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Has Low IQ of Indian Population Made the Job Easier for Indian Military Chiefs?


Mar 30, 2010
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Like you don't need to do anything

You just need to spread a rumor on whatsapp and social media and the work is done. Indians as a nation would accept without any questions

A rumor like killing dozens of Pakistani soldiers at LOC in cross border strikes or destroying some launchpads or some blackout in Karachi because IAF planes flew to Karachi or PAF F16 being shot down by Abhinandan as we saw last year

We are seeing this phenomenon again and again where Indian military successfully saves its face behind rumors and fake news

It is now all very easy for today's Indian military chiefs
Like you don't need to do anything

You just need to spread a rumor on whatsapp and social media and the work is done. Indians as a nation would accept without any questions

A rumor like killing dozens of Pakistani soldiers at LOC in cross border strikes or destroying some launchpads or some blackout in Karachi because IAF planes flew to Karachi or PAF F16 being shot down by Abhinandan as we saw last year

We are seeing this phenomenon again and again where Indian military successfully saves its face behind rumors and fake news

It is now all very easy for today's Indian military chiefs
is your display pic real? is that modi g with IK?
Time will tell. How old are you @Areesh uncle?

Can feel the butthurt

we don’t really need to wait because on a daily base time is telling us exactly what The likes of the Modi worshippers are like.

Lately Indians are going viral with so much crap pretending China has retreated or been defeated - it’s embarrassing and cringeworthy to see.
Like you don't need to do anything

You just need to spread a rumor on whatsapp and social media and the work is done. Indians as a nation would accept without any questions

A rumor like killing dozens of Pakistani soldiers at LOC in cross border strikes or destroying some launchpads or some blackout in Karachi because IAF planes flew to Karachi or PAF F16 being shot down by Abhinandan as we saw last year

We are seeing this phenomenon again and again where Indian military successfully saves its face behind rumors and fake news

It is now all very easy for today's Indian military chiefs

Just as Low IQ of Indian people has made the job easier for the Indian politicians as well...Modi for these low IQ people is an Avatar of lord Vishnu....


And these low IQ Indian masses doesn't know that they have low IQ, because their low IQ is preventing them from understanding it that they have low IQ.
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Just as Low IQ of Indian people has made the job easier for the Indian politicians as well...Modi for these low IQ people is an Avatar of lord Vishnu....


And these low IQ Indian masses doesn't know that they have low IQ, because there low IQ is preventing them from understanding it that they have low IQ.

check this tweet:

more than 1 thousand RTs. More than 3 thousand likes

And not a single person from India to question this bullsh!t. Not a single person to reject it

Idiots are destroying Pakistani helicopters with artillery :rofl: :rofl:
if there is stupidity you can sale anything

in india if indians can think bollywood is real then what else left to question ???????
check this tweet:

more than 1 thousand RTs. More than 3 thousand likes

And not a single person from India to question this bullsh!t. Not a single person to reject it

Idiots are destroying Pakistani helicopters with artillery :rofl: :rofl:
Have you ever wondered why did Indians never want to see the places that PAF bombed on 27th Feb 19? Point is, they perfectly know what's true and what's false.. They knew if they had demanded to see the targeted places, and God forbid any international journalist had gone there, the whole world would have seen the destruction.
Have you ever realized Indians never wanted to see the places that PAF bombed on 27th Feb 19? Point is, they perfectly know what's true and what's false.. They knew if they had demanded to see the targeted places, and God forbid any international journalist had gone there, the whole world would have seen the destruction.

I don't think they know anything

They would just believe anything that can keep the supa puwa feeling alive. Anything that proves to super macho in front of muslim Pakistan

Credibility of the claims doesn't matter as far as it shows that India is a supa puwa and destroying muslim Pakistan at LOC and elsewhere

Islamophobia is at place here too
t is now all very easy for today's Indian military chiefs

BJP Govt has showed this way to their militarily generals...just yesterday some indian general was saying..soon Pakistan will be a failed state ...lol i mean which general passes such remarks ...bjp mindset has also now penetrated completely in their media, bollywood and in general...their credibility has gone to zero!
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I don't think they know anything

They would just believe anything that can keep the supa puwa feeling alive. Anything that proves to super macho in front of muslim Pakistan

Credibility of the claims doesn't matter as far as it shows that India is a supa puwa and destroying muslim Pakistan at LOC and elsewhere

Islamophobia is at place here too
Don't know.. but Indians who work in my company (except one or two) believe that no PAF F-16 was shot down.

But I am sure when they go on twitter, they join the propaganda of their fellow Indians.

Now I don't know whether they tell lie on my face or on twitter.
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