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Hate Against Muslims

Sharon is disliked by many Israelis, even as they voted for him. (see Yaacov Lozowick's Right to Exist.)

However, my point with the Khomeini quote is that Muslims have to defend, explain, and maybe even change themselves if they want to ward off unjust hatred. Because maybe the hatred is just, yes? Certainly I can't be fond of Muslims who follow what Khomeini says, as it endorses exterminating me and my family simply because we were born and wish to remain Jews.

And being Jews doesn't mean going out robbing and killing people for reasons of greed, bigotry, and power, as it does for the Khomeinis of this world. Maybe that's why so many people are out to tar Jews, simply because, collectively, we don't appear to nourish the evil that grips the hearts of so many others.

Yes, I've met Muslims in the U.S. who aren't interested in killing and robbing Jews or other "infidels". However, I think Pakistanis classify these as Ahmadiyya or other sorts of "bad Muslims". Certainly it was a long time before I understood why one of my Pakistani college friends laughed joyously when he proudly proclaimed himself a "bad Muslim".

BTW, if you examine the newspaper records carefully, you'll find it was Ahmadi leaders who calmed down Americans after 9/11.
Sharon is disliked by many Israelis, even as they voted for him. (see Yaacov Lozowick's Right to Exist.)

However, my point with the Khomeini quote is that Muslims have to defend, explain, and maybe even change themselves if they want to ward off unjust hatred. Because maybe the hatred is just, yes? Certainly I can't be fond of Muslims who follow what Khomeini says, as it endorses exterminating me and my family simply because we were born and wish to remain Jews.

And being Jews doesn't mean going out robbing and killing people for reasons of greed, bigotry, and power, as it does for the Khomeinis of this world. Maybe that's why so many people are out to tar Jews, simply because, collectively, we don't appear to nourish the evil that grips the hearts of so many others.

Yes, I've met Muslims in the U.S. who aren't interested in killing and robbing Jews or other "infidels". However, I think Pakistanis classify these as Ahmadiyya or other sorts of "bad Muslims". Certainly it was a long time before I understood why one of my Pakistani college friends laughed joyously when he proudly proclaimed himself a "bad Muslim".

BTW, if you examine the newspaper records carefully, you'll find it was Ahmadi leaders who calmed down Americans after 9/11.

Are you suggesting that those who call for peace are considered "bad muslims"?? It is sad that your view of Islam is such way.
Are you suggesting that those who call for peace are considered "bad muslims"?? It is sad that your view of Islam is such way.

Mosamania brother the title of this thread is hate against muslims. Solomon has extraordinary hatred for muslims. Please look at his posts. If that doesnt show you the hatred enough go onto his personal website dedicated in hating muslims. He is a nasty individual im sorry to say.
How? Do explain ?

See ... Islam is a ideology which is not only limited in spirituality but also it has potical and social theory ....
Therefore Islamic ideology is a combination of social, political and spirituality.
I mean to say that islam needs reformation which means new meaning in political and social theory ...
Just take some Examples ---
(Political theories)
1) Islam devide world in "dar-ul-islam" (means islamic countries together) and "dar-ul-haram"(countries of non-muslims). And islam would carry out holy-war against infields to make the entire world ruled by muslims ...
2) Jijiya tax, sharia law.
3) If u say anything bad about Mohammad then It will be death punishment.

(Social Theory)
1) arabic dress borqua.
2)matrimony law :: muslim man can marry jews or christian women but they cannot marry muslim women without becoming muslim)
3)Sharia or blasphemy law.
4)Muslim men can marry multiple women.
Even going to mosque 5 TIMES a day is too much ... It is basically religion practice not religious-belief.... I think it will be better if this religion-pratice should be changed into religious-belief..

