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Hasina to visit China in July

Chinese companies are in the receiving end not Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the customer who is paying the money. Keep that in your mind.
All your posts prove one thing that you belong to a very Noble family and not an ignorant fisherman family like many of us. Cheers!!! However, you are reversing the cause with effect in this post. If you believe in what you said, you should ask BD govt to extend loans to China and BD companies to go and build bridges and ports there instead of getting Chinese money and help to BD.

It is the same for Japan. It seems BD is helping Japan by giving JICA a big MetroRail contract and not the other way. After all, you belong to a white Noble family but without an iota of humility!!
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All your post prove one thing that you belong to a very Noble family and not an ignorant fisherman family like many of us. Cheers!!! However, you are reversing the cause with effect in this post. If you believe in what you said, you should ask BD govt to extend loans to China and BD companies to go and build bridges and ports there instead of getting Chinese money and help to BD.

It is the same for Japan. It seems BD is helping Japan by giving JICA a big MetroRail contract and not the other way. After all, you belong to a white Noble family but without an iota of humility!!

That really is the case.

Japan has a negative interest rates and a moribound economy. When it invests in BD on a G2G basis and gives a loan that attracts a positive interest rate it instantaneously gets a far greater return on investment than it can possible achieve internally, moreover it is completely risk free. Add to that it gains leverage, creates opportunities for japanese firms etc. Japanese do not invest in BD out of any sense of altruism, its pure business.

For china it is no different. They are seeking to increase influence, capture market, sell their products that in an open tendering process would never be selected etc.

As the saying goes beware of greeks bearing gifts. Please read a little about how aid or grants or loans are merely instruments to further the interest of the "givers". Now if the receipient of these "freebees" as presumably you see it understand the game and is also do not particularly need the loans they are in a position to turn the table.

BD is doing exactly that.... it has not bothered to utilise indian or chinese credit to full. It has not bothered to take up Japanese offers when others offered better deal and have walked away from international lenders.

BD is seeking loans. It is not seeking aid and it will have to pay back what it borrows. It will shop around for the best deal.

The best analogy i can give you to prove that BD is helping Japan and china is this. They are like a mortgage company, they loan to make profit and for their own self interest. BD borrows to build its infastructure and pays for it for her self interest. There is no need for BD to be remotely grateful, we are paying for the service that we have bought from these countries. If they do not want our business thats fine, if they go against our interest in other areas we have every right to exclude them from future considerations. Its a buyers market and there are plenty of sellers and many options for BD to explore.
The best analogy i can give you to prove that BD is helping Japan and china is this. They are like a mortgage company, they loan to make profit and for their own self interest. BD borrows to build its infastructure and pays for it for her self interest. There is no need for BD to be remotely grateful, we are paying for the service that we have bought from these countries. If they do not want our business thats fine, if they go against our interest in other areas we have every right to exclude them from future considerations. Its a buyers market and there are plenty of sellers and many options for BD to explore.

Impressive logic! You pretty much eliminated the need to say "Thank You" to anyone, for life. Your parents raised you up in exchange for your care in their old time, you teachers taught you in exchange for their salary, even charity has their own reasons to give out freebies. Why bother to even thank anyone? :partay:
Impressive logic! You pretty much eliminated the need to say "Thank You" to anyone, for life. Your parents raised you up in exchange for your care in their old time, you teachers taught you in exchange for their salary, even charity has their own reasons to give out freebies. Why bother to even thank anyone? :partay:
Like a twin tower, @mb444 is a twin blabber of @Black_cats. They are fond of reversing causes with effects. They think Bd has already become another Japan or Germany when it cannot even produce needles for sewing machines. Who in BD thinks of thanking others when they are not taught humility by their parents who also themselves do not know what it is? Bd people are just a group of shameless ingrates.

This brat @mb444 is correct in saying that BD is a more developed country with 7% growth than Japan with a mere 2% growth. This guy never studied a single paragraph of Economics in his life. I ask him to build Japan's 20th MetroRail, although it built its first underground MetroRail (Ginza Line) in 1927 with its own money, engineering, manpower, and technology.
Like a twin tower, @mb444 is a twin blabber of @Black_cats. They are fond of reversing causes with effects. They think Bd has already become another Japan or Germany when it cannot even produce needles for sewing machines. Who in BD thinks of thanking others when they are not taught humility by their parents who also themselves do not know what it is? Bd people are just a group of shameless ingrates.

This brat @mb444 is correct in saying that BD is a more developed country with 7% growth than Japan with a mere 2% growth. This guy never studied a single paragraph of Economics in his life. I ask him to build Japan's 20th MetroRail, although it built its first underground MetroRail (Ginza Line) in 1927 with its own money, engineering, manpower, and technology.

No .... it is your presumption that I have said Japan is more developed than BD. You do not understand how basic investment descision are made hence can not appreciate what is being said.

