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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

Zia never tried to Establish Islam completely and its not what Islam has done its what the wrong decisions not Jihad of Afghanista but after it have done dont try to mix up things because what you did with SIKH and now Maoists is not that much different

Give me a break.

study and come back!

No juvenile rants.
Forget it old chap.

It is not yorus to hector or pontificate to Bangaldeshis or anyone else!

Bangladeshis are not of the same mould/genre as you.

I may not agree with Bangladeshis, but I have seen Bangladesh and also Pakistan.

There is a gulf of difference.

They are tolerant and you would be surprised that while they are devout Muslim, they do not wear it on their sleeves like you people do.

They will survive and not come to the sorry state that you are in because of Zia and his fundamentalists that he released on pakistan who are killing each other, harbouring terrorists and then eating crow with the US swooping down and humiliating Pakistan!

Yes fundamentalism is what you have to be told. Zia and fundamentalists.

Pakistan was not in this sorry state before Zia.

In fact, under Ayub, Pakistan's economy was better than India.

Instead of hectoring others, get back home, reflect and devise ways so that the prestige of Pakistan can be retrieved, the fundamentalists chained and the economy given the necessary fillip.

Till then, take it easy and look busy!
first thing is Zia never tried to establish Islam second thing is Islam did nothing it was lack of will to control the fight and people of Afghanistan after the GREAT AFGHAN JIHAD

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

Give me a break.

study and come back!

No juvenile rants.

I have studied but you Indians cant face Reality
Islam is not a Religion Islam is a deen which is it deals with all aspects of Life and gives Law concering how goverments and economy should be run

Look don't bring religion into everything.

What about the raid on Osama and his killing and the Pakistanis being humiliated?

Surely that was not covered.

why bring in religion without cause and use it as Three No Trumps.

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

first thing is Zia never tried to establish Islam second thing is Islam did nothing it was lack of will to control the fight and people of Afghanistan after the GREAT AFGHAN JIHAD

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

I have studied but you Indians cant face Reality

Friend, if you had studied you would not have displayed such ignorance.
Look don't bring religion into everything.

What about the raid on Osama and his killing and the Pakistanis being humiliated?

Surely that was not covered.

why bring in religion without cause and use it as Three No Trumps.

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Friend, if you had studied you would not have displayed such ignorance.
Islam first of all is not a Religion its a deen and as Osama case is concern yes Islam deals with it Kafir voilated our territory and attacked here it was case of Jihad and we have to attack and hit back and its farz and if its not done than we will be doing sin because if Muslims and land of Muslims is attacked its an ISlamic issue not just issue of land and to defend Muslims is farz whole Muslim Ummah .

and Islam deals with everything so we have to bring it in each and every aspect of our life I stand by my Zia Issue he was never sincere is establishing ISlam
Look don't bring religion into everything.

Well TTT, sorry to say that you are the one brininging religion in everything. If there is a Muslim terrorist then you blame Islam for it. Look at Tamil Tigers, they made terrorist attack half of the total attack made by every other terrorist group in the world. Did we ever say Hindu Terrorist? Did we ever said Maoist attack as Hindu attack or Ulfa as such so.
It is your fear factor abour Islam which is working behind your mind. And you are not the only one in that club. Islam was heck of a religion for the last 1400 years and was always ahead of its time. May be there is downtime going on right at this moment but will come back strongly as the BASICS are right. Muslims all over the world are taking this seriously and reshaping itself. If you just listen to the muslim scholars you will know. We just need to teach Islam to the muslim. Thats all.
This is the age of stupidity...Bangladesh which started great after separation from atrocities of Pakistan grew as a secular modern nation but now it seems its joining the bandwagon of Pakistan,Afghanistan and Iraq....any instability in Bangladesh will be dealt with full force by India because that will be just too dangerous for the region Bangladesh being way less capable both financially and technologically than Pakistan so it will be an easy prey for India plus we surround them on all sides so it will be foolish for the future extremist dictators of Bangladesh (as it has decided to become a one religion state) to mess with India.

You are wrong in every count of your allegations. Secularism has caused extremism in the country after 1971 and it killed our political leaders en mass in 1975. Secularism was abolished in the Constitution and thus gradually we have come out of the Fatwas from the Mullahs. Now, when a brainless SH should have kept these controversial things at rest, she came up with secularism only to shelve it again in favour of Islam as the State religion of Bangladesh.

A re-instated secularism would have re-instated also the power of Mullahs in the society. They would have vowed killing of secularists and have vied for martyrdom to get rid of it. It is good that SH has finally come to her senses not to arouse the sentiments of the Mullahs. So, the country is peaceful. Do not someone compare us with Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Secular Republic of India. Let us manage our country in our own way.
Islam first of all is not a Religion its a deen and as Osama case is concern yes Islam deals with it Kafir voilated our territory and attacked here it was case of Jihad and we have to attack and hit back and its farz and if its not done than we will be doing sin because if Muslims and land of Muslims is attacked its an ISlamic issue not just issue of land and to defend Muslims is farz whole Muslim Ummah .

and Islam deals with everything so we have to bring it in each and every aspect of our life I stand by my Zia Issue he was never sincere is establishing ISlam

so where was your farz when afganistan, iraq, Libia and now pakistan is attacked and most of the muslim govts criticizing only terrorists??

we are not follower of Islam and expects you to give the teachings of islam with examples.... saying lines of your own is not just making fun of your self but of whole islam religion
HDI index calculated based on literacy, gdp/capita, health. When you guys consider 7 years old kid as literate then ofcourse your HDI or whatever index will look far better than Bangladesh. So cool down.:no:

You must be pretty dense, it should be the other way around, wonder how?

By your half and half theory, Pir Baba, you maybe right.

You are still far from being a superpower, let alone being half and half.

If there was an infinite loop syndrome then this would have been the case.
Why would a country live for the sole purpose of becoming a superpower is out of our syllabus and certainly the difference between me and you.

Talking to yourself, like an old woman does?

Seems someone is a a specialist in old women, sorry but I was talking
to someone with Grey feathers.

Hope you understood what I wrote.

Your reply proves the theory that I was propounding!

What were you trying to prove? Some of you are paranoid 'bout an extremist state
being in formation therefore I recommended "Victim of the Paranoid" for your
sorry kind.

What delusional ambition from a weed!

Divine fate?

Divinity of which religion?

LSD experience is not a requirement for creative endeavors.
Pink floyd and Elvis both are bumble bees in their own ways.

Any religion is divine.
You guys are arguing on this matter when there are more interesting things elsewhere ? :P
You Hindus should be the last person to talk about tolerance they tolearnce you show towards people of lower class every one knows they are called untouchables so dont about Tolerant

that actually shows how really tolerant Muslims in Bangladesh are considering the fact Hindus are a significant Minority there.
HDI index calculated based on literacy, gdp/capita, health. When you guys consider 7 years old kid as literate then ofcourse your HDI or whatever index will look far better than Bangladesh. So cool down.:no:

an 7 year old indian kid is obviously more literate than an adult Bangladeshi.Thats called quality of education.
whatever makes you feel superior coz reality is difference between PCI which is more than twice in INDIA.

You are the one trying for superiority. We live in real life not you people... Just look around you.

There is no doubt, again no doubt tha Bangaldesh is a poor shittty country. And we know it but you dont know your India..
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