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Hawaii Air Guard F-22s Deploy To The Middle East As Tensions With Russia Build

Why isn't the US destroying the construction now?
China will continue to build, patrols won't change the construction activities.

Only way to stop China constructing is to bomb those constructions.
Let me know when the US military grows a set of balls to bomb the Chinese islands.

Are you insane, drunk or just plain out of common sense???? Someone needs a chill pill. If I, as your enemy, can come to your door every day armed, with all the protection and weapons I need, its a clear message that I can also take you out in minutes. Simple is that.

Now at this time in the history, the US and China have an established business relationship and aren't at war with each other. So why bomb China? But this isn't to say there won't be a way with China in a decade or two. The 12 mile "friendly visits" are just a reminder of it, for China to know where the line is. Its exactly at 12 miles off the Reefs, if the US wants for it to be :enjoy:
US and Russia are planning to send the entire ME up in flames..
they already have so many fighter in middle east
wait they are scared of the su 24 25 and su 34 30 hahaha
The funny thing is that if an F-22 was for real about shooting down a Russian aircraft the pilot wouldn't even know he was being painted. The APG-77 can operate in LPI/LPD modes, meaning it is extremely hard to detect the emissions from an F-22. The only alert that pilot would get is when he sees the AMRAAM seeker go active seconds from impact.

Lets hop off of the bullsht for a minute. A stealth vs non-stealth aircraft is about as unfair as it gets. Even more so if that stealth aircraft is supported and integrated with AWACS, other fighters, etc.

But this is all irrelevant anyway because either side isn't dumb enough to take the first shot. I highly doubt this will go any further than a few aircraft getting locked up by each other.
What about the AMRAAM itself , cant they detect the missile itself when it get fired ?

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