Changing these type of many things means reformation.
See ... Islam is a ideology which is not only limited in spirituality but also it has potical and social theory ....
Therefore Islamic ideology is a combination of social, political and spirituality.
I mean to say that islam needs reformation which means new meaning in political and social theory ...
Just take some Examples ---
(Political theories)
1) Islam devide world in "dar-ul-islam" (means islamic countries together) and "dar-ul-haram"(countries of non-muslims). And islam would carry out holy-war against infields to make the entire world ruled by muslims ...
2) Jijiya tax, sharia law

(Social Theory)
1) arabic dress borqua.
2)matrimony law :: muslim men can marry jews or christian women but they cannot marry muslim women without becoming muslim)
3)Sharia or blasphemy law.

Even going to mosque 5 TIMES a day is too much ... It is basically religion practice .... I think it will be better if this religion-pratice should be changed into religious-belief..

Changing these type of many things means reformation.

What you said about dar-ul-islam and the dividing of the world is not true. Islam divides the world into religion tolerant countries and countries who oppress people from entering Islam the main reason why Islam fought the Roman and Persian empires at the time was because they burned crusafide and tortured people in those empires if they converted but when Islam settled in these countries it gave people freedom of religion.

Sharia Law is over hyped by the media what Taliban and what is currently practiced in Saudi Arabia is not true Sharia Law by any means but it is painted that way to grow resentment against muslims in the world.

Again even in Islam there is debate on the borqua issue but it is a given that it should not be forced and it is personnel freedom the old Islamic Empires did not make it compulsory for women to dress in this way but what is practiced in some countries is otherwise sadfuly.

The law of marriage is just how it is said in the Quran.

I go to a mosque five times a day it is not hard and it is not compulsory either not even in Saudi Arabia. As you can see there is many misconceptions about what Islam is.

And one last note: Islam is a way of life regarding all things and this is how the religion is changing that means one no longer falls under the category of Muslim.
What you said about dar-ul-islam and the dividing of the world is not true. Islam divides the world into religion tolerant countries and countries who oppress people from entering Islam the main reason why Islam fought the Roman and Persian empires at the time was because they burned crusafide and tortured people in those empires if they converted but when Islam settled in these countries it gave people freedom of religion.

Sharia Law is over hyped by the media what Taliban and what is currently practiced in Saudi Arabia is not true Sharia Law by any means but it is painted that way to grow resentment against muslims in the world.

Again even in Islam there is debate on the borqua issue but it is a given that it should not be forced and it is personnel freedom the old Islamic Empires did not make it compulsory for women to dress in this way but what is practiced in some countries is otherwise sadfuly.

The law of marriage is just how it is said in the Quran.

I go to a mosque five times a day it is not hard and it is not compulsory either not even in Saudi Arabia. As you can see there is many misconceptions about what Islam is.

And one last note: Islam is a way of life regarding all things and this is how the religion is changing that means one no longer falls under the category of Muslim.

All of these laws are written in 7th century .... almost 1400 years have passed ... don't you think these laws should be changed making it compatible with dynamic world? Without change of this laws islam will remain static in 7th century ... try to understand it dude?
All of these laws are written in 7th century .... almost 1400 years have passed ... don't you think these laws should be changed making it compatible with dynamic world? Without change of this laws islam will remain static in 7th century ... try to understand it dude?

We believe that these rules and laws were created and set to us by God to sustain us throughout all time.
God gave the revelations of Christianity to Jesus because Jews have not changed their laws so a new religion was in order. Then gave the revelations of Islam to Muhammad (PBUH) because christians as well have changed their rules and laws and have entrusted us the followers of Islam not to change these rules and laws throughout humanity and that is what we will do.
What you said about dar-ul-islam and the dividing of the world is not true. Islam divides the world into religion tolerant countries and countries who oppress people from entering Islam...
We believe that these rules and laws were created and set to us by God to sustain us throughout all time. God gave the revelations of Christianity to Jesus because Jews have not changed their laws so a new religion was in order. Then gave the revelations of Islam to Muhammad (PBUH) because christians as well have changed their rules and laws and have entrusted us the followers of Islam not to change these rules and laws throughout humanity and that is what we will do.
Did you ever wonder what Islam looked like from the viewpoint of the Jews or Christians who became subjecd to Muhammad's rule?
We believe that these rules and laws were created and set to us by God to sustain us throughout all time. God gave the revelations of Christianity to Jesus because Jews have not changed their laws so a new religion was in order. Then gave the revelations of Islam to Muhammad (PBUH) because christians as well have changed their rules and laws and have entrusted us the followers of Islam not to change these rules and laws throughout humanity and that is what we will do.

