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Hassan Abro latest martyr of LOC

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Shall we stop this now?Coz both sides can go on forever.Score is settled now i think.
What a sad state of affairs..
btw @Zarvan did you not open a thread boasting about how 5 indians were killed .. when you came back?
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Inna lilah wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
What is the Majburiya of PK?
I don't see all this sentiment from the Pakistanis on this forum whenever the TTP kill PA officers and jawans! But when they are killed by Indians, all hell breaks loose!!

That means the Indians are hated more than the TTP, never mind if thousands of officers and jawans have been killed by them. The number killed by the IA pales in comparison!

Ah! But we are those damned infidel Yindoo banyas who need to be put to the sword, not so much the TTP because they are Muslim brothers after all! :P
Not really. I am not commenting on the preparedness or lack there of of the ones attacked. But the opportunism of the attackers. In both cases, the attacked Pakistani forces and Indian forces were guilty of letting their guard down near battle zones and attacking militants and Pakistani forces were guilty of being opportunists and attacking in situations that in past have been considered off limts. :)

Sure kid.. now let UN investigate?

Well, so is using terrorists as cannon fodder and disowning your own fallen soldiers to get deniability. Pakistani Army has done both in past, so why are you surprised now..

As i said.. it was ur own army destroying its "own" bunkers and playing dead enemy soldiers to get medals... thts one of the reason the imaginery "Pak soldiers" are buried in imaginery graves.... and no protests by their families etc....

Hassan Abro latest martyr of LOC don't worry brother we would take your revenge and soon lot of Indian soldiers would loose their lives @AUz @Aeronaut @Leader @WebMaster @nuclearpak @Oscar @Antibody @RazPaK @Jazzbot @RAMPAGE @F.O.X @Icarus @Xeric and others :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Mods, close this thread, This soldier attained shahadat in Orakzai agency (Tirah valley) not at LOC, Even his pics are in Martyrs thread.

He was a resident of Kahuta and attained martyrdom in last week of may.

Advice to OP. atleast you are active and elite member, you should do little research before opening a thread

More blood in futility- RIP

@Oscar @nuclearpak please check the veracity of news and close the thread.

No soldier died at LoC today
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