I repeat what i said before. There is no altruism in international finance. Every investment descision by Japan needs a return and their interaction in BD is purely business nothing more. They would not invest in BD if returns were greater elsewhere.

Impressive logic! You pretty much eliminated the need to say "Thank You" to anyone, for life. Your parents raised you up in exchange for your care in their old time, you teachers taught you in exchange for their salary, even charity has their own reasons to give out freebies. Why bother to even thank anyone? :partay:

Logic is there to guide shrewd descision making.

Etiquette is there to facilatate human interactions.

Each have their place in life. All things are transactional and situational.

Unless i see China thanking USA and the west for lifting it up with massive FDI injection in every sentence I merely see your need for BD to be grateful for loans against which you make profit, and is in condition of using your products and labor is merely self serving.

You want to be lionised.... there may be other nations that will fullfil your needs but you are barking up the wrong tree with us.

You are simply not that important and you can not expect civility whilst at the same time acting against the interest of BD.
All your post prove one thing that you belong to a very Noble family and not an ignorant fisherman family like many of us. Cheers!!! However, you are reversing the cause with effect in this post. If you believe in what you said, you should ask BD govt to extend loans to China and BD companies to go and build bridges and ports there instead of getting Chinese money and help to BD.

It is the same for Japan. It seems BD is helping Japan by giving JICA a big MetroRail contract and not the other way. After all, you belong to a white Noble family but without an iota of humility!!
The problem with you is that, you do not look at the context or unable to fathom that for which the comment were made and lash out at random Bangladeshi posters in the middle. This thread is a benign one. But it was made ugly from the beginning by Chinese posters unnecessarily. Look at the post no. 2. After that, how can you expect this thread to remain anything positive? What Bangladeshi posters here saying is certainly not in a void.

The truth is what China is doing in Bangladesh is ruthless business, not charity. Bangladesh have to pay each dime with interest and procure bulk of the products and service from China. Why China is lavishly providing such loans to many countries? Because they have pilled up reserve, they are just better using those otherwise lazy money and profiting even more. Bangladesh like many other poor countries prefer those Chinese loans over World Bank and IMF, because, more corruption is possible with these Chinese loans. While World bank and IMF loans can only available with strict conditions. Bangladesh like many other countries is giving more interest rate to China compared to World Bank and IMF. So if you think China is doing a big favor to Bangladesh, then you need re-education in Chinese concentration camp.:rolleyes:
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The problem with you is that, you do not look at the context or unable to fathom that for which the comment were made and lash out at random Bangladeshi posters in the middle. This thread is a benign one. But it was made ugly from the beginning by Chinese posters unnecessarily. Look at the post no. 2. After that, how can you expect this thread to remain anything positive? What Bangladeshi posters here saying is certainly not in a void.

The truth is what China is doing in Bangladesh is business, not charity. Bangladesh have to pay each dime with interest and procure bulk of the products and service from China. Why China is lavishly providing such loans to many countries? Because they have pilled up reserve, they are just better using those otherwise lazy money and profiting even more. Bangladesh like many other poor countries prefer those Chinese loans over World Bank and IMF, because, more corruption is possible with these Chinese loans. While World bank and IMF loans can only available with strict conditions. Bangladesh like many other countries is giving more interest rate to China compared to World Bank and IMF. So if you thing China is doing a big favor to Bangladesh, then you need re-education in Chinese concentration camp.:rolleyes:

Agree but it is not just a matter of corruption.
Always best to have as many sources as possible.
I repeat what i said before. There is no altruism in international finance. Every investment descision by Japan needs a return and their interaction in BD is purely business nothing more. They would not invest in BD if returns were greater elsewhere.
So, what makes you waiting to take your BICA (similar to JICA) to Japan and develop their very poor subway system. You can earn many billions of dollar just be helping an underdeveloped Japan. Instead, however, you have been begging Japan for at least three decades to build the MetroRail in Dhaka.
So, what makes you waiting to take your BICA (similar to JICA) to Japan and develop their very poor subway system. You can earn many billions of dollar just be helping an underdeveloped Japan. Instead, however, you have been begging Japan for at least three decades to build the MetroRail in Dhaka.

In your head i am sure what you said made sense but in the real world it does not. No one begged Japan for anything.....and Japan is not rich enough to oblidge even if they wanted to. Japan has given a loan that BD will pay for. If japan could not accomodate we would have gone elsewhere, they are not anything special.
Impressive logic! You pretty much eliminated the need to say "Thank You" to anyone, for life. Your parents raised you up in exchange for your care in their old time, you teachers taught you in exchange for their salary, even charity has their own reasons to give out freebies. Why bother to even thank anyone? :partay:

You know the part that really shows this guy doesn't know a thing about what he's talking about?

When it invests in BD on a G2G basis and gives a loan that attracts a positive interest rate it instantaneously gets a far greater return on investment than it can possible achieve internally, moreover it is completely risk free.

