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Hate Against Muslims

Actually most of the people in US and rest of the world do see muslims as a threat just because of few terrorists what I want to what are steps taken by US govt for such kind of attacks againt muslim population.

The problem is the US media is feeding the hate not the other way around.
What about the hate of muslims against everyone else ?

And this is exactly what we are against here. Media bran washing that you have fallen a victim to.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

YGBSM... a PRO-MUSLIM, PRO-TOLERANCE video is being slammed! Amazing!

Again Chogy we are not slamming the video we are agreeing with the content of the video. The video clearly shows how Anti-Islam sentiment is being fed to the American puplic.
I'm blown away... some of you totally missed the point. The commentator was mocking the anti-Muslim crowd, and SUPPORTING Muslims. He showed a handful of idiots who call for strip searching Muslim males, etc. and proceeded to slam them.

Did anyone actually watch the whole thing?

It was a superb commentary on the dangers of bigotry.

Again, the purpose of the video was to encourage people to reject anti-Muslim sentiments. It was PRO-Muslim.

---------- Post added at 10:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ----------

Incredible... I have to add, Yeti, you didn't even watch the video, did you? Admit it.

WATCH THE VIDEO before you comment!!

Before you go into retard mode and accuse everyone here being anti-american and not watching the vid, most have the sence not to watch such garbage thats is Fox news.
It would be certainly in your best interest and strengthen you agrument if you can show other vids of FOX news defending muslims - otherwise as it stands your post is nothing but meaningless. Even you fellow countrymen knows how much fox news spit out bigtory false
news (afterall it was created for a bear add -MIller)
And that your flaming , attcking others on this forum ( May I suggest you leave and drop your patrotic american way since you can't respect you very 'Old Glory' no respect for freedom of speech - you commi loving american) is a result of trolling.
Including that fact of making fun of familes who lost their loved ones by US troops by saying its all colateral damage or they didn't do it.

The problem is the US media is feeding the hate not the other way around.

Dude these media guys are like mad dogs they feed that what they think will bring profit to them
I love documentaries for this purpose (gaining knowledge)
And this is exactly what we are against here. Media bran washing that you have fallen a victim to.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

Again Chogy we are not slamming the video we are agreeing with the content of the video. The video clearly shows how Anti-Islam sentiment is being fed to the American puplic.

Dude this is not a one sided thing a similar thing happens in the islamic world also (may these guys learn that its the peace we need in the end)

Quote me where I am defending Fox. I am defending this video. Nothing more.

Again Chogy we are not slamming the video we are agreeing with the content of the video. The video clearly shows how Anti-Islam sentiment is being fed to the American puplic.

Explain it to me then... how is the video showing the "feeding" of anti-Islamic sentiment? The narrator is showing isolated episodes of bigoted idiots, and exclaiming "This is NOT appropriate."

It would be like a Pakistani station creating a 5-minute clip explaining "Every American you see is not a CIA agent. Nor is he an enemy of Pakistan. Be tolerant."
And this is exactly what we are against here. Media bran washing that you have fallen a victim to.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

Again Chogy we are not slamming the video we are agreeing with the content of the video. The video clearly shows how Anti-Islam sentiment is being fed to the American puplic.

Muslim hate against non-muslims is as much a brainwashing as Islamophobia is . it takes two hands to clap . Muslims can't play the victim card here. Atleast no the ones in my neighbourhood.
Dude these media guys are like mad dogs they feed that what they think will bring profit to them
I love documentaries for this purpose (gaining knowledge)

I have discovered even documentaries can not be trusted anymore. I saw a documentary on Saudi Arabia a few years back they brought the Saudi population as if we are living in tents and when it took videos in the cities it went to the poor neighborhoods (Like Harlem in New York etc) and then say it represent how the majority of how urban Saudis live. That documentary really turned me off of documentaries so instead I went into reading.
It would be like a Pakistani station creating a 5-minute clip explaining "Every American you see is not a CIA agent. Nor is he an enemy of Pakistan. Be tolerant."

I wish that was the case...... But would you visit Pakistan ?

Not many Americans citizens live in Pakistan given the current situation and the ones who do are usually working for the US government.
Muslim hate against non-muslims is as much a brainwashing as Islamophobia is . it takes two hands to clap . Muslims can't play the victim card here. Atleast no the ones in my neighbourhood.

So the ones in your neighborhood = 1.6 Billion Muslims world wide??
Before you go into retard mode and accuse everyone here being anti-american and not watching the vid, most have the sence not to watch such garbage thats is Fox news.
It would be certainly in your best interest and strengthen you agrument if you can show other vids of FOX news defending muslims - otherwise as it stands your post is nothing but meaningless. Even you fellow countrymen knows how much fox news spit out bigtory false
news (afterall it was created for a bear add -MIller)
And that your flaming , attcking others on this forum ( May I suggest you leave and drop your patrotic american way since you can't respect you very 'Old Glory' no respect for freedom of speech - you commi loving american) is a result of trolling.
Including that fact of making fun of familes who lost their loved ones by US troops by saying its all colateral damage or they didn't do it.

Wow!............................... nice one!
The channel is Russian. RT stands for Russia Today. I don't know why people are getting so anxious over this :lol:

Russia has been trying to get on the good side of the Arabic world ever since the revolutions started RT Arabic is now of the channels people watch for news and if you think this is Anti-American you should see RT Arabic.....
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