possibility as well , don't you agree !?

all of us knew the famous story of F117 .... maybe same thing happen to your F22 as well , but if that happen to F22 , this would be worse than F117's , because this time you have F35 program and all of us knew that F35 is below to F22 in term of Stealth feature , and guess what ,the main feature of F35 is stealthiness ...

you have much more to lose compare to Russian ....

well , if you lock on their aircraft , then they have to speed up their Pakfa program , but if they lock on your F22 , then you will lose too much ...

So what you essentially said is the fate of advanced multi-billion dollar fighter development program would be decided by a couple of lock-on over syrian sky ? I am pretty sure now I got your age right.

Or this kind of escalation is preciously what Putin wants. Don't mind me - I have my tinfoil hat on.

Want doesn't get. Have you played poker ? You would know then it is not that difficult to keep a high betting on person on a leash !!
Want doesn't get. Have you played poker ? You would know then it is not that difficult to keep a high betting on person on a leash !!

Perfect analogy - lot of times it seems like a high stake game of poker to me.
so , are you saying that if an F22 lock on on a Su 24 , Russian will be frightened !?
your problem is that you see USAF as sole winner of every possible scenario ...

what will happen if Russians Air force or their Anti aircraft systems lock on your F22 !? this is a possibility as well , don't you agree !?

all of us knew the famous story of F117 .... maybe same thing happen to your F22 as well , but if that happen to F22 , this would be worse than F117's , because this time you have F35 program and all of us knew that F35 is below to F22 in term of Stealth feature , and guess what ,the main feature of F35 is stealthiness ...

you have much more to lose compare to Russian ....

well , if you lock on their aircraft , then they have to speed up their Pakfa program , but if they lock on your F22 , then you will lose too much ...

The F-117 was shot down due to poor mission planning. It kept flying the same flight path over several days, and didn't have radar warning receivers to alert them that they were flying right over radars during that timespan. They knew where the F-117 would be and locked on when its bomb bay doors opened. Ever wonder why more F-117's and B-2's weren't shot down? The Serbs didn't magically discover how to defeat stealth.

Two US Air Force Generals are on record as stating that the F-35 is stealthier than the F-22, largely due to advances in electronics, materials, and RAM coatings.
should keep a close eye on what the su30sm's do there.
So what you essentially said is the fate of advanced multi-billion dollar fighter development program would be decided by a couple of lock-on over syrian sky ? I am pretty sure now I got your age right.

well , if you can frighten others with "couple of lock-on over Syrian sky" , then yes , fate of your billion dollar program is depend on it ....

[deleted] I just showed you that there are other possibilities as well and some of them are not good for you ...

and be man and don't try to attack other member personality with this kind of sentence ...
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