And the Mormons (LDS Church) believe that THEY got the "latest and greatest" revelation from God, and all others are bunk.

It's not how new a religion is, it's what it teaches. At the core, all of the great religions preach peace and tolerance. It is what is mis-interpreted, misunderstood, or ignored, that causes conflict.
However, my point with the Khomeini quote is that Muslims have to defend, explain, and maybe even change themselves if they want to ward off unjust hatred. Because maybe the hatred is just, yes? Certainly I can't be fond of Muslims who follow what Khomeini says, as it endorses exterminating me and my family simply because we were born and wish to remain Jews.

No, Muslim doesn't hate you because you are a Jew rather because your inhumane action toward weak Pelistini Muslims. You always cry about the holocaust yet you are regenerating another holocaust. This time victims are pelistini Muslims. Another reason we Muslim may find you back stabber because you back stabbed pelistin Muslims with the help of Brit during WWII although those pelistin Muslim saved you from wrath of Romans. This is not the way to pay your friends in need. I do not know the future however history could repeat and you may face the wrath once again. Not from weak muslims rather same Romans who consider you the killer of Jesus(s.w.s).

Yes, I've met Muslims in the U.S. who aren't interested in killing and robbing Jews or other "infidels". However, I think Pakistanis classify these as Ahmadiyya or other sorts of "bad Muslims". Certainly it was a long time before I understood why one of my Pakistani college friends laughed joyously when he proudly proclaimed himself a "bad Muslim".

Ahmadiyya follow another religion. They are faith has no relation with follower of Mohammed(S.W.S). Hence, being bad or good Muslims irrelevant with respect to Ahmadiyya.
Did you ever wonder what Islam looked like from the viewpoint of the Jews or Christians who became subjecd to Muhammad's rule?

Stick to the thread. We are not interested about the viewpoint of jews or Christians on this thread.If you want to discuss this then start another zioistic anti islamic anti pakistani thread young man.
No, Muslim doesn't hate you because you are a Jew rather because your inhumane action toward weak Pelistini Muslims. You always cry about the holocaust yet you are regenerating another holocaust. This time victims are pelistini Muslims. Another reason we Muslim may find you back stabber because you back stabbed pelistin Muslims with the help of Brit during WWII although those pelistin Muslim saved you from wrath of Romans. This is not the way to pay your friends in need. I do not know the future however history could repeat and you may face the wrath once again. Not from weak muslims rather same Romans who consider you the killer of Jesus(s.w.s).

Yes, I've met Muslims in the U.S. who aren't interested in killing and robbing Jews or other "infidels". However, I think Pakistanis classify these as Ahmadiyya or other sorts of "bad Muslims". Certainly it was a long time before I understood why one of my Pakistani college friends laughed joyously when he proudly proclaimed himself a "bad Muslim".[/QUOTE

Ahmadiyya follow another religion. They are faith has no relation with follower of Mohammed(S.W.S).

He knows what Ahmadiyya are. He only mentioned it on here to get under our skins and annoy us. Sadly for him we know what his motive and intention is. As the thread title says he is full of hate against Muslims, especially Pakistani muslims
Ahmadiyya beliefs are weird.

I know bro. Each to their own kind. They can believe whatever they want. What i was trying to say was this is one of the methods acquired by solomon2 to wind us up and slag each other off. He loves hating Muslims and tries to say this in numerous different ways. Gives him a buzz. I can tell. Sadly his buzz is getting smaller as we have clocked onto his behavior.
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