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have pak navy developed a new SLAM system


Mar 9, 2010
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In June 2009, it was reported by an American newspaper, citing unnamed officials from the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress, that the American government had accused Pakistan of illegally modifying some older Harpoon missiles to strike land-based targets. Pakistani officials denied this and they claimed that the United States was referring to a new Pakistani-designed missile. Some international experts were also reported to be very sceptical of the accusations. Robert Hewson, editor of Jane's Air Launched Weapons, pointed out that the Harpoon is not suitable for the land-attack role due to deficiency in range. He also stated that Pakistan was already armed with more sophisticated missiles of Pakistani or Chinese design and, therefore, "beyond the need to reverse-enginee old U.S. kit." Hewson offered that the missile tested by Pakistan was part of an undertaking to develop conventionally armed missiles, capable of being air- or surface-launched, to counter its rival India's missile arsenal.[7][8][9] It was later stated that Pakistan and the U.S. administration had reached some sort of agreement allowing U.S. officials to inspect Pakistan's inventory of Harpoon missiles,[10][11] and the issue had been resolved.[12]

this is a quot frm wikki no i know the issue of harpoon reverse-engineer have been discussed but plz do tell me abt the ayatem the authoritys say they have built or if its on any other thread plz doo tell
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