I mean LOL.

If it were the case, surely Japan would be INVESTING rather than giving it as loan to be repaid?

The guy doesn't know the first thing about Economics, but like a frog in his bricklane well, preaches others to learn Economics 101.


Actually its quite telling the deep systemic problem developing in Bangladesh right now. It has only managed to invest 2 dollars per person in FDI outside of its borders. That is a far far worse ratio than even China and India in the 90s when they were just opening up.

In India's case one can actually study the automobile industry results from the Japanese investment + loans there in the late 70s and 80s (and later the Koreans in the 90s). No Japan did not make a "far greater return on investment", risk free, and India was not doing Japan some big huge favour. There was definitely a big element of altruism, longer term cooperation, trust-building etc. It was not risk-free at all...in fact there was strong element of risk present (but Indian govt did get its act together and coordinate lot of policy for it...but that was largely breaking the trend so far). There was lot of Japanese direction-orienting regarding the setup of the factories and logistics etc.

But this guy living in his ghetto in London probably never even walked into a business meeting in first place (i.e what goes on past the "numbers" talk to sell a project or acquisition etc)....so lets just make things up as we go along as our feelings dictate!

Honestly knowing the BD govt corruption, all bulk loan givers have to do a lot to hand hold and shape/orient/steer the BD bureaucrats a certain way guaranteed. It will definitely not be "heres the cash....pay us back in X amount of years" and nothing else involved in between. It is telling that BD does not have the private sector elements to handle such loans themselves or attract (much better) FDI.
The problem with you is that, you do not look at the context or unable to fathom that for which the comment were made and lash out at random Bangladeshi posters in the middle. This thread is a benign one. But it was made ugly from the beginning by Chinese posters unnecessarily. Look at the post no. 2. After that, how can you expect this thread to remain anything positive? What Bangladeshi posters here saying is certainly not in a void.

The truth is what China is doing in Bangladesh is ruthless business, not charity. Bangladesh have to pay each dime with interest and procure bulk of the products and service from China. Why China is lavishly providing such loans to many countries? Because they have pilled up reserve, they are just better using those otherwise lazy money and profiting even more. Bangladesh like many other poor countries prefer those Chinese loans over World Bank and IMF, because, more corruption is possible with these Chinese loans. While World bank and IMF loans can only available with strict conditions. Bangladesh like many other countries is giving more interest rate to China compared to World Bank and IMF. So if you think China is doing a big favor to Bangladesh, then you need re-education in Chinese concentration camp.:rolleyes:
No, you are wrong. A person has his own vision and that comes out true when you read many of his posts instead of a single post. I keep in mind about the overall concept of @mb444 that I have read in many of his posts. In some other posts, he was telling something like this, with a negative growth Japan will soon become irrelevant when BD is rising with 7% growth.

He talked as if all the Japan's physical infrastructures, millions of mills and factories and many tens of ports and harbors will soon evaporate into thin air. So, what do you think about this kind of idiotic assertion? Living in an underdeveloped BD he does not just know what an elephant is.

In another post, he rebuked me tartly for saying that Japan in the past shunned FDI and developed itself. So, what do you yourself think about this truth in Japan? Maybe you are similarly ignorant about Japan. It is countries like EU, US, and Japan that initiated FDI infusion or established the lending agencies like IMF, World Bank, IDB or ADB, and all are in the 1960s except IMF that was established in 1945. Only recently China sponsored another lending agency called, AIIB.

But, @mb444 thinks only because of these agencies Japan has developed when Japan in reality started developing since the 1860s. It built its 1st subway in 1927 with its own money and technology.

About Chinese high-interest rate. So, stop begging China for loans, that is the only way out. But, any amount of loan money from all the sources will not bring about the development of BD. BD has to utilize its own manpower to develop. So, I ask to invent locomotive 4-wheels by yourself.
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What a patronizing tone, as if China was so desperate for that "16-18 billion dollar contract".
There is an ethic in professionalism and that is a client of 5$ should be treated with equal respect of a client of hundreds or thousands of dollars. And also you must not forget that, little drops of water make a mighty ocean!

I am sure your policy makers have this ethic and you lack this! Thankfully Chinese policy makers are not unprofessionals like PDF Chinese trolls .
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In some other posts, he was telling something like this, with a negative growth Japan will soon become irrelevant when BD is rising with 7% growth.

Please provide evidence to back up your claim.
There is a distinct difference between what i say and what your simple mind seem to understand.
There is an ethic in professionalism and that is a client of 5$ should be treated with equal respect of a client of hundreds or thousands of dollars. And also you must not forget that, little drops of water make a mighty ocean!

I am sure your policy makers have this ethic and you lack this! Thankfully Chinese policy makers are not unprofessionals like PDF Chinese trolls .

"Professionalism"! That's what we are discussing here! Very cute! :rofl:
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